Utilisation de l'eau tritiee dans la recherche sur l'elevage en Afrique: Theorie, application, methodologie et lacunes potentielles de la technique
Presents a theoritical outline of the techniques in the use of tritiated water (HTO) which can be used to estimate total body water, body composition, water turnover, milk intake and feed intake. Highlights its potential errors and gives a comprehensive methodology for the use of tritiated water under field conditions.
Water resource research and education in mountain communities
High elevation páramo (wetland) ecosystems in the Andes are important water sources for local communities and downstream agricultural and urban users. These headwater catchments, however, are often impacted by human activities (eg agricultural production) that affect both stream water quality and flow. Knowledge about water availability, quality, and use is essential for effective management but is often lacking, particularly in smaller mountain communities.
Weaving threads into cloth: integrated research for agricultural development
What do we mean by participatory research in agriculture?
International Conference on Amazonian Agriculture and Land Use Research (1, 1980, Cali, Colombia). Amazonia: agriculture and land use research: Proceedings
Gender, Land and Mining in Mongolia
Mokoro’s practical and action-oriented long-term strategic research project, the Women’s Land Tenure Security Project (WOLTS), is piloting its methodology through a ‘Study on the threats to women’s land tenure security in Mongolia and Tanzania’.
Collective Impact
Large-scale social change requires broad cross-sector coordination, yet the social sector remains focused on the isolated intervention of individual organizations.
An International Terminology for Grazing Lands and Grazing Animals
In 1991, Terminology for Grazing Lands and Grazing Animals was published with the objective of ‘developing a consensus of clear definitions of terms used in the grazing of animals.’ This first effort involved primarily organizations and agencies within the USA but included representation from New Zealand and Australia. It was the intent from the beginning to expand this to a truly international effort at a later date.
Trends in global land use investment: implications for legal empowerment
From the mid-2000s, a commodity boom underpinned a wave of land use investments in low- and middle-income countries. While agribusiness, mining and petroleum concessions often involve promises of jobs and public revenues, they have also prompted concerns about land dispossession, exclusionary investment models and infringements of the rights of vulnerable groups.
Investigation of Collapsed Building Incidents on Soft Marine Deposit: Both from Social and Technical Perspectives
A collapsed incident occurred on 10 October 2016 in Wenzhou City, China, which resulted in 22 casualties and 6 injuries. Most of victims were migrant laborers (rural dwellers who move to urban for a temporary work), who rented apartments in these residential buildings, which were originally constructed by local rural residents. This case report investigates the collapsed incident as well as other similar previous incidents. From the perspectives of both social and technical aspects, this report analyzed the Chinese rural land use policy with relevant technical factors.