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IssuesfarmersLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 733 - 744 of 3560

Ethiopia - Diversifying the Rural Economy : An Assessment of the Investment Climate for Small and Informal Enterprises

March, 2012

Ethiopia's rural non-farm sector is
significant and participation is increasing. The sector is
particularly important for women and poorer households.
Non-farm enterprises provide income-earning opportunities to
those lacking alternative options and supplementary income
for farming households. This report is organized into seven
chapters. The first chapter lays the analytical groundwork
for assessing the rural investment climate in Ethiopia and

Developing the Organic Agriculture Sub-Sector in Samoa

March, 2013

The World Bank has provided technical
assistance (TA) support to the Government of Samoa to help
identify measures to strengthen agriculture sector
institutions, to improve the performance of selected
commodities - including livestock, fruits and vegetables and
organic products - and to identify strategic agriculture
infrastructure investments. This report provides information
and analysis on opportunities for further development of

Armenia : Title Registration Project

August, 2012

This approach resulted in the
fragmentation of agricultural holdings, with families owning
noncontiguous plots. Land use was inefficient, owing in part
to the low rate of use of agricultural machinery. Making
land use and farming more efficient will require the
establishment of a functioning land market. Granting farmers
the right to sell, exchange, and lease their land will
enable them to use it as collateral and to consolidate

Causes of Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon

August, 2013

The worldwide concern with deforestation
of Brazilian Amazonia is motivated not only by the
irreversible loss of this natural wealth, but also by the
perception that it is a destructive process in which the
social and economic gains are smaller than the environmental
losses. This perception also underlies the diagnosis,
formulation and evaluation of public policies proposed by
government and non-governmental organizations working in the

Incomplete Markets and Fertilizer Use : Evidence from Ethiopia

March, 2012

While the economic returns to using
chemical fertilizer in Africa can be large, application
rates are low. This study explores whether this is due to
missing and imperfect markets. Results based on a panel
survey of Ethiopian farmers suggest that while fertilizer
markets are not altogether missing in rural Ethiopia, high
transport costs, unfavorable climate, price risk, and
illiteracy present formidable hurdles to farmer

Economic of Adaptation to Climate Change : Bangladesh, Volume 2. Annexes

March, 2013

Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable
countries in the world to climate risks. Two-thirds of the
nation is less than 5 meters above sea level and is
susceptible to river and rainwater flooding, particularly
during the monsoon. The Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy
and Action Plan (BCCSAP), adopted by the government of
Bangladesh in 2009, seek to guide activities and programs
related to climate change in Bangladesh. Until the past few

Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change : Ghana, Volume 2. Annexes

April, 2013

The report is organized as follows. The
next section puts the study into context by briefly
discussing the global EACC study and the EACC methodology,
which was applied in this study at a more disaggregated
level. The section highlights the differential impacts of
climate change among different regions of the world,
including Africa. Chapter three presents an overview of the
methodology used, including the key assumptions. An effort

The Economic Impact of Climate Change on Kenyan Crop Agriculture : A Ricardian Approach

June, 2012

This paper measures the economic impact
of climate on crops in Kenya. The analysis is based on
cross-sectional climate, hydrological, soil, and household
level data for a sample of 816 households, and uses a
seasonal Ricardian model. Estimated marginal impacts of
climate variables suggest that global warming is harmful for
agricultural productivity and that changes in temperature
are much more important than changes in precipitation. This

China - From Poor Areas to Poor People : China's Evolving Poverty Reduction Agenda - An Assessment of Poverty and Inequality in China : Executive Summary

March, 2012

China's progress in poverty
reduction over the last 25 years is enviable. One cannot
fail to be impressed by what this vast nation of 1.3 billion
people has achieved in so little time. In terms of a wide
range of indicators, the progress has been remarkable.
Poverty in terms of income and consumption has been
dramatically reduced. Progress has also been substantial in
terms of human development indicators. Most of the

Liberia : Gender-Aware Programs and Women's Roles in Agricultural Value Chains

June, 2014

This Policy Memorandum provides policy
advice to the government of Liberia (GOL) in an effort to
mainstream gender issues in policies, programs, and projects
supporting agricultural production and value-chain
development. It is organized as follows. Section I reviews
women's roles in Liberian agriculture and agricultural
value chains, drawing on a variety of data sources,
including the 2007 Core Welfare Indicator Questionnaire

Cameroon - Agricultural Value Chain : Competitiveness Study

June, 2012

This study, competitiveness of the value
chain of the agricultural sector in Cameroon, aims to help
the Government achieve its objectives for the rural sector.
The main objective of this study was to provide information
on the potentials, investment and growth policies of
commercial agriculture in Cameroon. It gives an overview of
the constraints and analyzes the national, regional or
international competitiveness of six value chains of the

Inclusive Growth Analytics : Framework and Application

March, 2012

This paper argues that inclusive growth
analytics has a distinct character focusing on both the pace
and pattern of growth. Traditionally, applied
country-specific poverty and growth analyses have been done
separately. This paper describes the conceptual elements for
an analytical strategy aimed to integrate these two strands
of analyses, and to identify and prioritize country-specific
constraints to sustained and inclusive growth. The authors