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Displaying 409 - 420 of 666

City Development Strategy : Colombo

June, 2014

The Colombo Municipal Council (CMC), in
collaboration with the World Bank, UNDP, UNCHS (HABITAT) and
the Western Provincial Council (WPC) in Sri Lanka, launched
a project in February 2000 to formulate a comprehensive
strategy framework and a perspective plan of action for
development of the city. The purpose was to identify key
areas and issues that need systemic and planned attention of
the Council and other major stakeholders and to develop

The Legal and Regulatory Framework for Environmental Impact Assessments : A Study of Selected Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa

June, 2013
Sub-Saharan Africa

Environmental impact assessment, or EIA
as it is known, is a procedures for evaluating the impact,
proposed activities may have on the environment. In recent
years, significant strides have been made to build a legal
foundation for EIAs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Whereas EIAs
typically used to be carried out only to meet requirements
of foreign donors, they are now mandated in twenty two
Sub-Saharan countries, as an important element of domestic

Kingdom of Morocco : Social Protection Note

August, 2013

This note on social protection has as
its objective establishing an exhaustive analysis/diagnosis
of the existing social protection framework and of preparing
an integrated approach through developing better social
protection priorities and plans of actions. It a) identifies
the social risks which the Moroccan people face generally;
b) examines current social protection initiatives (public,
private, and civil society-sponsored) set up to reduce

A Preliminary Desk Review of Urban Poverty in the East Asia Region : With Particular Focus on Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam, Volume 2. Annex Tables

August, 2013

This study reviews the available
quantitative and qualitative information on urban poverty
issues and trends in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) Region,
with particular focus on Indonesia, the Philippines, and
Vietnam. The review is a desk study-which is limited to
material accessible to the Bank in Washington and draws
mainly on existing field work and other published and
unpublished papers. The empirical analysis focuses on the

China : From Afforestation to Poverty Alleviation and Natural Forest Management

October, 2014

This case study is one of six
evaluations of the implementation of the World Bank's
1991 Forest Strategy. This and the other cases (Brazil,
Cameroon, Costa Rica, India, and Indonesia) complement a
review of the entire set of lending and nonlending
activities of the World Bank Group and the Global
Environment Facility. This OED study finds that while
China's forest program was highly successful, much

Lao PDR - Production Forestry Policy : Status and Issues for Dialogue, Volume 2. Annexes

August, 2013

Forestry contributes 7-10 percent of Lao
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 15-20 percent of
non-agricultural GDP. In rural areas forest exploitation is
one of the few available economic activities, and non-timber
products provide more than half of family income. The sector
contributes 34 percent of total export value, and even more
of net foreign exchange. Forestry royalties as a share of
government revenues have decreased from 20 percent in the

Uganda : The First Urban Project

August, 2012

The project's original objectives
were to: a) improve living conditions and alleviate poverty
in Kampala; b) improve urban financial management; and 3)
strengthen institutional capacity. As part of the mid-term
restructuring, monitor modifications were made to these
objectives: 1) strengthen the Kampala City Council's
(KCC) ability to better deliver, finance, and maintain basic
urban services for all Kampala residents, particularly the

Towards Environmentally Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

August, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa

Environmental degradation primarily
affects the poor, both in rural and urban areas. Reversing
the downward spiral of this degradation is essential to any
strategy for reducing poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. This
study outlines the World Bank's strategy for improving
its assistance to SSA countries as they move toward
environmentally sustainable development (ESD). It assesses
the environmental situation and long-term trends in Africa,

Eritrea : Health Sector Note

July, 2013

This Health Sector Note is the result of
the first phase of an open, participatory three-step process
for developing the Health Sector Policy and Strategic Plan
(HSPSP), and serves as the preliminary basis for further
rounds of discussions, and analyses among stakeholders, to
arrive at a strategic vision for the national health sector.
The socioeconomic situation is reviewed, stipulating Eritrea
remains one of the poorest countries in the world, where

Restoring Urban Infrastructure and Services in Nigeria

August, 2012

Nigeria's urban infrastructure is
crumbling. Water supply, sewerage, sanitation, drainage,
roads, electricity, and waste disposal-all suffer from years
of serious neglect. Periodic and routine maintenance, by far
the most cost-effective infrastructure spending, is almost
zero. It has become the norm in Nigeria to wait for a
capital infusion to rehabilitate, replacing instead of
maintaining the infrastructure. But declining financial

Memoria y reconstitución de la Comunidad Campesina Viscatámpata- Orccohuasi

Reports & Research
September, 2015

La violencia política entre el Estado peruano y un grupo levantado en armas (PCP-Sendero Luminoso) obligó a los habitantes de Viscatámpata a un desplazamiento forzado para salvar sus vidas. El caso relata la historia del retorno y recuperación de la tierra abandonada en la provincia de Huanta, departamento de Ayacucho, Perú.

¿Intento de golpe o motín policial?

Reports & Research
September, 2010

El texto analiza el levantamiento policial del 30 de septiembre pasado en Ecuador, planteando una tesis alternativa de acuerdo a la información que se tiene de los eventos sucitados ese día. El documento forma parte de la serie Análsis de coyuntura de Comité Ecuménico de Proyectos (CEP).