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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1251 - 1255 of 2116

Burundi: Research on the Effect of Land Tenure Registration on Land Disputes and Women's Land Rights


1) To generate useful knowledge on the impact of community-based land tenure registration on land disputes and ways to enhance that impact. 2) To generate useful knowledge on how to preserve and strengthen women’s customary rights to land in land tenure registration.


The project aimed to contribute to improved land tenure security and reduce the level of land disputes to allow for an intensification of agriculture.

Target Groups

The two municipalities of Mabanda and Vugizo in the province of Makamba.

FLC: HSHC - Further strengthening governance and forest rights through piloting of inclusive benefit sharing b


Tanzania Agricultural Modernization Association (TAMA) intends to implement a one year Amka Mwanamke Campaign project that aims at empowering marginalized women to secure land rights in Muleba District. The project seeks to promote positive change in polic ies and customary laws those deprive women's rights to land ownership by 2018; to strengthen women's capacity to have voices and confidence to protect their rights to access own and have full control over land and other family resources; promote awareness and accountability among land owners local leaders and existing land councils on equitable distribution of land resources gender equity and equality by 2018. The need for this project is that In Tanzania laws that support women's rights to land ownership h ave been enacted but a great milestone- does not bring all women to the end - customary practices regarding marriage and inheritance continue to discriminate heavily against women. The government and other development partners have been carrying out their roles to facilitate implementation of land policy and laws to ensure women's ownership of land but such roles need other joint efforts to collaboratively increase awareness and empower more women to fight for their rights hence this project.The expected de velopment impact of this project is Women in Muleba District have access to and control over land. Project outcomes will be; increased capacity knowledge and skills among marginalized women on their rights to have access to and control over land; village a nd Ward Land Councils are accountable and ensure equitable distribution of land resources for women; increased access to information education and communication services and materials for women about land distribution registration and land rights. Main ben eficiaries in this project are women and the main implementing Agency is Tanzania Agricultural Modernization Association (TAMA). Why TAMA was chosen it's because the Land issue and particularly women's land rights is a sensitive issue which needs support s o that many women can enjoy their rights socially and economically as land is a basic resource from which human beings and almost other living creatures depend on for their living. For more information about TAMA click the following website: .

F.a: Rights of Paliyan Adivasis for using and re-generating natural resources


The Paliyan are Adivasi people living in the South Western Ghats in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, and about 6000 families belong for those communities. They are traditional nomadic hunter-gatherers, living on the forest and commercial world is strange for them. S till some of them are living on the forest, but most of them had to change their traditional way of living and move away from the forest. Their culture is changing rapidly and their traditional way of living is threatened. The Government of India doesn’t allow Paliyan people to collect forest products for their own use, but at the same time they allow commercial use of those same products. The Adivasi community people are very vulnerable and do not have any political voice for protect their community peop le. They are very badly oppressed, exploited and discriminated in all forms of social system. They are not realized and aware about this current social system. This project aims to empower the Paliyan community people to ensure and practice their tradition al, customary, democratic rights for dignity and sustainable life by ensuring their rights on forest land. It is also important to empower the Paliyar Adivasi community through mobilizing them into a movement for improving their social, economical and cult ural status to lead a self-esteemed, dignity and sustainability life. The Paliyan Adivasi community people are the beneficiaries. They are involved in all levels of implementation of the project. Humane Trust, MMS and ARUDES accomplish this project and all of them are members of CAFAT.

FLC: Resilient Participatory Forest Management in Kilwa District


This is the continuation of the project which started last year. TPCF work with others to ensure that pastoralist rights and interests are safeguarded in Tanzania Mainland. The main objectives of the project are: to enable peaceful dialogue on land rights among pastoralist and other land users to reduce tension and allow joint efforts to look for sustainable solution on land base conflict in the targeted districts by June 2016. Minimized land resources base conflicts among land users by enabling villages su rvey and land use planning in Loliondo villages by May 2016 and improve community rights to access control and benefit on land resources for all groups in Loliondo. main activities include: Consultative workshops on land rights awareness for bordering vill ages sessions; Facilitate land conflict resolutions at the villages and peace building; Village land borders survey and to facilitate sustainable land use plan in the villagestargeted groups include: Local councilors/village and District; wards land tribun als; District land and housing tribunal; traditional leaders in the respective wards; expert land surveyor from the District land office. the final results of the activities will include: Sustainable land use planning amicable and permanent resolution for land conflict s in Loliondo; Peace strengthens among Pastoralists and Agriculture communities in District of Kiteto Mvomero and Western Kilimanjaro in Longindo

F.a: Promoting Indigenous Peoples´ Land Rights in Nepal


Due to state policies in Nepal the IPs are losing ownership and control of lands that resulted displacement and threat to continue their existence and identity. Non recognition of customary lands , land acquisition, lack of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC), compensation to the affected, displacement, land dispossessions, full disclosure on projects, ignorance of religious, sacred site and pasture lands are some of the crucial issues pertaining to the land rights of IPs in Nepal. Often indigenous peop les and local communities have been confronting with the aforementioned issues in relation to lands caused by the development projects implemented by the government and private sectors. There are hundreds of hydropower development projects operated in the lands of IPs. The project is intended to enhance capacity of the IPs and local communities to defend their rights. Furthermore, this project also contributes in policy reformation with the engagement of the state and non-state actors, particularly private sectors. In the course of implementation of the project indigenous and local communities are supported in raising their human rights issues at the local level to international levels. For that LAHURNIP will organise capacity development activities and supp ort them to file cases to the courts, complaints to the international mechanisms such as the ILO, UN Special Rapporteurs, grievance mechanisms of the World Bank (Inspection Panel, the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman-CAO) and Asian Development Banks to make th e State and private sectors accountable for protecting and respecting human rights of the indigenous and local communities. The project will also contribute to enhance partnership and coordination with the national and international human rights institute s working in the areas of human rights to support in defending the rights of indigenous and local communities. Apart from that the propose project also contribute to initiate facilitated dialogue with the projects and state to resolve dispute in amicable m anners.