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Displaying 1273 - 1284 of 3133

China Urbanizes : Consequences, Strategies, and Policies

May, 2012

Rural-urban migration is playing an
increasingly important role in shaping the economic and
demographic landscape of Chinese cities. Over the past two
decades, China has transformed itself from a relatively
immobile society to one in which more than 10 percent of the
population are migrants. China's mobility rate is still
low compared with that of advanced industrial economies, the
sheer size of the migrant flows and their dramatic economic

Liberia : Gender-Aware Programs and Women's Roles in Agricultural Value Chains

June, 2014

This Policy Memorandum provides policy
advice to the government of Liberia (GOL) in an effort to
mainstream gender issues in policies, programs, and projects
supporting agricultural production and value-chain
development. It is organized as follows. Section I reviews
women's roles in Liberian agriculture and agricultural
value chains, drawing on a variety of data sources,
including the 2007 Core Welfare Indicator Questionnaire

Mozambique - Municipal Development in Mozambique : Lessons from the First Decade - Full report

March, 2012

Municipalities in Mozambique were
established by law in 1997 and elected in 1998 for the first
time, only a few years after the peace agreement. Most
inherited archaic and dysfunctional remnants of colonial and
central government systems and infrastructure, and as such
limited progress was achieved in transforming them into
functioning local governments during the first mandate
(1998-2002). During the second mandate (2003-2008), however,

Preparing to Manage Natural Hazards and Climate Change Risks in Dakar, Senegal : A Spatial and Institutional Approach

March, 2013

This report describes a pilot study of
natural risk hazards in the peri-urban extension areas of
the Dakar Metropolitan Area, Senegal. The area subject of
this study stretches across 580 square kilometers, covering
less than 1 percent of the national territory, but housing
about 50 percent of Senegal's urban population. Much of
the rapid population growth of the Dakar Metropolitan Area
is taking place beyond the boundaries of the Department of

Implications of Higher Global Food Prices for Poverty in Low-Income Countries

May, 2012

In many poor countries, the recent
increases in prices of staple foods raise the real incomes
of those selling food, many of whom are relatively poor,
while hurting net food consumers, many of whom are also
relatively poor. The impacts on poverty will certainly be
very diverse, but the average impact on poverty depends upon
the balance between these two effects, and can only be
determined by looking at real-world data. Results using

Aceh Growth Diagnostic : Identifying the Binding Constraints to Growth in a Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Environment

July, 2014

This report shows that some investors
still perceive Aceh as a risky place to do business, despite
being relatively peaceful for almost four years. Security
incidents, relatively common in post-conflict environments,
deter businesses and individuals from investing in Aceh,
robbing the economy of necessary capital and innovation.
Other consequences of the conflict, including forms of
illegal taxation, also hurt investment. The Government of

Malawi - Mineral Sector Review : Source of Economic Growth and Development

March, 2012

This mineral sector review examines the
mineral sector as a potential source of growth and
development in Malawi. In seeking the World Bank's
assistance the Government of Malawi was particularly
interested in confirming the potential for mineral sector
growth, identifying which constraints to the development of
the sector need to be addressed by the Government and
suggesting strategies to foster a positive contribution by

Expanding Access to Housing Finance : Task 1. Business and Sustainability Plan for Affordable Housing Finance Pilot Projects

March, 2013

The objective of the First Initiative
Project in Uganda is to expand the access of households to
housing finance, especially modest and lower income
households, by introducing new and innovative housing loan
products, by introducing innovative loan products combined
with affordable housing designs. The project has delivered
two studies to the Bank of Uganda: i) a study addressing the
financial and banking sector context for housing finance,

The Impact of Remittances on Rural Poverty and Inequality in China

May, 2012

Large numbers of agricultural labor
moved from the countryside to cities after the economic
reforms in China. Migration and remittances play an
important role in transforming the structure of rural
household income. This paper examines the impact of
rural-to-urban migration on rural poverty and inequality in
the case of Hubei province using the data of a 2002
household survey. Since remittances are a potential

Concessionary Financing Programs for the Water and Sanitation Sector in China

August, 2014

China's water and sanitation sector
faces challenges from rapid urbanization and
industrialization, urban diversification, large investment
needs, water scarcity, water pollution, and ecological
degradation. This policy note addresses 'concessionary
finance.' It is intended to provide a briefing for
Chinese government officials who formulate policies for the
water and sanitation sector. This note is not intended to

China - From Poor Areas to Poor People : China's Evolving Poverty Reduction Agenda - An Assessment of Poverty and Inequality in China : Executive Summary

March, 2012

China's progress in poverty
reduction over the last 25 years is enviable. One cannot
fail to be impressed by what this vast nation of 1.3 billion
people has achieved in so little time. In terms of a wide
range of indicators, the progress has been remarkable.
Poverty in terms of income and consumption has been
dramatically reduced. Progress has also been substantial in
terms of human development indicators. Most of the

Arab Republic of Egypt : Detailed Assessment Report on Anti-Money Laundering and Combatting the Financing of Terrorism

March, 2013

This assessment of the anti-money
laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism
(CFT) regime of the Arab Republic of Egypt (Egypt) is based
on the Forty Recommendations 2003 and the Nine Special
Recommendations on Terrorist Financing 2001 of the Financial
Action Task Force (FATF), andwas prepared using
the AML/CFT assessment Methodology 2004, as updated in
February 2008. The assessment team considered all the