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Displaying 697 - 708 of 1314

Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes

June, 2012

This volume contributes to broadening
the understanding and application of the concept of
mainstreaming biodiversity. It captures the inputs to, and
findings of an international workshop held in Cape Town,
South Africa, in September 2004 on Mainstreaming
Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors. The aims
of the workshop were to: determine an operational definition
of the concept of mainstreaming biodiversity in production

Forestry Administration of Cambodia : The Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project

June, 2012

The Forest Concession Management and Control Pilot Project (FCMCPP) overall objective was developed in the early 2000s and aims at 'testing and demonstrating, through implementation, a comprehensive set of forest planning and management guidelines and control procedures and establishing an effective forest management compliance monitoring and enforcement capability'. According to the planning handbook a separate and specific document was supposed to be prepared with regard to the social issues of the forest concession planning process in order to complete the planning process.

Running Pure : The Importance of Forest Protected Areas to Drinking Water

August, 2013

This report focuses on one specific
interaction: the role of forests, and particularly protected
forests, in maintaining quality of drinking water for large
cities. There are many reasons for this focus: many city
dwellers already face a crisis of water quality, and
contaminated water spreads a vast and largely unnecessary
burden in terms of short and long-term health impacts
including infant mortality, with knock-on effects on ability

GEF and Small Island Developing States

August, 2013

The report highlights the GEF's
work with small island developing states (SIDS) on key
natural resource issues -climate change, biodiversity,
international waters, and land degradation. It also
describes the GEF's strategic priorities for SIDS over
the next five years, recognizing the interrelatedness of
SIDS' global environmental problems and their links to
economic and social development. The Global Environment

Good Dams and Bad Dams : Environmental Criteria for Site Selection of Hydroelectric Projects

September, 2014

This paper provides a simple, yet
robust, methodology for comparing proposed hydroelectric
project sites in terms of their expected negative
environmental impacts, and relating these to power
generation benefits. The paper also summarizes the
environmental mitigation options for large dams. If properly
implemented, these mitigation measures can effectively
prevent, minimize, or compensate for many (though not all)

Institutional and Policy Analysis of River Basin Management : The Tárcoles River Basin, Costa Rica

June, 2012
Costa Rica

This paper describes and analyzes the effort to institute river basin management in the Tárcoles basin of Costa Rica. Located in west-central Costa Rica, the Tárcoles basin represents 4.2 percent of the nation's total land area, but is home to half the nation's population and the metropolitan area of San José, the nation's capital and largest city. Water management issues include severe water pollution resulting from sewage, industrial waste discharges, agricultural runoff, and deforestation.

Making a Visible Difference in Our Wrld

August, 2013

Like the 2003 Fifth World Parks Congress
in Durban, South Africa, this publication is structured
around themes and issues on the cutting edge of research,
policy, and practice in the field of protected areas. It
highlights contributions by the Global Environment Facility
(GEF) and presents its perspectives for the future. This
publication comprises of the following topics : Tribute to
Africa; A Historic Role for Protected Areas; Protected Areas

Assessing the Economic Value of Ecosystem Conservation

May, 2014

This paper seeks to clarify how
valuation should be conducted to answer specific
environmental policy questions. In particular, it looks at
how valuation should be used to examine four distinct
aspects of the value of ecosystems: 1) Determining the value
of the total flow of benefits from ecosystems; 2)
Determining the net benefits of interventions that alter
ecosystem conditions: 3) Examining how the costs and

Nature Tourism, Conservation, and Development in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

August, 2013
South Africa

The book provides an evaluation of, and
policy advice on key environmental, social, and economic
issues concerning the development of nature tourism. Using
KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa as a case study, it highlights
both the benefits, and trade-offs I promoting, an managing
sustainable nature-tourism development, and it assesses how
policy can enhance nature tourism's contribution to
economic growth, poverty reduction, and conservation. The

Israel : Gulf of Aqaba Environmental Action Plan

August, 2013

The Gulf of Aqaba Environmental Action
Plan (GAEAP) represents for the Government of Israel a step
towards achieving the national environmental objectives
outlined in its legislation. The proposed actions, both
curative and preventive, will protect the Gulf's land
and water interface and ensure conservation of natural
resources within a framework in which economic development
can take place. The Israeli GAEAP is a component of the

Republic of Madagascar : Tourism Sector Study

July, 2013

Madagascar has an impressive array of
biodiversity, natural beauty and cultural resources to
support tourism. Surprisingly, of the 200,000 visitors the
island per year, only about 60,000 come expressly for
tourism, the rest traveling for other reasons but which
could include some tourism activity. Madagascar has the
potential to welcome many more tourists if the sector's
growth is well planned in a broad, multi-sectoral way -

Dominican Republic - Environmental Priorities and Strategic Options : Country Environmental Analysis

September, 2013
Dominican Republic

This report discusses the affects of
rapid economic growth and increased urbanization on the
environmental quality of the Dominican Republic's
natural resource base (e.g., water resources
management--water quality, quantity and watershed management
and solid waste collection and disposal have become major
environmental concerns). It notes that the lack of
systematic data limits an accurate and detailed assessment