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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1146 - 1150 of 2116

Support to FAO - Climate Resilience Livelihood Opportunities for WEE


The project ''Climate Resilience Livelihood Opportunities for Women Economic Empowerment'' (CRWEE) aims at advancing economic empowerment of rural women as a means of addressing gender inequalities, female subordination, discrimination and household poverty in West Nile and Karamoja regions of Uganda. The intervention aims to address key constraints to women´s productivity and economic empowerment, notably access and ownership of productive assets (land, livestock, finances, agricultural produce e.t.c.), capacity building and information access for agricultural production and marketing, development of select value chains and capacity development of women groups in decision making and production. The intervention will integrate environmental and watershed management approaches and build adaptation and mitigation capacities of partners and communities to climate change aimed at ensuring sustainable livelihoods, production, business opportunities and growth.


During the period January-December 2022, the main results achieved as per result areas were as follows: Result Area 1:Women access to and control of productive resources and decision-making capacity improved The result area is expected to be achieved through strengthening capacity of partners in climate change adaptation, gender-based adaptation and mitigation actions, supporting social-cultural gender dynamics, equality and relations to increased tenure security for both men and women and enhanced productivity. 1.1 Capacity of national government institutions, District Local Governments for gender transformative climate change and mitigation developed - 60 out of targeted 90 members of staff from government and NGOs were trained on gender transformative climate change adaptation and mitigation and following which 12 out of the targeted 24 districts have been supported to develop and implement participatory gender responsive and climate resilient plans. -7200 households have been trained in Gender Action Learning and Gender Household approaches 1.2 Social cultural household dynamics and gender equality and relations enhanced to support climate resilient production The following outputs were achieved. -Training of 60 of the targeted 90 staff from government, NGOs as trainers of trainers on Gender action learning and intergrating gender in household level actions -Training of 20 of the targeted 60 cultural leaders on Gender equality was completed. -Functional Adulty Literacy training package for women targeting 7,500 households was developed 1.3 Increased tenure security for both men and women - 30 district staff including from area land committees, physical planning committees, district land boards were trained and retooled in issuance of customary land certificates with intention to integrate gender and inclusion of men and women in issuance of customary land ownership. -400 customary certificates of land ownership (50%) bearing names of husband and wife were registered in Adjumani district. There is a huge demand for the same in other districts. Result Area 2: Household income and climate resilient livelihood capacities of women improved in a gender responsive manner The result area aims at promoting sustainable and gender responsive climate resilient agricultural practices with focus on more involvement of women aimed at increasing production, incomes without degrading the environment. The number of achieved outputs included: 2.1 sustainable market-oriented gender responsive climate resilient agricultural production practices promoted -303 Farmer Field Schools were established. These are community groups that learn together, share knowledge, have common vision, co-own demonstration gardens and save together. They were supported through provision of expert training, provision of inputs, linkage to financial services and markets. The project trained 8,448 farmers from 12 districts and 26 sub-counties (6,163 women and 1,425 men). Farmers were trained in agronomic practices including seed bed preparation, timely planting, managing common diseases, harvest and post harvesting practices. Others included improved livestock management, irrigation and water management, seed multiplication and cleaning. -Training packages for training Farmer Field Schools were developed. These included aspects such as Community Based watershed training materials, Inter grated value chain assessment (IVCA) framework for analysis of agricultural commodities, Village and loan savings associations, barley production agronomy, marketing and cassava seed multiplication agronomy, post harvest handling and value addition. - In partnership with the Abi Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Abi ZARDI), 377 farmers out of the targeted 540 from 6 Women led farmer groups established 30 acres for production of quality cassava cuttings in Nebbi, Maracha, Koboko, Yumbe, Moyo and Adjumani. In addition, 8 Acres of high producing Naroca 1 cassava variety were established at Abi-ZARDI to supply over 6000 bags of cuttings to farmers to increase production. 