University of Bern
The University of Bern (German: Universität Bern, French: Université de Berne, Latin: Universitas Bernensis) is a university in the Swiss capital of
The University of Bern (German: Universität Bern, French: Université de Berne, Latin: Universitas Bernensis) is a university in the Swiss capital of
The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies is an institution of research and higher education dedicated to the study of world affairs, with a particular emphasis on the cross-cutting fields of international relations and development issues.
Through our core activities, we aim to promote international cooperation and make a contribution to the progress of developing societies. More broadly, we endeavour to develop creative thinking on the major challenges of our time, foster global responsibility and advance respect for diversity.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS) is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal published by Center for Promoting Ideas (CPI), USA. The main objective of IJHSS is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars. IJHSS aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in humanities and social science and become the leading journal in humanities and social science in the world.
ASEPUMA son las siglas correspondientes a "ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE PROFESORES UNIVERSITARIOS DE MATEMÁTICAS PARA LA ECONOMÍA Y LA EMPRESA", autorizada por el Ministerio del Interior y a ella pertenecen en la actualidad más un centenar de profesores de universidades públicas y privadas de España.
The Babeș-Bolyai University, commonly known after its abbreviation, UBB, is a public university in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. With more than 41,000 students in 2015, it is the largest university in the country. The Babeș-Bolyai University offers study programmes in Romanian, Hungarian, German, English, and French.
Il Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche "Roberto Pettorino" provvede al coordinamento del sistema bibliotecario di Ateneo, costituito dalla Biblioteca digitale e dalle biblioteche che ricevono dall'Ateneo i fondi per il proprio funzionamento, ed eroga servizi centralizzati.
Društvo za Regionalne Nauke je osnovano kako bi skupilo sve iskusne i mlade stručnjake koji su predstavnici reginalnih nauka odnosno nauka povezanim za iste i koji su voljni svojim radom aktivno učestvovati u razvoju regije i zajednice. Društvo za Regionalne Nauke je vojvođanski partner Mađarskog Duštva za Regionalne Nauke odnosno jedan od mnogih iz mreže karpatske nizije .
El trabajo académico de El Colegio es la suma de las actividades de investigación y docencia que realizan los profesores- investigadores adscritos a la institución, los cuales se agrupan en cinco seminarios académicos distintos, en donde convergen líneas de investigación definidas y con pertinencia científica y social; así como proyectos de investigación con rigor teórico – metodológico, que procuran avances significativos en la construcción del conocimiento en las Ciencias Sociales y las Humanidades.
In an International Conference held in Urbino (Italy) in 1989 a large number of European economists doing research in the field of comparative studies decided to build a new European association in order to further research and scientific exchanges on the subject.
The Carlo Cattaneo University (Italian: Libera Università Carlo Cattaneo, LIUC) is a proprietary, non-profit university located in Castellanza, Italy.
L’Università di Firenze ha mostrato attenzione nei confronti dell’editoria digitale sin dal 2000, con un progetto varato sperimentalmente all’interno del Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo.
In seguito al successo di questa iniziativa viene creata Firenze University Press (FUP) con Decreto Rettorale n. 232 del 15 maggio 2003.