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Displaying 1153 - 1164 of 4167

The Little Green Data Book 2007

June, 2012

The 2007 edition of the little green
data book includes a new focus section, four introductory
pages that focus on a specific issue related to development
and the environment in this edition, carbon dioxide
emissions. The reports deem human causation of climate
change to be very likely. Late 2006 saw the publication of
the Stern review on the economics of climate change, which
emphasizes the major economic costs of climate change under

A Review of the Valuation of Environmental Costs and Benefits in World Bank Projects

May, 2014

The review examines the use of
environmental valuation in 101 projects in the World
Bank's environmental portfolio approved in fiscal years
2000, 2001, and 2002. It has three broad objectives. First,
it examines the extent to which environmental costs and
benefits have been incorporated in the economic analysis of
projects. Second, it examines how well valuation was used.
Third, it seeks to identify areas of weakness so as to feed

Productivity and Efficiency of Small and Large Farms in Transition: Evidence from Moldova

March, 2012

Transition to market-oriented agriculture has been characterized in all the CIS countries by a massive shift from large-scale "agricultural enterprises" to small family farms. The comparative efficiency of these two categories of farms is thus a topical issue for agriculture in transition counties. This article uses national agricultural statistics for Moldova for 1990-2006 and cross-section data from three farm surveys conducted in 2000-2003 to analyze the productivity of small individual farms and large corporate farms in Moldova.

Can the Poor Participate in Payments for Environmental Services? Lessons from the Silvopastoral Project in Nicaragua

March, 2012

This paper uses data from a Payments for Environmental Services (PES) project being implemented in Nicaragua to examine the extent to which poorer households that are eligible to participate are in fact able to do so, an issue over which there has been considerable concern. The study site provides a strong test of the ability of poorer households to participate, as it requires participants to make substantial and complex land use changes.

Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes

June, 2012

This volume contributes to broadening
the understanding and application of the concept of
mainstreaming biodiversity. It captures the inputs to, and
findings of an international workshop held in Cape Town,
South Africa, in September 2004 on Mainstreaming
Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors. The aims
of the workshop were to: determine an operational definition
of the concept of mainstreaming biodiversity in production

The Challenge of Improving Water and Sanitation Services in Less Developed Countries

March, 2012

This paper argues that there are many challenges to designing and implementing water and sanitation interventions that actually deliver economic benefits to the households in developing countries. Perhaps most critical to successful water and sanitation investments is to discover and implement forms of service and payment mechanisms that will render the improvements worthwhile for those who must pay for them.

Managing the Livestock Revolution : Policy and Technology to Address the Negative Impacts of a Fast-Growing Sector

June, 2012

Fueled by fast-expanding demand, the production of meat and milk in the developing world has doubled in recent decades, and this trend is expected to continue. This expanding sector can provide income, employment, and high quality nutrition for vulnerable groups, and in many areas of the world, essential soil fertility inputs.

Bulgaria - Environmental Sequencing Strategies for EU Accession : Priority Public Investments for Wastewater Treatment and Landfill of Waste

July, 2013

Despite Bulgaria's progress to act
in accordance with European Union (EU) environmental
directives, full compliance with the Union's
environmental acquis remains a challenge and requires a
substantial investment program in environmental
infrastructure and implementation activities in pollution
abatement, waste management, and financing the associated
operation and maintenance costs. The report focuses on

An Evaluation of World Bank Investment Climate Activities

April, 2016

The Investment Climate Study is a
evaluation of the Operations Evaluation Department (OED).
The OED report reviews the Bank’s investment climate lending
and non-lending activities during fiscal years 1993 through
2002-03. The report presents the collected findings of
several evaluative exercises: a literature review; an
analysis of investment climate themes in country assistance
strategies and sector strategies; an analysis of lending

Orissa : Investment Climate Assessment 2005, Towards a High Performing State

June, 2012

In carrying out the program for investment climate reform, Orissa State has to keep three things uppermost: It s critical to strike the right balance between private and social interests so that both are mutually reinforced and growth is equitable and inclusive. 2) Both the implementation capacity of government and the political economy of reforms will require appropriate prioritization of reforms with a clear identification of short-, medium-, and long-term actions.

The Impact of Business Environment and Economic Geography on Plant-Level Productivity : An Analysis of Indian Industry

June, 2012

The authors' analysis of manufacturing plants sampled from India's major industrial centers shows large productivity gaps across cities. The gaps partly reflect differences in agglomeration economies and in market access. However, they are also explained to a greater extent by differences in the degree of labor regulation and in the severity of power shortages.

Livestock Development : Implications for Rural Poverty, the Environment, and Global Food Security

June, 2013

This report provides recommendations on
how to better manage ongoing changes in livestock
development. First, it presents an overview of the main
trends that can be expected to drive the sector over the
next decades. Second it discusses the negative or positive
social, environmental, and health repercussions of those
trends, and the institutional, policy, and technical
requirements needed to manage them. It concludes with a