500 copies of improved cassava production manuals were produced and distributed. -1717 acres of seed multiplication plots for 5 crops maize, simsim, soya bean and ground nut were established and 438 682 were produced and distributed to farmers in West Nile. Mean while, 232 acres of seed multiplication plots covering maize, beans, sorghum, soya bean and ground nut were established and produced 21,304Kg of seed for allocation to farmers. It was noted that Karamoja region registered a negative 60% productivity compared to West Nile due to persistent droughts. -In addition, passion fruit value chain development was supported in Abim with 1500 seedlings produced for distribution. -Four community-based breeding programmes have been established to improve productivity; 1 in Adjumani, 2 in Nebbi for goats. 16 goats were provided (13 pregnant females and 3 males) with 15 kids produced in the period and poultry multiplication centre with initial 300 birds in Maracha and through this, the project has supported 120 households. -100 improved bee hives have been fabricated and installed as demonstration sites in Arua, Zombo and training in best honey production and harvesting practices conducted and 10,000 seedlings of Calliandra were provided for planting to farmers to increase bee forage. 2.2 Appropriate small-scale agricultural water management systems established or rehabilitated for domestic and agricultural production -16 small and medium scale water irrigation systems were established/rehabilitated and supported establishment of 100 acres of associated demonstration gardens in Adjumani, Moyo-Obongi, Zombo and have benefited 160 households. -Hydro-geological surveys to establish status of water resources completed to inform choice of sustainable water resource development intervention in each select district and site. Construction of 9 boreholes were completed in Karamoja and West Nile. 2.3 Agro-based value chain development and non-farm income generating opportunities in partnership with the private sector promoted. -A number of value chains have been developed on cassava, barley, apiary, cashew nuts, goats and poultry, mushroom, production and apiculture. A number of linkages have been established between 5 farmer groups/organisations linked and the market and or private sector particularly for honey, mushroom and cooking stove production. Through this intervention, 150 youths have been supported. -77 members were trained in mushroom production, provided with startup packs for commercial mushroom production and market linkages for both fresh and dry mushrooms. -24 Farmer groups covering 720 farmers with an average acre of barley were trained and participated in block chain marketing with support from Techno Serve and Nile breweries. - 6 Cassava producer groups were facilitated with labour saving cassava chippers to improve post-harvest handling practices and quality of cassava chips and flour produced. RA 3: Ecosystem adaptive and mitigation capacities Enhanced The Result Area aims at increasing eco-system adaptive and mitigation capacity in relation to rehabilitation and protection of ecosystems against degradation. 3.1 Bio-energy plantations, bio-gas models and energy saving technologies promoted -15 tree nurseries were established and cummulatively have produced 469,523 assorted tree seedlings and these were distributed to communities for planting in community watersheds. -170 community members were trained in West Nile and 6o community members as artisans in energy cooking stoves and making of briquettes and as a result 6770 energy saving cook stoves have been constructed ( West Nile-5,822, Karamoja-948). -64-Flexi-biogas and bio-fertilizers systems of 9 cubic metres established in West Nile with capacity for reduction of fuel consumption of in fuel of 60-75%. 3.2 Capacities of NGOs and local communities to plan, implement and mobilise resources for ecosystem-based adaptation and mitigation developed Through the Directorate of Water resources department in the Ministry of Water and Environment, there has been production of popular versions of catchments management plans for Lolok, Lokere and Albert Nile, reviews of catchments management plans to identify gender gaps and development of Training of Trainers on gender responsive community-based watershed management, ecosystem adaptation and mitigation. -Letters of agreement were signed with 12 community groups and NGOs to work with two schools in each of the 12 districts in participatory gender responsible watershed management. -24 watershed management associations and resource user groups have been established and strengthened in watershed ecosystem adaptation and mitigation. -240 personnel from district local governments and NGOs have been equipped to undertake watershed planning and management

Design capacity building programme "Locally Controlled Forest Restoration" - Design "Locally controlled forest


Forest degradation and deforestation have severe negative effects on livlihoods for rural and urban societies, biodiversity, climate and ecosystem services such as sutainable access to clean water. There is a urgent need to halt deforestation, restore degraded forest land and manage remaining forests sustainably. There are several international initiatives, processes and agreements that hav ambitions to address the challenges through forest and landscape restoration programs and there is an urgent need to provide capacity building to key stakeholders, not least forest smallholders and minorities. In response to these developments the Swedish Forest Agency submitted a proposal for an international capacity building programme to Sida titled "Locally Controlled Forest Restoration - A Governance and Market Oriented Approach to Resilient Landscapes". This contribution is a design support to the Swedish Forest Agency to develop a proposal for a capacity building programme with start in 2019.

