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The present Regulation implements the Federal Act on land law and land rights of 21 December 2004. In particular, it lays down provisions relating to land rights in the Canton of Obwalden. Furthermore, it establishes a Land Right Commission (Bodenrechtskommission).The said Commission shall,…


The present Ordinance implements the Federal Land Use Planning Act of 22 June 1979. In particular, the Ordinance regulates land use planning in the Canton of Glarus dealing with the following aspects: agricultural zones, protected water areas, areas liable to natural disasters, infrastructural…


The scope of this Act is to regulate the granting of permissions by livestock holders to emit ammoniac into the environment. A system of calculation of emission is introduced. Whether a permission to keep livestock or to increase an existing production and thus emit (more) ammoniac is granted or…

International Conventions or Treaties

Ce protocole a été convenu par les Parties contractantes de la Convention sur la protection des Alpes (Convention alpine) soucieuses d'élaborer une procédure efficace de consultation et de règlement des différends dans le cadre de la Convention alpine et de ses protocoles. En cas de…


Article 1 of the present Act establishes, that, in particular, forestry and agriculture shall benefit from soil improvement measures. Soil improvement shall be carried out with a view to land use planning, as well as to protect nature, landscape, cultural heritage, waters and the environment in…


The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to sewage sludge. In particular, article 2 lists maximum amounts allowed for certain metals, such as lead, cadmium, copper, nickel, zinc and mercury. Article 3 regulates the modalities of the sampling of soil. The text consists of 6 articles.…


The present Ordinance lays down provisions relating to maximum amounts of metals in the composition of soil. In particular, it lists respectively precautionary values, admissible values, and examination values of certain substances, such as lead, cadmium, copper, nickel, zinc and mercury. The…


The present Act lays down provisions relating to the expropriation of land. Article 1 establishes that the right to property is guaranteed. Nevertheless, the Canton may acquire land or objects - if it is in the interest of the public - by means of expropriation. Article 2 lists the cases in…


This Decree provides criteria for judging if a project for the restructuring of polluted soil must be carried out completely by its owner/polluter, or a limited restructuring which allows isolation and control of the pollution suffices. The criteria balance costs of restructuring against the…


L’article 1er du susdit règlement établit que le plan d’aménagement global «Haff Réimech», constitué par le plan d’occupation des sols joint en annexe qui fait partie intégrante du présent règlement grand-ducal, est déclaré obligatoire. Ce plan englobe des fonds situés sur le territoire de la…


Le susdit arrêté porte la réglementation relative à l’exécution de l'article 37, alinéa 2, de la loi du 29 mars 1962 organique de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme. Ce dernier article a trait à l’indemnité à charge, suivant le cas, de l'Etat, de l'association…


La susdite ordonnance porte la réglementation relative à l’organique de la planification et de l’urbanisme. L’article 2 établit que le développement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, en ce compris l'aménagement de son territoire, est fixé par les plans régionaux et communaux énuméré dans…