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[Actual question of melioration: past, present and future]

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2005

The main tasks of the reclaimed and soil science have been formulated. It was noted that the radical and final reorientiring of the reclaimed and soil science as a whole in the country is necessary to working out the science methodology of support and effective functioning of the acting reclaimed complexes and systems. It is necessary to expand researches on microbiology, biochemistry and biophysics of agricultural lands with the purpose of the long-term strategy of the fertility, productivity and land immunity improvement.


Journal Articles & Books
December, 2016

The article examines the impact of institutional transformations on changing relations between subjects in the agrariansector. Due to the vital need for strategic development of agrarian sector, we should find new solutions to problems of jointfunctioning entities. In conditions of risky farming, formation of cross-sectoral organizations and informal institutions, solvingproblems of irrigated lands may become a practical solution to the problem.


Journal Articles & Books
December, 2014

Data by efficiency of amelioration of chernozems is presented. Application of limy materials promotes stable displacement of reaction of medium about the neutral party. For displacement of reaction of medium for 0,1 units рН it is spent 0,55 - 0,88 T/hectare CaCO3.

Представлены данные по эффективности мелиорации черноземов. Применение известковых материалов способствует стабильному смещению реакции среды в нейтральную сторону. Для смещения реакции среды на 0,1 единицы рН расходуется 0,55 - 0,88 т/га CaCO 3.

The effect of low-value forest stands reconstruction on hydro melioration systems on the environment in Kadnikovski forestry enterprise in Vologda region

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2014

Woodless areas after clear cutting and fires are subjected to periodic water logging resulting thereby in water logging. The reconstruction of low-value forest stands (LVFSR) should become an effective measure for forest management on such areas. The experimental industrial station was the object of the study. It was founded by the Vologda laboratory of the Northern Forestry Research Institute. The LVFSR was carried out by means of planting and care of it. The total area of the low-value forest stands development of the open and shrubs overgrown territories was 42 hectares.

Agrogenic evolution of nitrogen fractional composition of peat soils

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2011

In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus it was determined that as a result of drainage and prolonged agricultural use (about 50 years) on the ground of former peat bogs there were formed peat-mineral soil complexes of different evolution stages with distinct rates of nitrogen fraction quantitative and qualitative composition. There were presented data of a structure of nitrogen breakup and its storage in 0-40 peat soils layer of different evolution stages.

Impact of phosphogypsum application at different doses on the properties of irrigated dark-chestnut soils in the Rostov region

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015

The aim of the research is to investigate the impact of different doses of phosphogypsum as a chemical amendment on physical and physical-chemical properties of irrigated dark-chestnut soils in rice systems under constant flooding. The scheme of experiment: 1) moldboard tillage to the depth of 20-22 cm (control); 2) moldboard tillage to the depth of 20-22 cm + 10 t/ha of phosphogypsum (10 t/ha +PG); 3) moldboard tillage to the depth of 20-22 cm + 40 t/ha of phosphogypsum (40 t/ha PG); 4) imitation of soil milling to the depth of 20-40 cm + 10 t/ha of phosphogypsum (ISM + 10 t/ha PG).

Agromeliorative measures – the important reserve of Poozerja drained soils efficiency increase

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2013

In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were presented the efficiency of connected applications on drained soils Lakeland area of the main melioration activities to drain the excess water on the surface and arable soil layer, increasing runoff, creating additional reserves of available moisture in the subsurface layer, and others aimed at improving the productivity of reclaimed land.

Почвенное обследование и планирование мелиоративных мероприятий для разработки проектной документации орошаемого участкаSoil survey and planning of land reclamation activity for project documentation of the irrigation plot

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

The state of soil cover and pedogenic rock in the farm Raygorod of theVolgograd region was investigated. The plot had an area of 1000 ha. The aim of the study was to justify the suitability of the plot for irrigation and develop the measures for increasing soil fertility. As a result of morphological structure, water-physical and physicochemical soil properties at the investigated plot were determined. The soils of the plot are suitable for irrigation. There is a need of chemical land reclamation because of alkalinity and calcium unsaturation of the soil exchangeable complex.

Опыты в Ростовской обл.

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2012

The paper considers the influence on chernozem soil properties after the autumn application of calcium chloride as an amendment at the rate of 2.4 t/ha. At the end of the first year of aftereffect the results of soil analyses have shown the influence on such indices as pH, alkalinity and content of chloride, exchangeable cations and carbonates. During the winter period with 200-300 mm of precipitation chlorides from said amendment are leached to the depth of 50 cm.