Community-based forested landscape management in the Grand Kivu and Lake Tele-Tumba


To scale up and improve forest landscapes through community-based natural resources management in targeted trans-boundary landscapes.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The project is designed to strengthen on-going efforts in the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as in the greater Congo Basin region to conserve globally significant biodiversity within forest landscapes and sustainably manage a big tropical peatland found within the country, and extending into neighbouring countries.Livelihood options are limited in rural landscapes on the DRC generally. In the project sites, livelihoods depend mainly on agriculture (small-scale subsistence of food crops and animal keeping), the harvesting and in some cases sale of Non-timber forest products (NTFP) (which include forest nuts, medicinal plants, mushrooms, edible caterpillars, etc; and rarely artisanal mining. The project will, however, deliver tangible economic benefits to local communities within target areas. These will be related to the benefits which will be generated from 6000 farmers engaged in climate smart production; 1000 climat smart projects (agroforestry, animal production, transformation, NTFP exploitation, etc); and 125 climate smart production and land use practices with socioeconomic impacts on IPLC. The project will contribute to assisting the local communities to enhance income from alternative livelihoods improvements, non-destructive collection of NTFPs, value addition, and other forms of alternative livelihood practices (Output 3.1.1). Another key livelihood opportunity that will be supported by the project will be the potential of sustaining ecosystem services, and benefiting financially from the initiatives, as well as sharing carbon finance for the local communities and helping them in harnessing such resources (Output 3.1.2). The project will thus contribute to increase local communities’ income in the long-term including income from sustainable agriculture through the creation of agricultural products collect, transport, processing and trading and develop their partnership with private agricultural companies, which could commercialize their processed production. The socioeconomic benefits will also be achieved at systemic level through developing and implementing land use management plans, improving the legal and policy framework, and improving environmental management within project area to help maintain existing livelihoods. The project will strengthen resource use governance at the landscape level by developing and implementing the landuse panning to benefit biodiversity conservation and nature protection, while safeguarding the natural resource based to support local and national development. It will work with national and sub-national level stakeholders to engage economic sectors, and negotiate the application of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use measures, and bring about necessary policy change. In line with the strengthening of resource use governance, the project will enhance the knowledge and understanding of the role of ecological processes and the services that biodiversity provides in benefit of local development. The related indicator to monitor progress in the efforts towards the strengthening of capacities will also be a global indictor: “Number of institutional staff members having strengthened capacities with regard to in-situ conservation and sustainable use of peatlands, forest and biodiversity (30% women)”. The project will engage with relevant sector ministries (e.g. agriculture, forestry, nature protection, pubic administration, etc.) and the private sector, in discussions and negotiations, where biodiversity and ecosystem conservation will be presented as an essential part of development planning, introducing a long term and sustainable development vision. In this respect, the project will promote the negotiation of trade-offs between conservation and development partners, with the aim to enhance environmental considerations within development planning; and will provide guidance and information to the government on the mitigation hierarchy, which can be applied when negotiating with large-scale investment projects. This will be monitored using another global indicator: “Strengthened policy, regulatory and strategic frameworks at provincial level support in-situ conservation and sustainable use of peatlands and forests, as indicated by legislations on indigenous people and local community land tenure and resources user rights”. The project will promote a multi-sector and transboundary landscape governance structure enhancing the negotiating capacity of local stakeholders, such as community members living in and around protected areas, hence building their knowledge and capacity to defend their rights to a safe environment and strengthening their ability to monitor potential violations on protected areas. Communities will be able to participate actively in decision making regarding land use