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UNDP Land Policy Briefs call for more research to address knowledge gaps on gender relations in land practices

Policy Papers & Briefs
January, 2008

[via UNDP, 2008] These 4 Policy Briefs from UNDP show how increasing knowledge about gender relations and empowerment has highlighted the importance of access to and control over land within intra-household gender relations, and what this implies for broader concerns about empowerment of the poor.  Moreover, significant knowledge gaps are also found in discussions on the link between land policies and cultural, territorial and gender empowerment issues.


Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport Corridor (LAPSSET) and Indigenous Peoples in Kenya

Reports & Research
January, 2012

The LAPSSET Corridor project, a major infrastructure development project that will run from Kenya to South Sudan and Ethiopia, will impact, positively or negatively, on the lives of more than 100 million people in the three countries. Indigenous peoples will potentially suffer the most negative impacts as a result of their having been historically marginalized economically, socially and politically. The recent discovery of oil in Turkana will add to the suffering of the Turkana peoples.

Returnee land access: lessons from Rwanda

Policy Papers & Briefs
January, 2007

This background briefing reports on a study of land access for returnees in Rwanda, and the impacts of land access policies in the post-conflict period. It also seeks to understand better the roles international humanitarian agencies and NGOs have played, and how their performance can be improved. It is not suggested that Rwanda is typical, but rather that the centrality of land issues there has thrown up a revealing set of broader questions.

The briefing ends with the following lessons;

Drawing a line under the crisis: Reconciling returnee land access and security in postconflict Rwanda

Reports & Research
January, 2007

This report is part of a broader comparative effort by the Overseas Development Institute’s Humanitarian Policy Group on Land Tenure in Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations, which aims to inform and improve the policy and practice of humanitarian action and to inform related areas of international policy. It seeks to understand how land issues affect and are affected by violence and conflict resolution, what responses are appropriate and what lessons can be learned from specific contexts of land tenure interventions, both during and after conflict.

Ley Nº 9.073 - Ley de protección a los ocupantes de zonas clasificadas como especiales.

Costa Rica
Central America

La presente Ley de protección a los ocupantes de zonas clasificadas como especiales, suspende el desalojo de personas, demolición de obras, suspensión de actividades y proyectos en la zona marítimo-terrestre, zona fronteriza y patrimonio natural del Estado. Tal disposición no excluye dictar las medidas cautelares judiciales o administrativas, ni la ejecución de resoluciones judiciales o administrativas en firme, en ambos casos cuando se determine la comisión de daño ambiental o peligro o amenaza de daño al medio ambiente.

Decreto Supremo Nº 015/12/VIVIENDA - Reglamento de Protección Ambiental para proyectos vinculados a las actividades de Vivienda, Urbanismo, Construcción y Saneamiento.

South America

El presente Decreto Supremo aprueba el Reglamento de Protección Ambiental para proyectos vinculados a las actividades de Vivienda, Urbanismo, Construcción y Saneamiento, que tiene por objeto regular la gestión ambiental sectorial garantizando la adecuada implementación de la Política Nacional del Ambiente y la Política Ambiental Sectorial; y prevenir, mitigar, controlar y remediar los impactos ambientales negativos derivados de actividades correspondientes a proyectos de inversión del ámbito de competencia del Ministerio de Vivienda, Construcción y Saneamiento.

Coastal Land Tenure Reform COSTA RICA - Socio Environmental CONFLICTS

Reports & Research
January, 2012

This work aims to contribute to the debate on social conflicts generated by coastal development and the process of land tenure reform as a conflict resolution mechanism. We will present the case of the Territorios Costeros Comunitarios reform movement (TECOCOS) currently mobilized in Costa Rica and integrated by over 60 coastal communities. This reform movement initiated in reaction to a recent wave of planned evictions threatening specific coastal communities on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, following a decade of aggressive coastal tourism development.

Regional Law No. 379-KZ “On forest management, conservation, protection and reproduction of forests growing on urban land”.

Eastern Europe

The scope of this Regional Law shall be conservation and improvement of environmental, protective and other beneficial qualities of urban forests. Urban forest shall not be included in state forest fund, but shall be classified as public forest managed by regional administration. Urban forest management must ensure: (a) ecosystem preservation; (b) improvement of forest species composition; (c) conservation of wild fauna and wild flora species; (d) combating pests and diseases; and (e) recreational use of forests.

Regulation No. 931 on Pollution Control (Pollution Control Regulation).

Northern Europe

The purpose of this Regulation is to provide measures to prevent the risk of contamination from hazardous substances in the soil, at sea and in watercourses, as well as air pollution caused by noise and emissions of hazardous substances by implementing regular inspections with the aim to ensure that environmental quality and standards are maintained.

Vegetation Management Regulation 2012.


This Regulation, consisting of five Parts, implements the Vegetation Management Act 1999. It provides for the classification of regional ecosystems, which are listed in the annexed schedules, and it gives effect to the statutory codes, policies and maps that underpin the vegetation management framework.The Regulation is completed by eigth schedules: endangered regional ecosystems, of concern regional ecosystems, least concern regional ecosystems, grassland regional ecosystems, trees prescribed for the Act, fees and dictionary.

Kerala Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland (Amendment) Act, 2011 (Act No. 14 of 2011).

Southern Asia

This Act amends the Kerala Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland Act, 2008 by making minor word changes to sections 12, 13 and 19 that provide for the appointment of authorized officers and their powers, powers of the District Officer and powers of entry and seizure.

Amends: Kerala Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland Act, 2008 (Act No. 28 of 2008). (2008-08-12)