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Displaying 769 - 780 of 4983

Getting a Grip on Climate Change in the Philippines : Executive Report

January, 2014

The Philippines already experiences and
will continue to face impacts from climate change. In the
decades ahead, the most serious consequences will be felt in
coastal and urban areas. Severe hardships are expected in
agriculture and fisheries, leading to negative impacts on
jobs and the economy. With these risks in mind the
Philippine Government has initiated significant climate
reforms, establishing a basis for transformation. To assess

Benin Economic Update, Fall 2014

December, 2014

Benin has made substantial progress over
the past decade in reinforcing macroeconomic stability,
which has laid the foundation for modest but accelerating
growth. After averaging less than 3.7 percent from
2007-2011, GDP growth rose to 5.4 percent in 2012 and
reached 5.6 percent in 2013. Growth is expected to remain
strong at 5.5 percent in 2014. Benin s enhanced growth
performance has been supported by ongoing efficiency

Bouncing Back : Forests, Trees, and Resilient Households

Reports & Research
October, 2013

This paper examines some of the concepts
surrounding the idea that forests and trees can contribute
to making households more resilient to food insecurity. The
paper begins with a discussion of the widely accepted
definitions of food security, and the implications for our
understanding of the role of forests and trees in
contributing to food security. Authors discuss the origins
of the idea of resilience, adaptability, and transformation

Social Accountability Review : Forestry Sector in Moldova

February, 2014

The forestry sector in Moldova faces
significant governance and sustainability challenges. The
insufficient level of forest coverage in Moldova has a
serious impact on environment and overall economic growth in
the country. The situation is exacerbated by the reportedly
intense pressure on forest resources exerted by the human
factor. Illegal logging and grazing are considered as
significant factors that contribute to forest loss. There is

Reviving Romania's Growth and Convergence Challenges and Opportunities : A Country Economic Memorandum

October, 2013

This Country Economic Memorandum (CEM)
sets a framework for a dialogue on inclusive economic growth
and income convergence in Romania. Generous Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) and other financial inflows lifted consumer
demand, built up key industries, modernized wholesale trade
and unleashed the movement of labor from low-productivity
activities like agriculture towards high-productivity
activities like manufacturing. Public and private

Regional Impacts of High Speed Rail in China : Spatial Proximity and Productivity in an Emerging Economy

September, 2014

This paper contains an initial
reconnaissance of the situation in Yunfu, prior to the
NanGuang project construction. It provides a brief overview
of the trajectory of economic development in Yunfu from an
economy that was dominated by primary industries to that by
secondary industries. The development of local transport
infrastructure is reviewed, as is the more detailed
structure of local industries, with special emphasis on

Tajikistan : Reinvigorating Growth in the Khatlon Oblast

February, 2014

This report assesses the challenges and
opportunities for the development of the Khatlon oblast in
Tajikistan. The report argues that the rise in the strategic
significance of Khatlon must be matched by responses in
public policy and a strong upturn in private investment to
strengthen economic prospects. The report identifies four
key reform imperatives for stimulating growth in the oblast.
These are: (i) promoting cities and internal connectivity to

Political Economy of Public Policies : Insights from Distortions to Agricultural and Food Markets

September, 2013

The agricultural and food sector is an
ideal case for investigating the political economy of public
policies. Many of the policy developments in this sector
since the 1950s have been sudden and transformational, while
others have been gradual but persistent. This paper reviews
and synthesizes the literature on trends and fluctuations in
market distortions and the political-economy explanations
that have been advanced. Based on a rich global data set

United Mexican States Reducing Fuel Subsidies

April, 2015

This paper analyzes the economic,
distributional, and environmental impact that energy subsidy
reductions and alternative compensating mechanisms might
have in Mexico. To achieve that goal, author use a
computable general equilibrium model of the Mexican economy.
They make several important changes to the original model to
build the energy subsidies (to gasoline, diesel, electricity
and liquefied petroleum gas) into the benchmark and then do

The Growth Report : Strategies for Sustained Growth and Inclusive Development

May, 2012

The report has four main parts. In the
first, the commission reviews the 13 economies that have
sustained, high growth in the postwar period. Their growth
models had some common flavors: the strategic integration
with the world economy; the mobility of resources,
particularly labor; the high savings and investment rates;
and a capable government committed to growth. The report
goes on to describe the cast of mind and techniques of

Up in Smoke? Agricultural Commercialization, Rising Food Prices and Stunting in Malawi

February, 2014

Diversification into high-value cash
crops among smallholders has been propagated as a strategy
to improve welfare in rural areas. However, the extent to
which cash crop production spurs projected gains remains an
under-researched question, especially in the context of
market imperfections leading to non-separable production and
consumption decisions, and price shocks to staple crops that
might be displaced on the farm by cash crops. This study is

Support for Agricultural Restructuring Project : The Financial and Economic Competitiveness of Rice and Selected Feed Crops in Northern and Southern Vietnam

October, 2013

One area of weakness in current
agricultural policy work in Vietnam is the lack of a clear
understanding of both the private profitability of farmers
for different crop activities and the social profitability
of such activities. Agricultural performance is thus gauged
in physical terms (i.e. yields and the volume of aggregate
output) rather than in financial or economic terms. This has
hampered efforts to compare and contrast the impacts and