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IssuesagricultureLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 781 - 792 of 4983

Political Economy of Public Policies : Insights from Distortions to Agricultural and Food Markets

September, 2013

The agricultural and food sector is an
ideal case for investigating the political economy of public
policies. Many of the policy developments in this sector
since the 1950s have been sudden and transformational, while
others have been gradual but persistent. This paper reviews
and synthesizes the literature on trends and fluctuations in
market distortions and the political-economy explanations
that have been advanced. Based on a rich global data set

United Mexican States Reducing Fuel Subsidies

April, 2015

This paper analyzes the economic,
distributional, and environmental impact that energy subsidy
reductions and alternative compensating mechanisms might
have in Mexico. To achieve that goal, author use a
computable general equilibrium model of the Mexican economy.
They make several important changes to the original model to
build the energy subsidies (to gasoline, diesel, electricity
and liquefied petroleum gas) into the benchmark and then do

The Growth Report : Strategies for Sustained Growth and Inclusive Development

May, 2012

The report has four main parts. In the
first, the commission reviews the 13 economies that have
sustained, high growth in the postwar period. Their growth
models had some common flavors: the strategic integration
with the world economy; the mobility of resources,
particularly labor; the high savings and investment rates;
and a capable government committed to growth. The report
goes on to describe the cast of mind and techniques of

Up in Smoke? Agricultural Commercialization, Rising Food Prices and Stunting in Malawi

February, 2014

Diversification into high-value cash
crops among smallholders has been propagated as a strategy
to improve welfare in rural areas. However, the extent to
which cash crop production spurs projected gains remains an
under-researched question, especially in the context of
market imperfections leading to non-separable production and
consumption decisions, and price shocks to staple crops that
might be displaced on the farm by cash crops. This study is

Support for Agricultural Restructuring Project : The Financial and Economic Competitiveness of Rice and Selected Feed Crops in Northern and Southern Vietnam

October, 2013

One area of weakness in current
agricultural policy work in Vietnam is the lack of a clear
understanding of both the private profitability of farmers
for different crop activities and the social profitability
of such activities. Agricultural performance is thus gauged
in physical terms (i.e. yields and the volume of aggregate
output) rather than in financial or economic terms. This has
hampered efforts to compare and contrast the impacts and

Changing for the Better

September, 2015

As a low-middle-income country with a
gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of US$1,715 and a
population of 30 million (nearly half of all of the Central
Asian population), Uzbekistan has seen stable economic
progress since the mid-2000s, both in terms of growth and
poverty reduction. Growth has averaged 8 percent per year
since 2004 and extreme poverty has declined from 27 percent
in 2000 to 15 percent in 2012. Encouraged by this

Pathways to African Export Sustainability

July, 2012

This report provides tentative leads
toward such policy prescriptions, based on an overview of
the empirical evidence. Chapter one sets the stage by
putting Africa's export-survival performance into
perspective and proposing a framework that will guide the
interpretation of empirical evidence throughout the report.
Chapter two covers country-level determinants of export
sustainability at origin and destination, including the

Admission is Free Only if Your Dad is Rich! Distributional Effects of Corruption in Schools in Developing Countries

February, 2014

In the standard model of corruption, the
rich are more likely to pay bribes for their children's
education, reflecting higher ability to pay. This prediction
is, however, driven by the assumption that the probability
of punishment for bribe-taking is invariant across
households. In many developing countries lacking in rule of
law, this assumption is untenable, because the enforcement
of law is not impersonal or unbiased and the poor have

Burkina Faso : Determinants of Cereal Production, Stochastic Frontier Approach for Panel Data

October, 2013

Burkina Faso's Poverty Reduction
Strategies (PRS) of the 2000s, which were implemented as
annually rolled-over Priority Action Programs, focused on
four pillars: a) accelerating broad based growth; b)
expanding access to social services for the poor; c)
increasing employment and income-generating activities for
the poor; and d) promoting good governance. Increased public
expenditure and targeted social service provision also led

Managing Agricultural Weather Risks in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil

September, 2015

Agriculture plays an important role in
the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Most of its production
depends on small family-owned farms, which are greatly
exposed to climatic and price shocks. In order to help small
farmers to manage risks, the federal and state governments
have been carrying out several programs and measures to
reduce and transfer agricultural risks. Santa Catarina ranks
seventh out of 26 Brazilian states in terms of agricultural

Natural Resource Abundance, Growth, and Diversification in the Middle East and North Africa : The Effects of Natural Resources and the Role of Policies

December, 2012

This book is organized as follows: this
first chapter examines the pattern of structural
transformation in Middle East and North Africa, or MENA and
summarizes the role of various factors examined thoroughly
in the rest of the volume. This second chapter examines the
correlates of this overall disappointing performance. At the
macro level, MENA countries have been unable to maintain
depreciated (undervalued) real exchange rates for long

Tajikistan : Overview of Climate Change Activities

Reports & Research
October, 2013

This overview of climate change
activities in Tajikistan is part of a series of country
notes for five Central Asian countries that summarize
climate portfolio of the major development partners in a
number of climate-sensitive sectors, namely energy,
agriculture, forestry and natural resources, water, health,
and transport. Recognizing the nature and significance of
climate change contribution to an increase in disaster risk,