planning, and safeguard their environment and their livelihood base. This wi be assessed with an indicator in Outcome 4.2: “Strengthened transboundary cooperation leads to more effective approaches for the conservation and sustainable use of peatlands and forest landscapes, including improved control and management of threats from IWT”.The project would promote sustainable forest management in the forests and peatlands of the project locations for biodiversity conservation, mitigation of climate change and securing forest ecosystem services i.e. provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting services. This project will build on the communities’ potential for sustainable forest management through civil society organizations and community organizations by developing their capacities on key aspects relevant for the sustainable management of forests and peatlands. This organization and capacity-building will improve awareness on local environmental challenges, mobilization and organization skills for co-managing local natural resources, management effectiveness to ensure the sustainable use of local resources, and economic incentives to effectively manage or participate in SFM, biodiversity conservation and mitigation of climate change. The project will improve forest and peatland biodiversity resources by decreasing anthropogenic pressures, controlling forest fires, enhancing conservation measures and creating additional resources through afforestation, reforestation and rehabilitation. It will contribute to assisting the local communities to enhance income from alternative livelihoods improvements, non-destructive collection of NTFPs, value addition, and other forms of alternative livelihood practices (Output 3.1.1). Another key livelihood opportunity that will be supported by the project will be the potential of sustaining ecosystem services, and benefiting financially from the initiatives, as well as sharing carbon finance for the local communities and helping them in harnessing such resources (Output 3.1.2). The project will thus contribute to increase local communities’ income in the long-term including income from sustainable agriculture through the creation of agricultural products collect, transport, processing and trading and develop their partnership with private agricultural companies, which could commercialize their processed production. A major aspect of the project involves the strengthening and enforcement of regulations on anti-trafficking activities on monitoring biodiversity, developing financial mechanisms (Output 4.2.3). The related activities undertaken during the project will trigger a stronger and more efficient legal mechanism with better crime scene management and criminal investigations, as well as a stronger capacity of protected are managers and patrols to prevent and address wildlife crime in the project area. Local communities will thus benefit from an improved security in the zone, with better surveillance of routes and hubs preventing armed groups from freely entering the area. The project will support social cohesion in the regional transboundary area by fostering increased cooperation between stakeholders over essential issues concerning natural resources management and biodiversity conservation (Outputs 4.2.2. and 4.2.3). Consultations platforms will enable stakeholders to negotiate and solve issues concerning logging concessions for instance. In this process indigenous people and small local communities will be given the opportunity to participate to the decision-making process to ensure their fair representation and appropriation of the development process of the zone. These communities will also receive support to develop community-based forest management through the biological resources access. In the project landscapes, women are mainly responsible for collecting fuelwood and water and livestock rearing, so they are most adversely affected by deforestation and forest degradation. During the social and environmental screening process for gender equality and women’s empowerment (during the project preparation thematic study phase), it was found that it was highly unlikely that the proposed project would have adverse impacts on gender equality and/or the situation of women if adequate safeguards are not put in place. This project has put in place special and specific guidelines ensure representation of women equitably and fairly at all levels of project decisionmaking and access to benefits during project implementation. Guidelines on SLM, SFM, biodiversity conservation and landscape management plans, baseline studies and all other planning processes, implementation and reporting activities will integrate gender and ensure involvement of women and youth in decision-making and active participation in project activities. Improvement of products, access to market and business opportunities for income generation would be undertaken with the intent of actively seeking the participation of women, The project will undergo systematic screening and adjustment in activities at inception