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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 181 - 185 of 2113

Beira Triple Resilience IFDC


The programme will build environmental; economic; and social resilience among vulnerbale populaitons in the central parts of Mozambique.


The programme aims to build and strengthen social, climate, and economic resilience by accelerating the shift from humanitarian aid to long-term sustainable development and increasing communities ability to absorb, adapt, and transform in the face of recurrent shocks and stresses. It comprises three Strategic Objectives. Strategic Objective 1: Social Resilience Socially resilient communities demonstrate high levels of social cohesion and integration, where marginalization and exclusion are low or nonexistent and opportunity is not constrained by age, gender, or political affiliation. The Triple Resilience Programme will pursue social resilience through several key interventions: Integrating vulnerable groups: The programme will work with local partners to foster spaces for constructive dialogue and problem-solving around specific issues facing ex-combatants and IDPs, ensuring that the most vulnerable are able to have their voices heard and their needs met. Local organizations will receive training and capacity building in humanitarian principles and operations. Strengthening social structures: By building the capacity of farmer associations, VSLAs (especially women- and youth-focused), Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) Committees and other local groups, and CSOs, we will foster social cohesion and interdependence and encourage mechanisms for locally led development and investment in resilient markets. This includes building these organizations capacity to advocate for their needs with the local government and providing an evidence base for national-level advocacy. Securing tenures and assets: The programme will work to educate smallholders, share legal advice around land rights and encourage and support smallholders to work with local authorities to secure land tenure. We will train paralegals within the targeted communities to support this process and will work to assist vulnerable groups especially women and IDPs in obtaining land delimitation certificates and Direito do Uso e Aproveitamento de Terra (DUATs). These activities will help prevent disputes, empower women, and build confidence for smallholders to sustainably invest in their farms. Strategic Objective 2: Climate Resilience To increase climate resilience in the Beira Corridor, local communities must be protected from short-term climate-induced shocks while they build sustainable and durable agricultural and entrepreneurial ecosystems capable of generating a surplus of nutritious food and income. In this way, men, women, and youth will ensure that they are better prepared to absorb future shocks and have the skills, knowledge and resources to steadily adapt to a changing climate. The Triple Resilience Programmes inclusive approach will ensure that even the most vulnerable will be able to apply improved agricultural approaches and diversified income strategies within their own communities. Climate-smart agriculture: Focusing on the needs of smallholders and rural entrepreneurs, this program will work with the private sector to increase access and availability of climate-smart agricultural inputs, technologies, and services, and will promote improved natural resources management, primarily through trainings facilitated by women-led committees. These strategies will be promoted through rural entrepreneurs and around demonstration and training plots. As a meaningful shift from past technology transfer models, these strategies will adopt an approach focused on long-term soil and ecosystem health that includes perennial fruit trees hedges as windbreaks, and other practices that fit within the smallholder farmer socioeconomic context in the program area. Income diversification: To build household resilience, the programme will encourage and support smallholder farmers to diversify their production (including horticulture and animal production), create post-harvest value-added goods, and/or develop off-farm income sources that increase overall income, smooth out seasonal fluctuations in agricultural income, and ensure that when one income source is threatened by acute shocks or long-term stresses, the household can depend on other avenues for generating income. The programme will seek to identify farmers with the capacity and interest to pursue seed multiplication opportunities and provide relevant training and support, promoting a business model to address a key gap for sustainable, profitable commercial agriculture in the Beira Corridor. For vulnerable groups, especially those without access to land, the programme will offer off-farm entrepreneurship and employment opportunities. Where appropriate and desired, community members will be offered the knowledge, skills, linkages, and resources to start their own businesses in apiculture, fish farming, tree