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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1351 - 1355 of 2116

LAND-at-scale Somalia: Saameynta – Scaling-up Solutions to Displacement in Somalia


Somalia has over 3.6 million Internally Displaced People (IDPs) following decades of civil war and violent conflict. In addition, a significant increase of droughts and floods due to climate change have forced people away from their rural homes. Most IDPs have relocated in Somalia’s cities which has resulted in rapid urbanization, unplanned city development, and a speculation in land markets. This situation has spurred continuous displacements and forced evictions of IDPs, preventing them from building a sustainable livelihood.This LAND-at-scale project, funded jointly with the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and NORAD, aims to contribute to a sustainable integration of IDPs in three Somali cities. Local governments, IDPs as well as host communities will be supported to contribute to a process of inclusive urban development and to apply land value capture for infrastructure development and basic services.Specifically for land governance strengthening, project strategies include:1. Strengthening (technical and institutional) capacities of local authorities to address urban displacement and capacities of IDPs to participate in processes of inclusive urban development.2. Improving tenure security for IDPs to reduce risks of displacements and forced evictions.3. Enhancing the institutional framework within the three target cities to apply a land value capture approach.

Third Phase Community Based Rural Development Project


The objective of the Project is to enhance the capacity of rural communities and decentralized institutions for the implementation of local development plans that promote sustainable land and natural resources management and productive investments at commune level.Triggers from Phase 2 to Phase 3: Triggers from Phase 2 to Phase 3 have been met. Phase 3 will therefore consolidate the accomplishments of Phase 1 and 2 of the Community Based Rural Development Program. It will enhance the capacity of rural communities anddecentralized institutions for the implementation of local development plans that promote sustainable land and natural resources management and productive investments at commune level. This will be achieved by (i) pursuing and completing the work on institutionaldevelopment and capacity building initiated in Phase 1 and 2; (ii) implementing the rural land tenure reform law which was promulgated under Phase 2 and enhancing local dispute resolution; and (iii) social, economic and environmental investments at the commune level to reach a sustainable level; while promoting environmental sustainability in the targeted zones. Phase 3 will provide 302 ruralcommunes and the 13 regional communes with capacity building to enable them to take the lead in local development challenges and togovern in a participatory and transparent manner.

Reducing Deforestation Through Improved Spatial Planning in Papua Provinces, Indonesia


The objective of the programme is to support Indonesia and the provinces of Papua and West Papua to improve spatial plan processes and implementation in order to prevent deforestation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Technical assistance will be provided to improve the revision and implementation of Papua and West Papua provincial spatial plans; to improve transparency and build constituency in spatial planning at provincial level; and to foster national policy dialogue and engagement to support Papua’s commitment to protect its forest. Support will be focused largely on two provinces – Papua and West Papua – and relevant national ministries (particularly Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning), which offer the potential to realise significant reductions in emissions through improved land use planning and economic development strategies which recognise the value of forests to the provincial economies.