Livestock and sustainable nutrient cycling in mixed farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa. Volume I: Conference summary
This document summarises the major discussions, findings and recommendations of the conference convened by ILCA and its cosponsors to bring together national and international experts in livestock nutrition and management, ecology, agronomy, soil science and socio-economics to address fundamental issues of nutrient balances, agricultural productivity and the well being of the people, livestock
Modelling vector-borne and other parasitic diseases. Proceedings of a workshop
Session one of this report highlights ILRAD's research programs and the modelling needs of ILRAD and FAO. Session two deals with vector and helminth population dynamics with particular reference to ticks, tsetse and helminth. Parasite transmission and host parasite interaction are discussed in sessions three and four respectively.
Modelling vector-borne and other parasitic diseases. Proceedings of a workshop
Session one of this report highlights ILRAD's research programs and the modelling needs of ILRAD and FAO. Session two deals with vector and helminth population dynamics with particular reference to ticks, tsetse and helminth. Parasite transmission and host parasite interaction are discussed in sessions three and four respectively.
Relevant policy questions related to property rights and resource management
The authors started the discussion with the fundamental question: why are property rights important? The central hypothesis of this collaborative venture is that inappropriate property rights institutions lead to resource degradation. Two cases were distinguished: single-user resources and multiple-use resources. A good example of a single-user resource is land.
Stylosanthes as a forage and fallow crop. Proceedings of a regional workshop on the use of Stylosanthes in West Africa
This report is divided into seven sections. The first section deals with biology of Stylosanthes and its importance in West Africa and Latin America. The second section presents papers on the screening and evaluation of Stylosanthes germplasm. This includes genetic diversity, genetic resources, species screening, multi-locational testing and evaluation of accessions.
The Borana plateau of southern Ethiopia: Synthesis of pastoral research, development and change, 1980-91
This document is divided in eight chapters. The first chapter reviews rangelands and rangeland development in Ethiopia. The second chapter is an introduction to the Borana Plateau with ref. to natural resources and pastoral society.
Towards increased use of trypanotolerance: Current research and future directions. Proceedings of a workshop
This workshop was conceived in recognition of the fact that, over the years, a great deal of research has been conducted on trypanotolerance.
Vertisols and associated soils: Bibliographic database with special reference to sub-Saharan Africa
Future of livestock industries in East and Southern Africa. Proceedings of a workshop
The workshop papers deal with trends in smallholder livestock enterprises, research on smallholder dairy research programmes in subhumid areas, disease control approaches and production systems.
ILCA 1992: annual report and programme highlights
This annual report and programme highlights presents highlights of ILCA's work in 1992 under the seven programme themes in the medium-term plan for 1994-1998. The highlight for the theme mixed crop-livestock systems focuses on ILCA's work on nutrient cycling in mixed crop-livestock systems in the Sahelian region.