planning stage, after the results of baseline study becoming available, during annual work planning, and after formal external midterm review to improve and engage women in the project activities. Improving income generation through sustainable practices The harvesting and reliance on Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) is strong in both project locations. These include in particular, fumbwa (Gnetum africanum), caterpillars, cola nuts, lianas (rattans), wild honey and Marantaceae leaves. These are consumed at the household level, but also commercialized to support limited incomes to local communities and indigenous populations in villages. This project will build on models of community-based sustainable production systems called the Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Environment (SAFE) XE "Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Environment:(SAFE)" Platforms to develop NTFP value chains. The SAFE model can serve here as a learning platform and baseline approach on which the sustainable NTFP harvesting and commercialization initiatives could be designed ( The SAFE Platform has existed for long and its production model has been tested in different parts of the developing world, including African countries such as Kenya and Tanzania. The SAFE platforms will serve the purpose of fostering multi-stakeholder dialogue and consensus; promoting the development of sustainable and deforestation free supply chains for the selected products; and connecting buyers of sustainable products with producers to establish preferential purchasing agreements for products that comply with sustainable production standards and/or implement certification schemes. The NTFP platforms will address accessing opportunities in market niches that value environmentally and socially responsible production to access differentiated prices to increase producers’ incomes and contribute to financial sustainability of adopting sound environmental practices and certification schemes. Building on the SAFE Platforms model, communities in the project site will be provided with the tools, resources and capacities to develop conservation-compatible livelihood opportunities in non-service livelihood sectors. These will include development in sectors such as sustainable agriculture (particularly the development of the NTFP value chain, as well as value chains for other potentially viable commercial and subsistence crops - such as spices and fruits incorporated into agroforestry systems). This support will be provided in terms of seeds for enhanced locally compatible breeds of crops and trees for farming initiatives to enhance agricultural production; and funding for opening up farms to market access by opening up key road infrastructure within the project area[1]. Given the established dependence of local communities on non-timber forest products, possibilities of developing these value chains will also be examined and promoted where the harvesting of these products is sustainable and the ecological impact of harvesting practices can be monitored and reported. Communities will also be equipped with the business-planning tools necessary for them to identify, develop and manage the mix of business enterprises most suitable for their needs in these proposed value chains. Adding value to Non-timber forest products (NTFPs): Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are wild plant and animal products harvested from forests, savannahs and other natural vegetation types. This definition includes the use of wood for canoes, woodcarvings, local house construction, fencing materials and firewood, but excludes industrial timber. In the Congo Basin region, the use of NTFPs is common, both in rural and urban areas. Some of the most common categories include NTFPs as (i) Food (wild fruits, vegetables, nuts, edible roots, bush meat, edible insects, and honey). Food additives: (spices, food colorants, fermentation agents). Construction material (palm leaves or grass for roof thatch, bamboo, wood, sticks and poles). Fuel (firewood, charcoal). Medicine (medicinal plants, bark, seeds). Environmental uses (ornamental plants, shelter trees). Local communities of the Lac Tumba Landscape and the Grand Kivu use and depend on a wide variety of NTFPs. These include spices, bushmeat, edible caterpillars, fibre, medicinal plants, nuts, etc. The main challenge faced with using NTFPs to support livelihoods is the lack of value addition. These products are exported to markets outside the local, rural environments in which they are harvested in the very raw form – very limited or often no processing. There is also no support for addressing issues of sustainable harvesting of these products. This project will address these two problems by (i) Supporting local communities to organize into NTFPs common initiative groups, and provide capacity building on the sustainable extraction and management of NTFPs. (ii) This project will also support local communities to add value to NTFPs by undertaking pre-processing or full processing. This will involve purchasing