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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 226 - 230 of 2116

Civil Society actors capacitate the marginalised urban poor towards inclusive, participatory, and sustainable


The overall objective is to secure the sustainable participation of urban poor in Namibia to become recognized actors in promotion of the access to security of land tenure, water and sanitation

The specific objectives are: Improved capacity of marginalised informal settlement communities to engage in policy and strategic dialogue towards access to land tenure and basic services (water and sanitation); Local communities enabled to hold the government accountable to secure efficient service delivery and improved transparency; and Policies implemented at local and national levels are aligned or consistent with the priorities of the National Alliance of Informal Settlement Upgrading (NAISU) and other relevant stakeholders.

Strengthening Nature-based Agriculture in Vanuatu


Strengthening Nature-based Agriculture in Vanuatu is a targeted, 30-months development action that aims to enhance food security and improve productive land management. It will deliver benefits to 25,000 people by diversifying and expanding agricultural economies and niche-product value chain development, including the potential for Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES). The action will embed women in the local economy.

The logic behind this intervention is that the empowerment of women in farmer groups focused on agroforestry value chains can help to increase agriculture productivity and diversification, improve dietary diversification and food security and provide an inclusive response to resilience building.


The overall objective of this action is to increase socioeconomic resilience in Shefa and Torba Provinces of Vanuatu. The action will embed women in the local economy. The proposed action has the following expected outcomes:

· Outcome 1. Women in targeted Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and farmer groups are empowered and the operational capacity of farmer groups is enhanced

Farmer groups are an important mechanism for scaling nature-based agriculture and empowering women. Activities implemented under this outcome will provide a mechanism to increase knowledge and skills of both men and women so they can scale up activities, and will improve women¿s role in farmer organisations, ensuring that their needs and interests are adequately addressed.

· Outcome 2.Agroforestry is boosted in targeted area

Agroforestry provides an environmentally sustainable approach to farming that supports climate resilience (e.g., higher carbon storage, shade for crops) while also supporting nutritional diversification for household consumption, and the integration of species for value chains and niche markets (e.g., Canarium nut, peanut, vanilla). Proposed activities entail support to new plot establishment and the acquisition and application of skills in agroforestry and nature-based agriculture. A Payment for Ecosystem Services study will enable the identification of an alternative income stream as part of agricultural income diversification

· Outcome 3. Sharing best practices in agricultural nature-based economies for integration into government, and development partner operations.

Environmentally sustainable agricultural practices that are climate resilient are critical to dietary diversity, food security and agriculture development in Vanuatu will be documented.



Technical Assistance for the Programme for Transboundary Water Management in the Cubango - Okavango River Basi


The purposes of this contract are as follows: 1. To assist OKACOM and the riparian countries in improving the Decision Support Systems (DSS) used in the Cubango-Okavango Basin Development and Management Framework (BDMF) in order to enable OKACOM to provide effective advice to member states; 2. To assist OKACOM and the riparian countries in strengthening water management in the Cubango-Okavango River Basin, through improved water resources data availability and early warning system; 3. To OKACOM and the riparian countries in strengthening land management in the Cubango-Okavango basin through improved land use planning, reduction of environmental degradation and improved livelihood.

Strengthening of Biosphere Reserves of Ecuador, as a Strategy for Conservation and Sustainable Development


The project seeks to strengthen the management of the seven biosphere reserves (BR) of Ecuador through the design and implementation of multi-level and multi-stakeholder coordination mechanisms, the adoption of planning tools with a landscape approach and the improvement of governance, training and communication. The project also aims to improve the conservation, sustainable development and research functions in two specific BRs: Bosque Seco in Loja (RBBS) and Chocó Andino in Pichincha (RBCAP).


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

93. The project will benefit 108,864 (57,215 men and 51,649 women) indirectly, who represent the rural population of both the Chocó Andino and Bosque Seco Reserves. The project will benefit 1290 people directly (645 women and 645 men) who will participate in capacity building activities, farm planning, and value chain support. . The project will implement multi-stakeholder and multilevel coordination mechanisms, and improve governance, training and communication to strengthen biosphere reserve management in Ecuador. The project will promote sustainable land management alternatives and support the growth of local bioenterprise value chains using a bioeconomy approach. Also, the project will support the sustainable diversification of local livelihoods, through the implementation of SLM practices in selected farms in the two prioritized biosphere reserves.Under Output 3.1, the project will support bio-enterprises with specialized training such as on good management practices, financial management, organizational strengthening, gender approaches, and environmental sustainability. At least 2 local productive associations or bio-enterprises that empower women, youth networks or other vulnerable groups will be strengthened in the project through training and technical assistance. .. In addition, existing UNDP-supported projects BIOFIN and PROAmazonía are generating financial products to be offered for bioenterprises. They will be operated by public and private banks and consider the uniqueness of these kinds of ventures, promoting appropriate interest rates and grace periods. The project will adapt these mechanisms to the conditions of the selected bio-enterprises and local microfinance operators.94. Under Output 3.2, the project will support SLM practices for agricultural systems including those that promote diversified farming systems, soil conservation, water management, and comprehensive pest management. SLM practices aimed at restoration in agricultural systems will be implemented based on agroforestry and analog forestry techniques. These SLM practices will support maintenance of the natural resources upon which the farmers depend as well as restoration practices and will also support increased productivity.95. Capacities will be strengthened at various levels such as individual (training), institutional (planning tools) and systemic (coordinating mechanisms) in order to promote a development that is responsible from an ecological and human point of view. For example, a national MAB committee with official national and local representation will be created and operational. The participation of civil society in this committee will be promoted as well as the participation of women in decision-making processes. By balancing these needs, the project will contribute to the achievement of global environmental benefits such as conserving biodiversity, improving ecosystem services, applying sustainable land management practices and ensuring the equal participation of men and women in natural resource management.