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Environment Act 2001.

Southern Africa

This Act makes provision for the establishment of the National Environment Council, the Lesotho Environment Authority, the National Environmental Fund and the Environmental Tribunal and provides in general for the conservation and management of the environment in Lesotho.The Act consists of 123 sections divided into 16 Parts: Preliminary (I); General Principles (II); Institutional Arrangements (III); Environmental Planning (IV); Environmental Impact Assessment, Audits and Monitoring (V); Environmental Quality Standards (VI); Pollution Control (VII); Environmental Management (VIII); Environm

Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:27].

Eastern Africa

This Act provides for the establishment of the National Environmental Council, the Environmental Management Agency, Environment Management Board, the Standards and Enforcement Committee and the Environment Fund, provides for the formulation of environmental quality standards and environmental plans, provides for environmental impact assessments audit and monitoring of projects and for other matters relative to management and conservation of the environment.The Act consists of 143 sections divided into 16 Parts: Preliminary (I); General Principles of Environmental Management and Functions of

Public Nuisance Dispute Mediation Act.

Eastern Asia

This Act is enacted to fairly, promptly and effectively handle public nuisance disputes, to safeguard the rights and interests of the people, and to improve social harmony. It consists of 51 articles divided into 4 Chapters: General Provisions; Organizations Handling Public Disputes; Settlement Procedures; Supplementary Provisions.The “public nuisance” in this Act means human activities which destroy the living environment, and damage or endanger public health.

Protection of the Environment Act 2003.

Northern Europe

The Environmental Protection Agency shall be the competent authority for the purposes of the Directive on integrated pollution prevention and control here implemented. As competent authority for the purposes of the Directive, the Agency shall, amongst other things, keep itself informed of developments in best available techniques.

Sixth Act amending the Administrative Ordinance and other Acts.

Western Europe

The present Act introduces some amendments to the Land Consolidation Act in its consolidated version of 16 March 1976 (BGBl. I p. 546). In particular, it adds a sentence to article 67.The Act introduces also some amendments to the Waste Avoidance, Recovery and Disposal Act of 27 September 1994 (BGBl. I p. 2705). In particular, it repeals article 7 (1).

Amends: Land Consolidation Act. (1976-03-16)
Amends: Waste Avoidance, Recovery and Disposal Act. (1994-09-27)

Waste Management (Registration of Sewage Sludge Facility) Regulations 2010 (S.I. No. 32 of 2010).

Northern Europe

These Regulations provide for the registration and regulation of sewage sludge facilities for purposes of giving effect to provisions of Directive 2006/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste. Facilities already regulated under other environmental legislation, such as licensed facilities under the Waste Management Acts, are excluded.

Loi n°1-16 du 25 Mai 2015 portant modalités de transfert de compétences de l’Etat aux communes.

Eastern Africa

La présente loi définit la nature des compétences propres à la commune (collectivité territoriale décentralisée) et celles transférées à elle par l'Etat.Ces compétences portent sur à l'administration et à l'aménagement du territoire; le foncier, au développement économique, éducatif, social, sanitaire ainsi qu'à la protection et à la mise en valeur de l'environnement et de l’assainissement; la lutte contre la pollution; la protection des ressources naturelles notamment des forêts, des sols, de la faune, de la flore, des ressources hydrauliques, des nappes phréatiques et contribue à leur mei

Water Pollution (Control) Ordinance, 2002 (P.I. 407/2002).

Western Asia

With this Ordinance, the Code of Good Agricultural Practice is hereby created. The creation of this Code comes along with the implementation of Council Directive 91/676/EEC on the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. The Code has the aim of promoting guidelines able to assist farmers to reduce water pollution caused by fertilizers from agricultural sources and to prevent further such pollution and to set the acceptable environmental conditions for the use of urban waste water for irrigation purposes.

Instruction ministériel invitant le ministères, administrations et institutions étatiques à appliquer la recommandation de la Commission Régionale Sarre-Lor-Lux-Trèves/Palatinat Occidental concernant l'information mutuelle et l'harmonisation des plans ...

Western Europe

La susdite recommandation consiste en 8 articles et 1 annexe énumérant des projets que doivent faire l'objet d'un échange d'informations et d'une harmonisation, dans la mesure où il relève de l'aménagement du territoire et a, ou est susceptible d'avoir, des répercussions notables sur l'espace frontalier ou une partie importante de celui-ci. Les installation liées entre elles géographiquement ou sur le plan technique sont considérées comme une seule unité.