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Displaying 325 - 336 of 666

Sub-Saharan Africa Refinery Project : Volume I-A. Health Study Final Report

March, 2013

The Sub-Saharan Africa Refinery Study
evaluates the effects of improved fuel specifications on
refiningoperations and air quality in Sub-Saharan Africa
(SSA). The improved fuel specifications would reduce the
levels of certain pollutants in fuels, in turn reducing
human exposure to these pollutants in ambient air. The
health study estimates the health impacts and associated
monetary benefits associated with the proposed improvements

Low Carbon, High Growth : Latin American Responses to Climate Change - An Overview

March, 2012

Based on analysis of recent data on the
evolution of global temperatures, snow and ice covers, and
sea level rise, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) has recently declared that "warming of
the climate system is unequivocal." Global surface
temperatures, in particular, have increased during the past
50 years at twice the speed observed during the first half
of the 20th century. The IPCC has also concluded that with

The Philippines : Country Environmental Analysis

March, 2012

The objectives of this Country
Environmental Analysis (CEA) were to assess the
environmental quality in the Philippines with a focus on how
this affects human welfare and sustainability, measure and
analyze the biophysical significance and monetary cost of
environmental degradation and derive priority areas of
action, assess the Philippines government's capacity to
manage the environmental challenges identified, and identify

Can Global De-Carbonization Inhibit Developing Country Industrialization?

March, 2012

Most economic analyses of climate change
have focused on the aggregate impact on countries of
mitigation actions. The authors depart first in
disaggregating the impact by sector, focusing particularly
on manufacturing output and exports because of the potential
growth consequences. Second, they decompose the impact of an
agreement on emissions reductions into three components: the
change in the price of carbon due to each country s emission

Restoring Balance :
Bangladesh's Rural Energy Realities

March, 2012

Bangladesh is one of the world's
poorest countries. Nearly 80 percent of the nation's
140 million people reside in rural areas; of these, 20
percent live in extreme poverty. Geographically, many
low-lying areas are vulnerable to severe flooding, while
other regions are prone to drought, erosion, and soil
salinity. Such an unfavorable agricultural landscape,
combined with mismanagement of natural resources and

Bioenergy Development : Issues and Impacts for Poverty and Natural Resource Management

August, 2012

The last five to ten years have seen a
strong resurgence of interest in bioenergy along with the
gradual development of more modern and efficient bioenergy
production systems. This has been driven by several factors
including instability in oil producing regions, financial
market shift of investments in 2007-2008 to commodities and
oil, extreme weather events, and surging energy demand from
developing countries. Bioenergy developments present both

Wind Power Development : Economics and Policies

March, 2012

This study reviews the prospects of wind
power at the global level. Existing studies indicate that
the earth's wind energy supply potential significantly
exceeds global energy demand. Yet, only 1 percent of the
global electricity demand is currently derived from wind
power despite 40 percent annual growth in wind generating
capacity over the past 25 years. More than 98 percent of
total current wind power capacity is installed in the

An Evidence-Informed Response to Slum Settlements : A Learning Note

Training Resources & Tools
March, 2013

This learning note prepares policymakers
to engage with their technical experts and staff in
designing and implementing an evidence-informed response to
the challenges of existing and future slum settlements. To
that end, the note discusses a set of indicators and data
analysis techniques needed in the identification and
characterization of slums as well as relevant lessons and
examples. In addition, the noted discusses the data

Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Study for Bangkok Metropolitan Region : Final Report

March, 2012

This report is the primary output from
the climate change impact and adaptation study for the
Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR) produced for the Bangkok
Metropolitan Administration (BMA) with financial support
provided by the World Bank. The report concerns climate
change, and provides an analysis of climate change impacts
and adaptation options for the BMR. In addition to the more
general matters on the physical setting and socioeconomics

Reconciling Climate Change and Trade Policy

March, 2012

There is growing clamor in industrial
countries for additional border taxes on imports from
countries with lower carbon prices. The authors confirm the
findings of other research that unilateral emissions cuts by
industrial countries will have minimal carbon leakage
effects. However, output and exports of energy-intensive
manufactures are projected to decline potentially creating
pressure for trade action. A key factor affecting the impact

Pakistan - Balochistan Economic Report : From Periphery to Core, Volume 1. Summary Report

June, 2012

Balochistan offers some of the best
assets for development. Balochistan is generously bestowed
with natural and locational resources. It possesses the
largest land area of any province of Pakistan, proving vast
rangeland for goats, sheep, buffaloes, cattle, camels and
other livestock. Its southern border makes up about two
thirds of the national coastline, giving access to a large
pool of fishery resources. As a frontier province, it is

Climate Change and the World Bank
Group : Phase One - An Evaluation of World Bank Win-Win
Energy Policy Reforms

March, 2012

This evaluation is the first of a series
that seeks lessons from the World Bank Group's
experience on how to carve out a sustainable growth path.
The World Bank Group has never had an explicit corporate
strategy on climate change against which evaluative
assessments could be made. However, a premise of this
evaluation series is that many of the climate-oriented
policies and investments under discussion have close