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IssuesfarmersLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 373 - 384 of 3560

Women in Agriculture

August, 2015

Migration is transforming rural
economies, landscapes, and potentially, gender relations.
Migration is one of the drivers of the so-called
feminization of agriculture in Latin America. This
feminization has relevance for everyone given agriculture’s
role in regional food security, national shared prosperity,
and household resilience to shocks. The objective of this
study is to investigate the feminization of agriculture as

Entrepreneurship Education and Training : Insights from Ghana, Kenya, and Mozambique

June, 2014

This report summarizes the key themes
and findings from three in-depth case studies of EET
programs in Ghana, Kenya, and Mozambique. Each case study
produced rich information on the programs context, the
landscape of programs in each country, and the qualitative
insights from local EET stakeholders. This report
synthesizes information from across the case studies to
analyze the extent to which these countries programs are

The Impact of Violence on Individual Risk Preferences

November, 2015

This study estimates the impact of
Kenya’s post-election violence on individual risk
preferences. Because the crisis interrupted a longitudinal
survey of more than five thousand Kenyan youth, this timing
creates plausibly exogenous variation in exposure to civil
conflict by the time of the survey. The study measures
individual risk preferences using hypothetical lottery
choice questions, which are validated by showing that they

Paraguay Agricultural Sector Risk Assessment

Reports & Research
June, 2015

This report is the result of a World
Bank mission that visited Paraguay in June 2013 at the
request of the Government of Paraguay. The mission’s
objective was to identify, quantify, and prioritize
agriculture risks that determine the volatility of
agriculture gross domestic product (GDP), based on a
methodology to assess sector risks developed by the World
Bank. The methodology stipulates a two-phase process. The

Understanding the Agricultural Input Landscape in Sub-Saharan Africa : Recent Plot, Household, and Community-Level Evidence

October, 2014

Conventional wisdom holds that
Sub-Saharan African farmers use few modern inputs despite
the fact that most growth-inducing and poverty-reducing
agricultural growth in the region is expected to come
largely from expanded use of inputs that embody improved
technologies, particularly improved seed, fertilizers and
other agro-chemicals, machinery, and irrigation. Yet
following several years of high food prices, concerted

Strengthening Social Protection Systems to Manage Disaster and Climate Risk in Asia and Pacific

November, 2015

This report summarizes the knowledge
shared and issues raised during a conference convened by the
World Bank on the above topic held on November 3-5, 2014 in
Manila, Philippines. Building on earlier conferences on this
topic, the conference aimed to raise awareness about, and
share good practice on, building a social protection system
that integrates disaster risk management and climate change
adaptation. It brought together 17 country delegations from

The Effects of Volumetric Pricing Policy on Farmers’ Water Management Institutions and Their Water Use

August, 2015

This article examines the effect of
water pricing policies on farmers’ water saving behaviors,
using original water user group (WUG) data from a reservoir
irrigation system in China. The introduction of volumetric
water pricing at the group level, to replace area-based
pricing, induces institutional change to prevent each
member’s overuse of water when the volumetric price levels
are moderate. Depending on the initial conditions, the

Wage Growth, Landholding, and Mechanization in Chinese Agriculture

January, 2015

This paper uses farm panel data from
China to examine the dynamics of land transactions, machine
investments, and the demand for machine services. Recently,
China's agriculture has experienced a large expansion
of machine rentals and machine services provided by
specialized agents, which has contributed to mechanization
of agricultural production. The empirical results show that
an increase in nonagricultural wage rates leads to expansion

Rwanda Poverty Assessment

November, 2015

The last poverty assessment for Rwanda
was conducted in 1997. Three years after the genocide, the
country was characterized by deep and widespread poverty,
rock-bottom health indicators, and pervasive hunger and food
insecurity. In real terms, gross domestic product (GDP) per
capita was lower than it had been in 1960. In real terms,
the economy quadrupled between 1995 and 2013. Enrolment in
primary school is near universal and infant and child

Braving the Storm

August, 2015

This note describes the trends in, and
composition of, absolute poverty based on household
expenditures, and is thus concerned, as a matter of policy
objectives, with access of the population to a particular
minimum standard of living. This should be viewed as
complementary to the companion note on social exclusion
based on Europe 2020 indicators including the relative
at-risk-of-poverty (AROP) rate, focuses on low income in

Solomon Islands

April, 2015

A slow-moving tropical depression caused
persistent heavy rains in the Solomon Islands between April
1 and 4, 2014. The highest recorded daily rainfall
associated with this event was 318mm in Honiara on April 3.
The rains caused flash flooding in Honiara, Guadalcanal,
Isabel, Malaita, and Makira-Ulawa. More than 732mm of rain
was recorded over four days at the Honiara rain gauge,
although heavier rainfall was reported inland. On April 5,

Republic of Mali

November, 2015

This document presents the Systematic
Country Diagnosis (SCD) for Mali. The SCD was prepared
following a consultative process within and outside the
World Bank. It identifies constraints and opportunities for
achieving the twin goals of ending poverty and improving
shared prosperity by 2030 while acknowledging (i) the need
for selectivity in pro-poor interventions, and (ii) the many
competing ‘binding’ reasons for poverty in Mali. The