Governance of Tenure -Technical Guide 6: Improving Governance of Pastoral Lands
This is a pop up poster for the publication Improving Governance of Pastoral Lands which will be launched during a special event at FAO Headquarters on 17 June 2016.
This is a pop up poster for the publication Improving Governance of Pastoral Lands which will be launched during a special event at FAO Headquarters on 17 June 2016.
En 2016, Action contre la désertification se prépare à restaurer 10 000 hectares de terres et à planter des espèces d'arbres, d'arbustes et de graminées locales et bien adaptées localement dans six pays africains - le Burkina Faso, l'Éthiopie, la Gambie, le Niger, le Nigeria et le Sénégal.
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
Issues relating to land and land reform have been moving up the agenda of rural poverty and food security in recent years with the increasing acceptance that the prerequisites for broad-based and equitable development include the essential need for people to have access to land and other natural resources. Access needs to be on an equitable basis allowing the poor and the disadvantaged, including women, to secure the assets needed for them and their families to generate sustainable livelihoods.
La parte delantera de la postal ofrece una breve descripción sobre el desequilibrio de nutrientes del suelo (definición, causa, hechos clave), mientras que la parte posterior muestra las condiciones y tendencias mundiales por región. Estos datos se derivan de la información publicada en el informe del Estado Mundial del Recurso Suelo, publicado en diciembre de 2015.
The articles in this issue supplement the recent publication "Good governance in land tenure and administration" (Land Tenure Studies No. 9), which provides practical advice for land professionals on improving governance in a land administration system or other land tenure arrangement.
La parte delantera de la postal ofrece una breve descripción sobre la Contaminación del suelo (definición, causa, hechos clave), mientras que la parte posterior muestra las condiciones y tendencias mundiales por región. Estos datos se derivan de la información publicada en el informe del Estado Mundial del Recurso Suelo, publicado en diciembre de 2015.
Ce numro d'Unasylva se veut en quelque sorte un reflet du Plan d'action forestier tropical puisque les articles de fond traitent du financement international an matire de foresterie (S.E. McGaughey) et des questions lies trois programmes principaux du plan, savoir, le bois de feu et l'nergie (G. Foley); l'amnagement des bassins versants, volet du programme sur la foresterie dans l'utilisation des terres (U. Chanphaka); et les industries forestires (T.M. Maloney).
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
This local level land resources assessment methodology (LADA-Local) was produced within the Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands (LADA) project. See Box 1 for the LADA project objectives and outcomes and the website"> for further information.