Le Land Portal rassemble une communauté unique d'activistes, d'universitaires, de travailleurs communautaires, de chercheurs, de fonctionnaires et d'acteurs de la société civile travaillant sur la gouvernance foncière et les droits fonciers dans le monde entier.
Legal Assistance Centre
LAC Assists People from All Walks of Life
Legal Entity Assessment Project
LEAP came into existence in 1988 when a group of KwaZulu-Natal land practitioners from NGOs, government and the private sector began to focus on why the communal property institutions (CPIs) set up under land reform appeared to be failing.
Lehigh Preserve
The repository is a service of the Lehigh University libraries. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited by the individual university departments and centers on campus.
Les Presses agronomiques de Gembloux
« Depuis 1964, les Presses agronomiques de Gembloux publient et diffusent des ouvrages scientifiques relevant des sciences agronomiques au sens le plus large et dont la plupart des auteurs appartiennent au CRA-W, au
Lexington Books
Lexington Books takes great pride in its unwavering commitment to publishing specialized research essential to advancing scholarship at a time when many academic publishers have abandoned this part of their programs.
Liberia extractive industries transparency initiative
Libreria Editrice Vaticana
The Vatican Publishing House (Italian: Libreria Editrice Vaticana; Latin: Officina libraria editoria Vaticana; LEV) is a publisher established by the Holy See in 1926. It is responsible for publishing official documents of the Roman Catholic Church, including Papal bulls and encyclicals.
LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance
LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance is a research centre of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven). Since its foundation in 1991 research at LICOS has focused on theoretical and empirical research of micro- and macro-economic aspects of transition, institutional changes and economic performance across the world.
Local Development Research Institute
Operational since 2015, Local Development Research Institute (LDRI) is an non-profit action-oriented think tank whose work contributes to the efforts of African governments to end extreme poverty, end hunger and reduce inequalities.
Local Governments for Sustainability
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is the leading global network of more than 1,500 cities, towns and regions committed to building a sustainable future.