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IssuesfarmersLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 361 - 372 of 3560

Quantifying Spillover Effects from Large Farm Establishments

November, 2015

Almost a decade after large land-based
investment for agriculture increased sharply, opinions on
its impact continue to diverge, partly because (positive or
negative) spillovers on neighboring smallholders have never
been rigorously assessed. Applying methods from the urban
literature on Mozambican data suggests that changes in the
number and area of large farms within 25 or 50 kilometers of
these investments raised use of improved practices, animal

Expanding Opportunities for Rural Finance in Colombia

February, 2016

The purpose of this note is to provide
policy recommendations to improve access to credit of rural
populations and small agricultural producers under
financially sustainable schemes. Although the agricultural
sector remains an important source of employment,
agricultural credit is a small fraction of commercial credit
in Colombia. The share of agricultural credit in Colombia is
below levels observed in other countries in the region.

Gender in Climate-Smart Agriculture

November, 2015

This module provides guidance and a
comprehensive menu of practical tools for integrating gender
in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of
projects and investments in climate-smart agriculture (CSA).
The module emphasizes the importance and ultimate goal of
integrating gender in CSA practices, which is to reduce
gender inequalities and ensure that men and women can
equally benefit from any intervention in the agricultural

Alternative Social Safety Nets in South Sudan

August, 2015

The purpose of this note is to provide the monetary cost of various social safety net
targeting schemes that can be deployed to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. It is
believed that gradually switching to the provision of social safety nets can reduce the chronic
dependency on humanitarian (mainly food) aid. At the same time, it could help to alleviate reliance
on patronage networks and switch a portion of the public spending from unproductive uses (e.g.,

Mozambique Agricultural Sector Risk Assessment

October, 2015

Agricultural risk management is a
central issue that Mozambique faces in development, and
multiple stakeholders have analyzed this challenge,
sometimes with different terminology and focusing on varying
aspects. The government of Mozambique has adopted the
strategic plan for agricultural development (PEDSA 2010-19)
that focuses on: (i) increasing the availability of food in
order to reduce hunger through growth in small producer

Scaling the Heights : Social Inclusion and Sustainable Development in Himachal Pradesh

January, 2015

Himachal Pradesh has the reputation of
being stable, inclusive, cohesive and well-governed and it
stands apart in many respects from its neighbors in northern
India. It has additionally, achieved remarkable growth,
especially in the last two decades, which has been
accompanied by very good human development outcomes. Despite
being a predominantly rural society, educational attainment
in Himachal Pradesh for instance, is among the best in the


October, 2015

The performance of Senegal’s
agricultural performance exemplifies the impact of unmanaged
risk on productivity among vulnerable smallholder crop
producers and pastoralists. The government of Senegal has
historically responded to drought and other shocks with
direct financial support to farmers as well as general
assistance to the rural population. The World Bank, with
support from the group of eight (G-8) and the United States

Increasing Agricultural Production and Resilience Through Improved Agrometeorological Services

April, 2015

This study was undertaken in support of the World Bank
project, Agroweather Tools for Adapting to Climate
Change. The overall goal of this pilot project is to establish
community-based agro-weather risk management
tools. These tools are to be supported by a flow of weather
and climate information via information and communication
technology (ICT) delivery systems.
While some advice is provided on how farmers
can use meteorological and climatological information
in their operations, this is not the main thrust of the

World Bank Group and World Bank Corporate Scorecards, October 2015

November, 2015

In July 2013, the World Bank Group
launched its Strategy, outlining how it will partner more
effectively with clients to help them achieve the ambitious
goals of eradicating extreme poverty and boosting shared
prosperity through economic growth, inclusion,
sustainability and resilience. In April 2014, the World Bank
Group Corporate Scorecard was launched for the first time
and the World Bank Scorecard revised to monitor the

Crop Choice and Infrastructure Accessibility in Tanzania

July, 2015

Africa has great potential for
agriculture. Although international commodity prices have
been buoyant, Africa’s supply response seems to be weak. A
variety of constraints may exist. Using the case of
Tanzania, the paper examines the impact of market
connectivity, domestic and international, on farmers’ crop
choices. It is shown that the international market
connectivity, measured by transport costs to the maritime

Environmental Reliance, Climate Exposure, and Vulnerability

December, 2015

This paper analyzes environmental
reliance, poverty, and climate vulnerability among more than
7,300 households in forest adjacent communities in 24
developing countries. The data are from the detailed,
quarterly income recording done by the Poverty Environment
Network project. Observed income is combined with predicted
income (based on households’ assets and other
characteristics) to create four categories of households:

Use of Catastrophe Risk Models in Assessing Sovereign Food Security for Risk Transfer

July, 2015

This paper discusses how catastrophe
crop risk models can be used to assess food security needs
at the sovereign level for the purpose of risk transfer. The
rationale for a system to evaluate food security needs at
the national level is discussed. The role of technology and
remote sensing data availability as an enabler of
catastrophe crop risk models is discussed followed by a
description of the framework of catastrophe crop models for