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Regulation on terms and conditions for the management, assignment of maintenance and restoration activities, assignment of tourist activities, security and control in forests, lands and water areas of the protected territories (state property).

May, 2005

This Regulation determines the conditions for: management, assignment of maintenance and restoration activities; assignment of tourist activities; implementation of forest security and control issues; implementation of management issues as regards the water areas present on the territory of previously designed state owned protected areas (also for national parks, reserves).The management and assignment of activities here listed will be in full accordance with the national strategies, plans and programmes in the field of environment, including the requirements of the international environmen

Town and Country Planning (Referred Applications and Appeals Procedure) (Wales) Regulations 2017 (S.I. No. 544 (W. 121) of 2017).

April, 2017
United Kingdom

These Regulations, together with a number of other statutory instruments made at the same time, establish a new procedure for referred applications and appeals in Wales ("referred applications" are applications for planning permission, listed building consent, conservation area consent and hazardous substances consent referred to the Welsh Ministers for determination.

Preservation of Farm and Forest Lands (Code of Virginia: Title 3.2. Agriculture, Animal Care, and Food; Chapter 2; secs. 3.2-200 through 3.2-206)

December, 1949
United States of America

This Chapter of the Code of Virginia provides for the preservation of farm and forest lands in Virginia. It establishes the Office of Farmland Preservation as a continuation of the Agricultural Vitality Program within the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services of Virginia.

Agreement on cooperation in the field of environmental protection the CIS member states.

International Conventions or Treaties
May, 2013

The Parties shall cooperate in the following areas related to environmental protection: land protection and land tenure, protection of soil, subsoil, forests, water, air, ozone layer and climate, wild flora and wild fauna.

Loi n° 15-08 du 12 Joumada Ethania 1436 correspondant au 2 avril 2015 modifiant et complétant la loi n° 01-11 du 11 Rabie Ethani 1422 correspondant au 3 juillet 2001 relative à la pêche et l’aquaculture.

April, 2015

La présente loi modifie et complète les dispositions des articles 2 (Terminologie), 3 (Gestion durable des ressources halieutiques), 6 (Industries et ports de pêche),16 (Autorité de pêche et plans d’aménagement et de gestion des pêcheries), 21 (Exercice de l’aquaculture), 24, 25, 30, 31, 34 (Autorité et autorisation de de permis de pêche), 35 (Pêche aux grands migrateurs halieutiques), 36 (Pêche au corail), 37 (Exploitation des algues marines ), 49 (Détention à bord du navire ainsi que l’usage, de manière ù volontaire, de substances chimiques, de toutes matières explosives ), 53, 63, 67 de

Ley Nº 559 - Ley de delitos contra el medio ambiente y los recursos naturales.

October, 2005

La presente Ley tiene por objeto tipificar como delitos contra el medio ambiente y los recursos naturales, las acciones u omisiones que violen o alteren las disposiciones relativas a la conservación, protección, manejo, defensa y mejoramiento del ambiente y los recursos naturales, así como, el establecimiento de la responsabilidad civil por daños y perjuicios ocasionados por las personas naturales o jurídicas que resulten con responsabilidad comprobada.

European Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Agriculture) (Amendment) Regulations 2017 (S.I. No. 407 of 2017).

September, 2017

These Regulations amend the European Communities (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Agriculture) Regulations 2011 in various provisions relating to, among other things, application for a screening decision, documents that shall accompany the application, the follow-up on a decisions by the Minister and information for the environmental impact statement. The Regulations also give a new definition of "EIA Directive", “environmental impact assessment” and “EIS”.

Reglamento de la Ley General del Equilibrio Ecológico y la Protección al Ambiente en materia de Autorregulación y Auditorías Ambientales.

April, 2010

El presente ordenamiento tiene por objeto reglamentar la Ley General del Equilibrio Ecológico y la Protección al Ambiente en su Capítulo IV, Sección VII, en materia de Autorregulación y Auditorías Ambientales. Las Auditorías Ambientales y la Autorregulación, de carácter voluntario, tendrán como propósito la observancia de los principios de política ambiental.

Liberian Code of Forest Harvesting Practices of 2017.

May, 2017

This Code of Forest Harvesting Practices seeks to provide a set of guidelines to forest operators for carrying out sustainable and improved harvesting operations. It applies to all harvesting operations within Liberia’s natural forests. It includes among other things, social environmental and social performance requirements for timber logging and post-harvesting activities.

Rwanda Environmental Policy.

National Policies
December, 2002

The protection and management of environment are among the pillars of Vision 2020. The objective of the Government is that by 2020, it will have built a nation in which pressure on natural resources, particularly on land, water, biomass and biodiversity, has significantly been reduced and the process of environmental pollution and degradation has been reversed; a nation in which the management and protection of these resources and environment are more rational and well regulated in order to preserve and bequeath to future generations the basic wealth necessary for sustainable development.