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From Political to Economic Awakening in the Arab World : The Path of Economic Integration - Deauville Partnership Report on Trade and Foreign Direct Investment, Volume 1. Overview Report

December, 2012

The forces unleashed by the Arab
political awakening have the power to be transformational.
One critical parameter of success will be whether the Arab
political awakening is accompanied by a concurrent economic
awakening. Economic integration through increased trade and
foreign direct investment (FDI) is one key means available
in the short to medium term to policy makers to put the
Partnership countries on a higher path of sustainable

GRI Index FY12

November, 2015

The response to the global reporting
initiative (GRI) indicators provides a brief introduction to
the World Bank’s (WB’s) complex suite of activities. The WB
consists of the International Bank of Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD) and the International Development
Association (IDA). Materiality is determined through an
assessment carried out based on GRI guidance. The assessment
evaluates the risks to the organization, the importance to

Doing a Dam Better : The Lao
People's Democratic Republic and the Story of Nam Theun
2 (NT2)

March, 2012

Preparation of the $1.45 billion Nam
Theun 2 (NT2) project in the Lao People's Democratic
Republic (Lao PDR) represented an important milestone for
the government, the developers, international partners, and
other stakeholders. The story of its preparation and
implementation is an important one, because it provides
valuable insights and lessons that can be applied in future
projects of similar size, scope, and complexity. Projects

Pakistan - Gilgit-Baltistan Economic Report : Broadening the Transformation

March, 2012

Parts of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), the
northeastern most administrative region of Pakistan, have
been undergoing a dramatic transformation over the last
three decades. Given the challenging environment, GB's
development outcomes are impressive, built on the
time-tempered resilience of the people of GB and facilitated
by high levels of social capital. GB has also benefitted
from the attentions of the national Government of Pakistan

Developing Independent Media as An
Institution of Accountable Governance : A How-To Guide

March, 2012

The World Bank's Communication for
Governance and Accountability Program (CommGAP) has spent
several years exploring the linkages between the media and
governance reform. The first stage of this process produced
public sentinel: news media and governance reform, an edited
volume that explored key issues surrounding the role of the
media in democratic governance and the policy interventions
that might enable this role. This how-to guide represents

10 Years of Experience in Carbon
Finance : Insights from Working with the Kyoto Mechanisms

March, 2012

Under the Kyoto Protocol to the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the
industrialized countries adopted quantified emission
reductions obligations. Marking the 10th anniversary of the
establishment of the World Bank Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF)
the world's first global carbon fund, this report seeks
to take stock of the World Bank's experience of working
with the Kyoto Protocol's project-based mechanisms over

China : Improving Energy Efficiency in Public Institutions

March, 2014

The next several years are critical for
achieving lasting results in China's relatively new
energy efficiency program for public institutions. Public
institutions in China are defined as those government
agencies, public service units, and organizations that
either fully or partially receive government budget funds.
In the study team's opinion, key challenges for
China's public institution energy conservation program

GRI Index FY11

November, 2015

The response to the global reporting
initiative (GRI) indicators provides a brief introduction to
the World Bank’s (WB’s) complex suite of activities. The WB
consists of the International Bank of Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD) and the International Development
Association (IDA). Materiality is determined through an
assessment carried out based on GRI guidance. The assessment
evaluates the risks to the organization, the importance to

Global Good Practice in Incubation Policy Development and Implementation

March, 2013

This paper was based on a desk review of
the literature relating to best practice in public policy
supporting business incubation, supplemented by four
national case studies covering Brazil, Ma-laysia, New
Zealand and South Africa. These country studies were
prepared through engage-ment of stakeholders, site visits
and other sources of primary and secondary information
collection. In the context of the study, we focused on best

Mozambique Country Program Evaluation

October, 2015

Since the cessation of conflict,
Mozambique has achieved impressive economic growth and has
become an example of successful post conflict reconstruction
and development, moving from a one-party state to a
multiparty democracy and from a socialist, command economy
to a market-based economy. Mozambique’s development has been
strongly supported by foreign aid, and since 2001 average
annual disbursements of official development assistance

Resource Management and the Effects of Trade on Vulnerable Places and People : Lessons from Six Case Studies

March, 2012

Lessons from six case studies illustrate
the complex relationships between international trade,
vulnerable ecologies and the poor. The studies, taken from
Africa, Asia and Latin America and conducted by local
researchers, are set in places where the poor live in close
proximity to ecologies that are important to global
conservation efforts, and focus on the cascading
consequences of trade policy for local livelihoods and

The World Bank in Nepal, 2003-2008

October, 2015

This report evaluates International
Development Association (IDA) support to Nepal during
2003-2008. IDA’s overarching goal during this period was to
support the Government’s efforts to reduce poverty and
improve human well-being. IDA focused on helping to foster
broad-based growth, social development, social inclusion,
and good governance. The evaluation highlights the need to
introduce greater realism into the country assistance