Les Initiatives régionales pour l’Afrique
La FAO a organisé et intégré ses activités dans la région autour de trois Initiatives régionales. Ces Initiatives répondent aux priorités des États membres et permettra d’avoir des résultats tangibles dans des délais bien précis, tout en répondant aux Objectifs stratégiques de la FAO. En Afrique, les Initiatives régionales ont été élaborées sur la base d’un examen intersectorielle et interdisciplinaire approfondi des questions régionales.
Take it or Leave it? Towards a Decision Support Tool on Sustainable Crop Residue Use
In the last decade, the increased interest in bioenergy production has led to the need for improved crop residue management. Crop residues have historically been used for many other purposes: to sustain healthy soils for food production, as feed and bedding for livestock, and as raw material for heating and cooking. As the link between crop residue management and food security is evident, one needs to decide whether or to which extent the removal of crop residues for bioenergy production is possible.
Irrigation and Watershed Management Case Study in Madagascar: Ex-Act Software for Carbon-Balance Analysis of Investment Projects. Provisional version
This module presents a Case Study of a Carbon-Balance Appraisal for an investment programme. It is useful for people who wish to improve their skills on how to estimate the climate change mitigation potential of agricultural programmes/projects and how to integrate it into the economic analysis of projects. This case is part of a set of documents which intend to provide support project developers in the process of learning and applying the EX-Ante Carbon balance Tool (EX-ACT).
Natural Resources and Environment Newsletter
In the June issue of the Natural Resources and Environment newsletter, we examine the importance of the newly established Global Soil Partnership. Soil specialists, international organization staff, the donor community and academics discuss what such collaboration can achieve. We note the events of World Water Day, highlighting water and food security. Moreover, a new web site, Sustainability Pathways, focuses on greening the economy with agriculture and related ecosystem services.
Años internacionales - Parte A: Año Internacional de los Suelos
Meeting Name: FAO Council
Meeting symbol/code: CL 146/7 A
Session: Sess. 146
تقرير الدورة الخامسة عشرة للجنة الزراعة (روما، 25-29 يناير/كانون الثانى 1999)
Meeting symbol/code: CL 116 9
Soils Challenge Badge
The purpose of the United Nations Challenge Badges is to raise awareness, educate and, most of all, motivate young people to change their behaviour and be active agents of change in their local communities. Challenge Badges are appropriate for use with school classes and youth groups, and are endorsed by WAGGGS and WOSM. They include a wide range of activities and ideas that can easily be adapted by teachers or leaders.
Récupération des sites dégradé
Ce numro d'Unasylva se concentre sur les aspects techniques, mais aussi politiques et sociaux, de la rcupration de sites spcifiques, par des activits forestires.