nurseries, agricultural services, and agro-dealerships. The programme will continue to support agro-dealers, especially those from the TEAMS programme, to grow their businesses while supporting others to address the need within their communities for a reliable, last-mile delivery of agricultural inputs. These businesses also offer non-entrepreneurs an opportunity for meaningful employment within their communities. Preparation and consumption of nutritious foods: Although proper nutrition is a cross-cutting issue that affects resilience at household, community, and regional levels, Triple Resilience has chosen to anchor household nutrition with activities that reduce post-harvest losses to support climate resilience. Household food and nutrition security and resilience depend upon awareness of, availability of, access to, and consumption of more nutritious foods. The programme addresses household nutrition by diversifying local production and building awareness and demand for more nutritious foods. It will ensure access to nutritious and safe foods and healthy, local agricultural products that improve both nutrition outcomes and incomes, especially for adolescent, pregnant, and lactating women and children under five. Working through existing groups, especially mothers groups and VSLAs, the program will improve womens knowledge and skills in understanding the nutritional needs of women and children at different stages and providing an appropriately varied diet. To smooth food consumption variables during lean times, Triple Resilience will teach households, and especially women, proper post-harvest handling, processing, and storage techniques. To further improve the nutritional status of rural families, the program will encourage adoption of good hygienic and sanitation practices during the handling and processing of food. The Triple Resilience Programme will collaborate with health centers and other development programs operating within the districts to integrate nutrition education efforts and raise awareness of new and more nutritious foods available from project farmers. Decreased vulnerability to shocks: The programme will work to build the capacity of local CSOs by supporting their ability to plan for and respond to humanitarian crises at the local level, in alignment with humanitarian principles and standards. Strategic Objective 3: Economic Resilience The Triple Resilience Program aims to forge a path to equitable and sustainable economic prosperity for the targeted communities. By building resilient market systems, supported by an engaged private sector investing in durable supply chains designed to serve systemically excluded communities, the program will foster a variety of sustainable and prosperous economic opportunities in agriculture and agribusiness, livestock, value-added goods and services, retail, and more. The Triple Resilience Programme aims to apply a market systems development approach, centered on women and youth, with smallholder women farmers having the opportunity to access incentive markets through aggregation of their products by youth agents on behalf of larger trading companies. Market strengthening: Triple Resilience will work with the private sector and academia to build capacity and extend supply chains for appropriate inputs, technologies, and services to support commercial smallholder production and develop well-functioning and more equitable output markets that allow smallholders to earn fair prices for their crops. The program will also work to establish technology transfer and research centers with selected domestic institutions. The programme will encourage small commercial farmers to aggregate their produce so they can meet market demand and command higher prices for their product. The programme will further facilitate service provision to be responsive to the needs of farmers. For instance, its focus on women will take into consideration their time and distance burdens. Service providers, including input supply and extension services, will actively seek to meet women where they are and integrate their needs and products into their practices. Access to finance: Access to finance will be promoted through VSLAs. If, as the program matures, some small commercial farmers demonstrate readiness for access to more formal financial services, Triple Resilience will examine what opportunities might fit within the scope of programming. With right-sized, affordable financial products, smallholders and rural entrepreneurs can make investments in growing their businesses and developing savings and assets. Private sector engagement: The programme will work with medium- to large-scale upstream private sector actors to develop and refine appropriate products and services for systemically excluded communities. It will engage LevasFlor in developing skills in youth to establish and manage natural resource-based businesses in line with the Swedish-owned, Mozambiquans sustainable forestry practices that maintain and improve the productivity, diversity, and resilience of forest ecosystems.

