International Livestock Research Institute. Medium-term plan 2009-11
This strategy takes into account the new market opportunities being created for small-scale livestock producers by increasing local and global demand for high-quality livestock products (termed the Livestock Revolution) and the many pathways by which livestock has traditionally reduced poverty.
Integrated natural resource management research in the CGIAR: a brief report on the INRM Workshop held in Penang, Malaysia, 21-25 August 2000
CGIAR system-wide meeting on integrated natural resource management (INRM). The second was held from 20-25 August 2000, at the new headquarters of ICLARM in Penang, Malaysia. Convened by the Centre Directors Natural Resouce Managemnet Task Force, four dozen scientists from 13 of the 16 CGIAR centres and their partner institutions discussed integrated natural resource management in relation to the CGIAR's research program. This report summarises some of the issues discussed at that meeting.
Investigación sobre sorgo en Colombia: Informe de actividades en 1989
Introduction to East African Range Livestock Systems Study/Kenya
Examines the interdisciplinary research being pursued by the ILCA East African Range Livestock Systems Study (EARLSS) team in Kenya, discussing the rationale for an interdisciplinary aproach to the study, factors which led to the concentration of the team's investigation on Maasai pastoralists, and background information on Kenya's Kajiado District & on the three group ranches where the study is focused. Describes the research design & methodology adopted by the EARLSS team, including the initial inventory survey, sampling procedures, dif.