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Issuespublic ownershipLandLibrary Resource
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Law on Ownership in the USSR, 1990.


This Act provides generally the forms of ownership and types of property in the USSR. Union and autonomous Republics are to promulgate more detailed legislation within this framework, especially regarding the possession, use and disposition of land and other natural resources on their territories. The Act defines property which may be in ownership, including land, its minerals, water, flora and fauna. The Act permits joint ventures and foreign ownership. The Act identifies the ownership rights of collective associations, and individual citizens within those collectives.

Basic Act concerning the use and conservation of land, the protection of natural resources, and the equal right of access to them by all residents.


Under this statute people are permitted to lease land and to bequeath its use to their heirs in perpetuity. Ownership of land is delegated to local soviets, which fix the prices for land rentals. While heritable land can be worked as property, it cannot be sold, granted or mortgaged. The drafting of more detailed rules on land tenure is delegated to the Union republics, within the framework laid down by the statute. In practice, farmers will henceforth be free to choose between being collective farm members or individual farmers.

Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China.

Eastern Asia

The Law is divided into 8 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Ownership and Right to the Use Land (II); General Plans for the Utilization of Land (III); Protection of Cultivated Land (IV); Land for Construction Purposes (V); Supervision and Examination (VI); Legal Responsibilities (VII); Supplementary Provisions (VIII).This Law grants the ownership of land in rural and suburban areas to the collectives. Such land must be registered and recorded by the Governments at the county level. State-owned land may be used by units or by individuals and is recorded by local People's Governments.

Loi nº 87-19 déterminant le mode d'exploitation des terres agricoles du domaine national et fixant les droits et obligations des producteurs.

Northern Africa

Cette loi fixe le mode d'exploitation des terres agricoles. L'Etat est propriétaire, mais la loi consent aux collectifs agricoles un droit de jouissance cessible et perpétuel des terres. La loi décrit la nature et la composition des collectifs. Les agriculteurs acquièrent tous les droits sur ces terres, à l'exception du droit de propriété. Les collectifs doivent verser une redevance à l'Etat. Celui-ci cesse de rémunérer les travailleurs agricoles. Cette loi abroge l'ordonnance nº 68-653 du 30 décembre 1968 et les articles 858 à 866 de l'ordonnance nº 75-58 du 26 septembre 1975.

Ordonnance nº 84-050/CNR/PRES portant réorganisation agraire et foncière au Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Cette ordonnance crée un Domaine Foncier National constitué par toutes les terres situées dans les limites du territoire national et celles acquises par l'Etat et les collectivités publiques secondaires à l'étranger.Titre 1 - De la consistance du D.F.N.; Titre II - De l'aménagement du D.F.N.; Titre III - De la gestion des terres du D.F.N.; Titre IV - Des différents droits réels immobiliers et leur garantie.

Land Code of the Azerbaijan Republic, 1991.

Western Asia

The Land Code (115 articles) is divided into 16 sections: General Provisions (1), Rights and obligations of proprietors (2), Farmland (3), Landownership, landholding and land use (4), Land of settlements (5), Land for industry, transportation, communication and other purposes (6), Land in sub-urban and green zones (7), Land of forest, water bodies and the land reserve (8), Damages (9), Land protection (10), Monitoring the use and protection of land (11), State land records (12), Land management (13), Settlement of disputes (14), Accountability (15) and International treaties (16).The Code o

Ownership and use of farmland Act.

Eastern Europe

The Law consists of 33 articles and is divided into four Chapters: General provisions (1); The Citizens' land (2); Lands belonging to the State, municipalities, cooperative farms and other legal persons (3); and Land property authorities (4).The Law regulates the ownership and use of agricultural lands. With the exception of game reserves and other nature protected areas with national and international significance, ownership is returned to owners whose land was taken under the April 1946 Law of landownership.

Lands Department Act (Cap. 59:01).

South America

This Act provides for the establishment and regulation of the Department of Lands. The Act contains provisions on State Lands, Government Lands, Registers and Fees, and miscellaneous and temporary provisions. The Department shall have the charge of and act as a guardian over all State lands and creeks of Guyana, except as comprised within a State forest declared under the Forests Act (sect. 5) and over all Government lands except lands occupied with buildings under the charge of the Public Works Ministry.

Title to Land (Prescription and Limitation) Act (Cap. 60:02).

South America

This Act prescribes that title to land may be acquired by sole and undisturbed possession, user or enjoyment for thirty years. Provided that in the case of State land or Government land such title may be acquired by sole and undisturbed possession, user or enjoyment for not less than twelve years (sect. 3). It further contains, inter alia, declaration of title, limitation of actions, accrual of right of action.