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National Environment Strategy for Jordan - A Resource Book of Information and Guidelines for Action.

National Policies
Western Asia

The present National Environment Strategy for Jordan is a Resource Book of Information and Guidelines for Action and is based on Jordan’s pledge to maintain environmental protection as a national priority to preserve the earth, wind and water as a symbol of the bond between the legacy of ancestors, contemporary responsibilities and capabilities, and the promise for future generations.

Beach Control (Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations, 2015.


These Regulations amend the Beach Control (Licensing) Regulations, 1956 by: replacing the marginal note to regulation concerning manner and form of application and issue of licence; providing for the payment of fees specified in Column 2 of the Second Schedule; providing for the duration and renewal of a licence.

Amends: Beach Control (Licensing) Regulations, 1956. (2001)

National Plan to Combat Desertification in the Syrian Arab Republic.

National Policies
Syrian Arab Republic
Western Asia

This sectorial Action Plan aims at proposing measures to protect the national soil from deterioration, limit the land degradation and soil erosion, and to combat the desertification. It is meant as an implementation of the art. 4 of the International Convention to Combat Desertification of 1994.The Plan can be divided in three main sections. The first section deals with the status of climate, natural and water resources in Syria. The second one reports measures and projects hold in the past years facing the matter.

National Programme for Food Security in the Syrian Arab Republic.

National Policies
Syrian Arab Republic
Western Asia

This National Programme for Food Security is a comprehensive multi-sectoral document targeting the entire food insecure population, with special emphasis on the poor people, small farmers and other most vulnerable groups. It also intends to provide a strategic programme framework with a set of prioritized actions. The mission of the Programme is to achieve and enhance food security including food availability, stability, access, safety and utilization in Syria.

Cameroun Vision 2035

National Policies
Middle Africa

Le Document Cameroun Vision 2035, élaboré en 2009, est composé de trois phases, notamment Phase I: 2010-2019, Phase II: 2010-2007, Phase III: 2028-2035, chaque phase ayant des objectifs spécifiques. Cameroun Vision 2035 a pour objectifs de: (i) réduire la pauvreté à un niveau socialement acceptable; (ii) atteindre le stade de pays à revenus intermédiaires, (iii) devenir un Nouveau Pays Industrialisé et (iv) consolider le processus démocratique et renforcer l’unité nationale.

Regional Law No. 63-GD “On improvement of soil fertility of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes legal grounds for state regulation for ensuring agricultural land fertility. Authorized state regional land institution shall perform the following plenary powers: (a) elaboration and realization of measures for economic stimulation of landowners, tenants, including leaseholders for soil improvement with a view of ensuring agricultural land fertility; (b) public investments in ensuring agricultural land fertility; (c) promotion of agrochemical treatment of agricultural land; and (d) monitoring of agricultural land.

Landfill Tax (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2015 (S.I. No. 1453 of 2015).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

These Regulations amend the Landfill Tax Regulations 1996 in regulation 31(3) so as to provide for information to be given to the Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs about fines that fail the LOI (lost on ignition) test provided for in the Landfill Tax (Qualifying Fines) Order 2015, which sets out what fines are qualifying fines and conditions that must be met for treating fines as qualifying fines.

Amends: Landfill Tax Regulations 1996 (S.I. No. 1527 of 1996). (1996-06-12)

Décret n° 2001-411 du 15 octobre 2001 portant composition, attributions et fonctionnement du Conseil Départemental de Concertation et de Coordination et fixant le taux des indemnités de session et des frais de déplacement de ses membres.

Western Africa

Le présent décret fixe les règles relatives à la composition, aux attributions et au fonctionnement du Conseil Départemental de Concertation et de Coordination créé par l’article 16 de la Loi n°97-028 de 1997.Le Conseil Départemental de Concertation et de Coordination est obligatoirement consulté sur les programmes de développement économique, social et écologique, notamment les forêts classées et les zones cynégétiques; le schéma d'aménagement du territoire et les projets de développement du département; les mesures de protection de l'environnement; et les projets de jumelage entre départe

Décret n° 77-054 du 28 février 1977 portant réorganisation du Comité pour la protection et la conservation de la nature.

Western Africa

Le présent décret réorganise la constitution et le fonctionnement du Comité pour la protection et la conservation de la nature, créé par le décret n° 59-168 du 30 décembre 1959.En effet, l'avis préalable de ce Comité est obligatoire pour toute action susceptible de modifier le milieu naturel et pour toutes questions relatives à la protection des sols, des ressources hydrologiques de la faune et de la flore; à la conservation et à l'utilisation rationnelle des ressources naturelles; et aux parcs nationaux et réserves de toute nature.