Cameroon's forest policy within the overall national land use framework: from sectorial approaches to global coherence?
Land-based investment and green development in Indonesia: Lessons from Berau district, East Kalimantan
Territorial Entanglements: Ambiguities of Giving Back in Northwestern Laos
World and Asian markets for cassava products
This analysis of global and Asian markets looks at protectionism and substitution (decline in starch trade, rise in trade of cassava feedstuffs) and the Asian regional market for cassava feedstuffs. The degree of substitution between cassava and grains has increased measurably during the postwar period. Cassava's future in world markets depends on its ability to compete with grains; so far this has depended on grain pricing policies and tariff structures of importing countries, making cassava trade more vulnerable than the international grain trade.
Hasil Identifikasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Kabupaten Maluku Tengah, Pulau Seram
Development of a village-level livelihood monitoring tool: a case-study in Viengkham District, Lao PDR
Survey of the development of chemical fertilizers in North Africa
Experts from Niger analyze best practices in land development
Harmonisation du développement industriel en Afrique du Nord Maghreb : rapport préliminaire
Le Présent papier pourrait être consideré comme un rapport préliminaire destiné à dormer une idée du rapport final en préventant de brèves informations sur les méthodes utilisés, les premières conclusions auqelles sont parvenus les rapports sectoriels.