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IssuescadastresLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 2677 - 2688 of 2807

Resolución Nº 1 - Reconoce el Comité Sectorial de Normalización de Información Geográfica/Geomática.

November, 2016

La presente Resolución, considerando que entre las funciones de la Dirección General de Normas y Tecnología Industrial (DGNTI) está el de reconocer a los comités sectoriales de normalización que lo soliciten y presten asistencia técnica, reconoce el Comité Sectorial de Normalización de Información Geográfica/Geomática por un periodo de tres años, y que tendrá la función de preparar normas y reglamentos técnicos para la información geoespacial, dentro de los parámetros internacionales establecidos para esta actividad, con la posibilidad de ser sometidas al proceso de elaboración, adopción, a

Decreto Nº 3.609 - Norma del Programa de Regularización y Administración de Tierras Rurales (PRAT) (Libro III, Título XX del Texto Unificado de la Legislación Secundaria del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería).

March, 2003

La presente Norma del Programa de Regularización y Administración de Tierras Rurales (PRAT), tiene como objetivos: 1) Mejorar el funcionamiento del INDA en la adjudicación efectiva y eficiente de la tierra a nivel nacional; 2) Probar y demostrar en el terreno un método para regularizar la tenencia de la tierra rural, formar catastros e integrarlo a los registros de la propiedad; 3) Estudiar la efectividad del financiamiento de pequeños proyectos, como complemento a las otras acciones destinadas a superar la cultura de no registrar la propiedad predial; y, 4) Impulsar la modernización instit

Land Titles Regulation 2015.

March, 2015

This Regulation, consisting of 4 sections and completed by one Schedule, regulates the registration of titles to lands. It specifies the Authorised entity for Act, pt 8A—Act, s 69B (d) and necessary Information about certain transactions and instruments—purchaser’s proof of identity—Act, s 178B (2) (k). Schedule deals with the Identification of documents.

Implements: Land Titles Act 1925. (2018-02-28)

Identification of areas with unfavourable agriculture development conditions in terms of shape and size of parcels with example of southern Poland

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2016

Modern agriculture development possibilities are highly dependent on many factors, including those which are related to the parameters of land spatial structure (including parcels fragmentation and parameters related to their shape). In particular, unfavourable shape of parcels in combination with their small sizes is the most common reason for non-profitability of agricultural production. It is one of the major causes of land abandonment. South Poland is the area of high diversification in terms of the landform, soil quality and spatial structure parameters.

A perspective on the next-generation forest register in the era of GIS

Journal Articles & Books
March, 2013

This paper points out some defects of the current forest register and proposes a concept of next-generation forest register from the view point of GIS application to forest management. Since the fundamental purpose of the GIS is to conduct spatial analysis of multiple thematic maps, one of the basic requirements for the next-generation forest register is the management of forest information on a thematic map basis by using the spatial analysis function of the forest GIS. The main proposals are as follows.

Cadastral system in Hungary

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2017

In this paper is described the Hungarian cadastral system. There is displayed some general information about the country and on the main points in the cadastral system. The organisational structure and duties of cadastre, details about the content of the cadastre and basic register units, cadastral maps, legal register and the agricultural land lease registration is presented. Finally is displayed in which cases the updates have to happen.

Preventing and resolving social dissatisfaction in spatial management in rural areas

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2017

The paper addresses the issue of dissatisfaction related to spatial management in rural areas illustrated with an example of southern Poland. In this region, the spatial structure of rural areas is poor, which results, e.g., from substantial fragmentation and scattering of land. Additionally, the Land and Property Register, also known as the real property cadastre for the area is not up to date, and fails to meet social expectations, in particular those regarding the ownership title.

Road accessibility problem as part of land consolidation planning

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2017

Land consolidation is an implement, which allows the rearrangement of spatial structure in rural areas leading to their socioeconomic development. However, the process is costly and time consuming. The needs for land consolidation always exceed the actual possibility of its implementation, therefore it is essential to develop tools, which identify areas of high priority for such investments. Most often they are based on multi-criteria spatial analyses, which include a number of parameters defining agricultural production area.

Importance of improving the use of information systems in land-cadastral works

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2015

Modern market economy certainly requires a rational distribution of land and strict state control over land use and protection. In cadastre works are the basis of the data and are used very often. All of this activity is a complex and expensive process, so you need to effectively use and sharing of new information systems. The purpose of this paper is to analyse and identify the importance of the use of modern information systems in the cadastre works.

Analysis of the indicators of the cadastral value base for residential building land in Latvia

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2016

This article describes the indicators of the base of cadastral value and their main influencing factors. The base of cadastral value for residential building is summarised and analysed in Latvia municipalities and its territorial units in 2015. The analysis results showed areas with the highest and lowest base of cadastral value for residential building in municipalities of Latvia. Also grouping and analysis of municipalities by the maximum and minimum base of cadastral value for residential building land in rural areas were carried out.

Formation of information system monitoring on the status of mineral exploitation

Conference Papers & Reports
December, 2016

This article describes the principles of formation of information subsoil monitoring system, the main factors of influence the mining industry on the environment, which predetermine the necessity of monitoring subsurface facilities and the development of their accounting systems.

В данной статье рассмотрены принципы формирования информационной системы мониторинга за состоянием недропользования, основные факторы влияния горного производства на окружающую среду, предопределяющие необходимость осуществления мониторинга объектов недропользования и разработки их системы учета.