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Displaying 2005 - 2016 of 17995

Soil Nutrient and Water management in Crop production

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022

At the end of the module participants will be able to: to identify and demonstrate the Challenges of Climate Change to Soils and Fertility Management; to explain and demonstrate the concepts of Landscape Approach for Achieving Climate Smart Agriculture through Nutrient Management; to demonstrate and apply the Concepts and Principles of Soil Health and Soil Fertility Management for Crop Producti

Mediation and moderation roles of resilience capacity in the shock–food-security nexus in northern Ghana

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022

This paper examines how resilience capacity mediates or moderates the relationship between weather shocks and household food security based on two waves of farm household survey and satellite-based weather data in northern Ghana and applying econometric models. Results show that resilience capacity moderate or mediates the negative effects of heat stress and drought on food security.

Drivers and consequences of tenure insecurity and mechanisms for enhancing tenure security: A synthesis of CGIAR research on tenure security (2013–2020)

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022
United States of America

Research since the 1990s highlights the importance of tenure rights for sustainable natural resource management, and for alleviating poverty and enhancing nutrition and food security for the 3.14 billion rural inhabitants of less-developed countries who rely on forests and agriculture for their livelihoods.

AICCRA East and Southern Africa Cluster Stakeholder Consultation Report

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022

The AICCRA East and Southern Africa cluster stakeholder consultation meeting was held on September 8th, 2023, at the Eka Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya. The half-day consultation meeting brought together various partners and stakeholders from ESA.
The partner consultation is a critical component of the project development and aimed to:

Gender gap in perspectives of the impacts of degradation and restoration on ecosystem services in Ethiopia

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022

The importance of land restoration has garnered increasing attention on the global stage through large-scale initiatives such as the Bonn Challenge. However, policies and strategies are often gender-blind and designed in compliance with entrenched

Nonclassical measurement error and farmers’ response to information treatment

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022

This paper reports on a randomized experiment conducted among Malawian agricultural households to study nonclassical measurement error (NCME) in self-reported plot area, and farmers' responses to new information — the objective plot area measure — subsequently provided to them. Farmers' pre-treatment self-reported plot areas exhibit considerable NCME.

Climate-smart peatland management and the potential for synergies between food security and climate change objectives in Indonesia

LandLibrary Resource
December, 2022

Tropical peatlands lie at a nexus of competing sustainable development demands of enhancing food security, mitigating climate change, improving resilience and supporting rural livelihoods. Meeting United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires balancing these various demands.