Le Land Portal rassemble une communauté unique d'activistes, d'universitaires, de travailleurs communautaires, de chercheurs, de fonctionnaires et d'acteurs de la société civile travaillant sur la gouvernance foncière et les droits fonciers dans le monde entier.
New Partnership for Africa's Development
We are the development agency of the African Union, coordinating and executing priority regional and continental development projects to promote regional integration towards the accelerated realisation of Agenda 2063 – Africa’s vision and action plan. We are mandated to strengthen capacity of Member States and regional bodies.
New Security Beat
New Security Beat is the blog of the Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program, with contributions from the Maternal Health Initiative,
Nicholas K. Tagliarino
The legal data collected for Nicholas Tagliarino's dissertation and posted on Land Book examines whether national expropriation, compensation, and resettlement laws in developing countries are adopting international standards designed to secure tenure rights and ensure responsible land governance.
NiZa, Netherland's Institute for Southern Africa
NiZa NGO covering information and opinion making on Southern Africa. NiZA organises conferences and campaigns, debates and exchange programmes and contacts between the Netherlands and Southern Africa.
Source: ELDIS (consulted d.d. February 18th, 2020)
Non-Timber Forest Products - Exchange Programme
The NTFP-EP is a collaborative network of over 60 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) working with forest-based communities to strengthen their capacity in the sustainable management of natural resources in the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Cambodia.
Nordic Board for Wildlife Research
What is NKV?
The Nordic Board for Wildlife Research (NKV) was established in 1971 after recommendation from the Nordic Council of Ministers in 1968.
Nordiska Afrikainstitutet/The Nordic Africa Institute
The Nordic Africa Institute conducts research and offers resources that help further understanding about contemporary Africa. We believe that research-based knowledge and analysis offer a solid base for informed decisions and contribute to the fulfilment of the global development agenda.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance between 30 European and North American countries.
Norwegian Church Aid
Norwegian Church Aid (Norwegian Kirkens Nødhjelp) is a Norwegian humanitarian and ecumenical organisation with headquarters in Oslo. It was traditionally affiliated with the state Church of Norway, but is now independent. Norwegian Church Aid works together with people and organisations across the world to eradicate poverty and injustice.
Norwegian Latin America Research Network
Norwegian Latin America Research Network (NorLARNet) is an inter-disciplinary network of institutions and individuals involved in research related to Latin America.