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Displaying 1333 - 1344 of 3133

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia : Issues in Urban and Municipal Development

August, 2014

The present study examines the
challenges facing municipal governments in FYR Macedonia.
The introductory chapter provides some further context for
these developments, in terms of the challenges they pose
for urban areas and their governments. Chapter Two examines
issues for financial management of municipalities under the
decentralized regime, and the attendant need for improving
local government capacity. The third chapter highlights

Impacts of Policy Instruments to Reduce Congestion and Emissions from Urban Transportation : The Case of São Paulo, Brazil

March, 2012

This study examines impacts on net
social benefits or economic welfare of alternative policy
instruments for reducing traffic congestion and atmospheric
emissions in São Paulo, Brazil. The study shows that
expanding road networks, subsidizing public transit, and
improving automobile fuel economy may not be as effective as
suggested by economic theories because these policies could
cause significant rebound effects. Although pricing

Malawi : Poverty and Vulnerability Assessment, Investing in Our Future

June, 2012

This study builds a profile of the
status of poverty and vulnerability in Malawi. Malawi is a
small land-locked country, with one of the highest
population densities in Sub-Saharan Africa, and one of the
lowest per capita income levels in the world. Almost 90
percent of the population lives in rural areas, and is
mostly engaged in smallholder, rain-fed agriculture. Most
people are therefore highly vulnerable to annual rainfall

Harnessing Competitiveness for Stronger Inclusive Growth : Bangladesh Second Investment Climate Assessment

June, 2012

Bangladesh has recorded impressive
economic and social gains since the 1990s. Recent growth has
been at levels close to six percent. The country has doubled
per capita growth and taken large strides toward reaching
many Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), ahead of many
comparable countries. Attaining the MDGs calls for
accelerating economic growth to six-seven percent a year.
Accordingly, Bangladesh's Poverty Reduction Strategy

The Little Green Data Book 2009

March, 2012

The 2009 edition of the little green
data book includes a focus section, four introductory pages
that focus on a specific issue related to development and
the environment. This year the focus is on urban areas and
the environment, exploring how cities and climate change are
affecting the way we live and how good public policies can
improve prospects for future generations. Urbanization and
economic growth move in tandem. As emerging market economies

Growth Prospects for Rukwa Region : Constraints and Opportunities

June, 2012

The Tanzania country office of the World
Bank has been exploring ways in which it can be more
responsive to Government in supporting the National Strategy
for Growth and Alleviation of Poverty (MKUKUTA) and ensuring
growth is an integral part of strategic planning. Given
Tanzania's great regional variations in resource
endowments, growth potential and degree of institutional
development, it was proposed that a regional case study of

Cities of Hope? Governance, Economic, and Human Challenges of Kenya's Five Largest Cities

June, 2012

After many decades of stagnation, Kenyan
economy started to grow from the early-2000s. Much of this
growth has been attributed to total factor productivity
improvements in Kenyan economy arising out of many factors.
A large share of this growth originated in urban areas, in
the service and manufacturing sectors. These gains also
paralleled reduction in poverty and higher enrolment in
primary education. Yet, it has been argued that Kenyan

Environmental Priorities and Poverty Reduction : A Country Environmental Analysis for Colombia

May, 2012

The analysis of the cost of
environmental degradation conducted as part of the country
environmental analysis (CEA) shows that the most costly
problems associated with environmental degradation are urban
and indoor air pollution; inadequate water supply,
sanitation, and hygiene; natural disasters (such as flooding
and landslides); and land degradation. The burden of these
costs falls most heavily on vulnerable segments of the

City-Regions : Emerging Lessons from England

August, 2012

The emergence of city-regions in England
offers some useful lessons for the World Bank partners in
developing countries. The city-region approach, as applied
in England touches upon issues of decentralization,
intergovernmental fiscal relations, governance, and the need
to realign outdated administrative arrangements with a
metropolitan area's economic footprint, among other
highly relevant topics for rapidly urbanizing cities in

Egypt - Next Step Recommendations for Affordable Housing Policy and the National Housing Program : Mortgaged-Linked Subsidies and Housing Supply considerations

June, 2012

At the request of the Government of
Egypt (GOE), the objective of this brief note is to provide
concise recommendations on next steps for the National
Housing Program (NHP). These recommendations and policy
analysis are an elaboration of the framework for housing
policy reform in urban areas in Egypt, a draft of which was
endorsed by the Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban
Development (MHUUD) and the Ministry of Investment (MOI) in

India's Water Economy : Bracing for a Turbulent Future

June, 2012

India faces a turbulent water future and
the current water development and management system is not
sustainable.Unless dramatic changes are made and made soon
in the way in which government manages water, India will
have neither the cash to maintain and build new
infrastructure, nor the water required for the economy and
for people. This Report examines the evolution of the
management of India's waters, describes the

Output-Based Aid in Morocco (Part 1) : Extending Water Services to the Poor in Urban Areas

August, 2012

Morocco is a middle-income country with
good water infrastructure that provides access to safe
drinking water and sanitation to the majority of the urban
population. In 2005, Morocco made it a priority to extend
service to poor peri-urban settlements, and encouraged
operators and local governments to reduce connection fees
for their inhabitants. These connection fees had been priced
at marginal cost, which represented a major obstacle for