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Regional Law No. 167-ZKO “On public land management”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates the issues of ownership, land tenure and management of public land pertaining to the property of the Regional Administration. Regional Administration shall nominate authorized state regional institution for carrying out the aforesaid functions and decision-making concerning transfer of regional public land under jurisdiction of the Russian Federation or local government.

Regional Law No. 672-4-ZKO “On allotment of land free of charge for certain categories of citizens”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes cases of allotment of land parcels free of charge for certain categories of citizens related to municipal land with undelimited ownership. It shall not be applicable to land parcels that in accordance with federal legislation shall not be allotted in ownership. The aforsaid land parcels shall be alloted to certain privileged categoriss of citizens once only for individual housing construction by decision of local government and regional administration.

Regional Law No. 315-ZKO “On transfer of land from one category to another”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates transfer of land from one category to another, or classification of land plots by categories, including classification as agricultural land, municipal land or private land ownership. Request for transfer of land plot from one category to another must contain the following data: (a) land area; (b) cadastre number of land plot; (c) location of land plot; (d) actual land category and destination category; (e) substantiation of transfer request; and (f) land rights.

Regional Law No. 1101-KZ “On attribution to local government plenary powers related to management of public land pertaining to re-distribution land stock”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations concerning attribution to local government plenary powers related to management of public land pertaining to re-distribution land stock. In particular it envisages the modalities of auction sale of the right of lease of public land and conclusion of lease contracts. It regards transactions with agricultural land.

Regional Law No. 656-KZ “On protected areas”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates relations, originating in the sphere of organization, conservation and protection of protected areas with a view of conservation of unique and typical ecosystems and complexes, wild fauna and wild flora species, and control of changes in the state of biosphere. Protected areas shall be classified as follows: (a) natural parks; (b) nature monuments; (c) dendrological parks and botanical gardens; and (d) healthcare areas and spas.

Regional Law No. 532-KZ “On regulation of land relations”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that priorities of land policy shall be state regulation of land relations with a view of conservation of precious land, protected areas and agricultural land with a view of conservation of ecosystems and traditional Cossack forms of land tenure. Regional Administration shall be competent in transfer of public land and private and municipal agricultural land to land of other categories. It delimits jurisdictional competence between regional bodies and local government as regards regulation of land relations.

Ley Nº 8/2013 - Ley de rehabilitación, regeneración y renovación urbanas.

Southern Europe

La presente Ley de rehabilitación, regeneración y renovación urbanas, tiene por objeto regular las condiciones básicas que garanticen un desarrollo sostenible, competitivo y eficiente del medio urbano, mediante el impulso y el fomento de las actuaciones que conduzcan a la rehabilitación de los edificios y a la regeneración y renovación de los tejidos urbanos existentes, cuando sean necesarias para asegurar a los ciudadanos una adecuada calidad de vida y la efectividad de su derecho a disfrutar de una vivienda digna y adecuada.

Resolución Nº 344 - Formato de informe de predios aptos para el desarrollo de programas de vivienda de interés prioritaria.

South America

La presente Resolución establece los lineamientos para el informe de lotes, adoptando el Formato de informe de predios aptos para el desarrollo de programas de vivienda de interés prioritaria.

Implementa: Ley Nº 1.537 - Normas tendientes a facilitar y promover el desarrollo urbano y el acceso a la vivienda. (2012-06-20)

Decreto Ley Nº 300 - Entrega de tierras estatales ociosas en usufructo.


El presente Decreto Ley autoriza la entrega de tierras estatales ociosas en concepto de usufructo gratuito y por tiempo determinado a personas naturales o jurídicas, que no pueden ser transferidas a terceros, para que las exploten racional y sosteniblemente atendiendo a la aptitud de los suelos, en función de la producción agropecuaria, forestal y de frutales. La extensión máxima que puede entregarse en usufructo a personas naturales que no posean tierras en ningún concepto es de 13,42 hectáreas.

Regional Law No. 65-ZKO “On regulation of some issues in the sphere of land relations”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes jurisdictional competence of regional and local executive bodies in the sphere of land tenure related to land areas state ownership of which is undelimited. It shall not be applicable to agricultural land and to allotment of land pertaining to federal and municipal property.

Regional Law No. 51-oz “On transfer of land from one category to another”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates the issues of transfer of land from one category to another. Transfer of land, except for agricultural land, pertaining to private or municipal ownership, shall be performed by local government. Transfer of agricultural land pertaining to private or municipal ownership shall be performed by the Regional Government. Transfer of urban land to any other land category shall be performed by the Regional Government.