Building grassroots capacity for a sustainable ocean economy in Ghana


The Project’s expected effect on society is a resilient and sustainable economy in Ghana achieved through inclusive, strong, and effective caspacity, planning and management of coastal ecosystems. The expected effects for the target group of the Project are (Outcome): - Outcome 1: To reduce fishery declines and secure fisherfolk access to fisheries resources through ending illegal fishing and promoting participatory co- management. - Outcome 2: Improve income resilience of fishing communities through enhanced opportunities for value addition along fisheries supply chains and enterprise development. - Outcome 3: Strengthen climate change adaptation capacities in coastal areas through improved spatial and land use planning and community-led management of wetland and mangrove ecosystems.

Lantmäteriet- Col Cadaster 2018


This contribution aims at strengthening the Colombian multi-purpose cadaster policy through international expertise from the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (Lantmäteriet). The contribution is based on the framework agreement between Sida and Lantmäteriet and on Colombian’s government request to strengthen the advisory committee for multi-purpose cadaster pilots. The Swedish expert will participate, during 2018, in 5 missions to Colombia and will provide technical advice for the implementation of the multipurpose cadastral pilots.


This contribution aims at strengthening the Colombian multi-purpose cadaster policy through international expertise from the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (Lantmäteriet). The contribution is based on the framework agreement between Sida and Lantmäteriet and on Colombian’s government request to strengthen the advisory committee for multi-purpose cadaster pilots. The Swedish expert will participate, during 2018, in 5-7 missions to Colombia and will provide technical advice for the implementation of the multipurpose cadastral pilots.

Sustainable development education for children and the youth


enO Programme Association together with 4H Tanzania will implement a project for improving environmental awareness in the Iringa Njombe Morogoro and Ruvuma areas in Tanzania. The proposed project will raise awareness of sustainable development issues in sc hools and communities and create a road map for schools to be used around the world for planning and implementing such activities in the communities. The schools are encouraged to adopt the issues in formulating and designing their curricula content to cre ate a wider understanding of sustainable development. Tanzania is rich in natural resources but the rapid population growth and an increased need for living space and agricultural land as well as industrial activities have contributed to increase the count ry?s deforestation. Approximately 450 000ha of forest land is deforested in Tanzania annually. Deforestation is one of the contributors to for example climate change soil erosion biodiversity loss and loss of fertility in farms. Tanzania has identified tha t the lack of human capacity is hindering development. Therefore actions to address the capacity issue as well as understanding of natural resources have been identified crucial. The project aims at educating the children and youth on environmental awarene ss and sustainable development for them to understand the effects of forests and deforestation to the environment. The overall goal is to raise an environmentally conscious generation which will consider sustainable development issues in their everyday act ivities automatically whether it is in their personal life or working life. A road map for schools around the world will be designed and published. The road map can be used for introducing sustainable development and environmental issues to the public auth orities to encourage them in including them in the school curricula and extra-curricula activities. Case studies of successful sustainable development inclusions will also be presented.

Responsible and Innovative Land Administration Project in Etiopia second phase (REILA II)


The intervention is the second phase of REILA (Responsible and Innovative Land Administration Project) that supports the development of land administration in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is one of the least developed countries (LDCs) according to the OECD's classif ication. All the land in Ethiopia is owned by the government but the farmers have traditional extensive user rights to their lands. Official registration of such lands increases further the tenure security. Increased land tenure security encourages farmers to use their lands in a sustainable way and to make investments to raise the productivity of the lands. Official registration also reduces conflicts over land.The project will be implemented in 2017-2021.The long term impact of the project is to achieve i mproved livelihood and economic well-being of the rural population through promotion of sustainable land management practices. The outcome is to have improved and appropriate land administration system for Ethiopia and improved land tenure security for rur al land users. Expected outputs can be divided into three result areas: 1. Improved regional land administration and increased and certified land security for land users 2. Improved capacity of such civil servants in different levels of administration who manage and coordinate land administration and improved capacity of Ethiopian mapping agency to survey accurately and efficiently land and 3. Improved supply of skilled manpower to the land administration sector in Ethiopia. Ministry of Agriculture manages the implementation of the project in Ethiopia. Finland will also procure via open tendering a technical assistance team to support the project. Finland's support to the intervention is 7.1 million euros with the following annual division: 2017: 1.2 million 2018: 1 million 2019: 1.5 million 2020: 1.9 million and 2021: 1.5 million.