and installing at least four pre-processing, or full processing plants for at least two NTFPs identified through participatory processes as economically viable, and environmentally benign. While the type of plant and level of processing will be decided through community engagements, it is expected that these plants should support local communities in some of the key value addition processes of at least one NTFP. (iii) Finally, the project will support the local common initiative groups in obtaining organic certification for their products, properly packaging and labelling, identifying and accessing markets outside of the local communities. Examples of such certification schemes whose services may be sought include: AFNOR Certification (; DEMETER (; Rainforest Alliance (; and GLOBAL G.A.P ( Implementation on the ground: The NTFP value chains will be developed in the Bakano chiefdoms, the Batangi chiefdom, Buhavu, Kabare, Idjwi North, Ax Uvira, Elanga sector, Lusankani - Ngele sector, the Djonori sector and in the sector Bokatola, Pendjwa and Beronge[2]. Two approaches allow both to have a significant impact on landscapes and to favor micro-projects with real economic profitability. For the first approach, we propose 3 projects will be carried out in the province of Equateur, North Kivu and South Kivu[3]: 1. Valorisation of the honey sector by indigenous peoples associated with improved techniques of their sustainable collection, processing and packaging in Bikoro and Lokolama in the Lukolela territory based on the experience of the FAO model in Cambodia by FAO / WWF in addition to PIREDD-Ecuador activities; 2. Valorisation of essential oil from aromatic plants cultivated by the indigenous peoples of Kisimbosa in the Bakano sector in Walikale territory, which must be transformed into a pilot ecotourism site. This project will include several components including the establishment of basic infrastructure for the reception and promotion of Kumu culture (construction of a cultural performance hall and meeting, exhibition room of local handicrafts of a capacity of 15 rooms (huts made of local materials but of improved internal design) for the reception of visitors and will be carried by the Integrated Program for the Development of Pygmy Peoples (PIDP) - KIVU and GIZ; 3. Development of international standard fruit juice (maracuja) with 200 widowed indigenous peoples as economic targets, including in the Muhrobo-Chanderema village in Kalehe territory, Kalonge group, Buhavu chiefdom to be developed as first eco-village. This project, led by Union for the Coaching of Indigenous Women (UEFA), favours the partnership between local communities, NGOs and the private sector. The pilot site will be established in a 27-ha concession purchased by UEFA for the landless indigenous peoples bordering the Kahuzi -Biega National Park[4]. In the perspective of partnership with the private sector and cutting-edge research, it will be implemented in partnership with Green Revolution Initiatives in its capacity as the private sector. However, to reach the 100 projects (as detailed in the project information form) in more than 25% of the ICCAs, the micro-projects approach has to be integrated in its financing of small and medium enterprise projects. Financing of up to US $ 2,500 can be directed to projects in agroforestry, marketing of wild honey, reforestation and restoration landscapes, promotion of rattan, crafts, collection and marketing of Gnetum africanum, improved chikwange in Lukolela, value addition for edible caterpillars and fruit trees in Ingende, medicinal plants in Lokolama, etc. These will be implemented after having trained local associations of local communities and indigenous peoples to develop and implement projects. [1] By clearing and opening up these road infrastructure, the project will also be reducing access constraints to key ecotourism sites – a potentially limiting impediment to tourism flows. [2] Joël Bernardin KIYULU N’YANGA - NZO (2020) Rapport d’Etude sur la Thematique Populations Autochtones et Communautes Locales. Pour le projet “Gestion Communautaire des Paysages Forestiers du Grand Kivu et des Lacs Télé-Tumba segment de la RDC”. FEM-7 Programme à Impact sur les Paysages Durables de Bassin du Congo. Ministere de l’Environnement et de Developpement Durable (MEDD), Kinshasa, RDC. [3] Ibid. Joël Bernardin KIYULU N’YANGA - NZO (2020). [4] See details in Ibid. Joël Bernardin KIYULU N’YANGA - NZO (2020).

IMVO Convenant Sierteeltsector


The agreement for International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC, Dutch: IMVO) in the floriculture sector (Dutch: sierteeltsector) is one in which signatories and otherwise supporting parties cooperate on making the floriculture sector more sustainable pursuant to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, whereby the Parties’ intention is to make substantial progress, within a three-year period, towards improving the circumstances of those who may experience adverse impacts in connection with the floriculture sector. The complexity of the international value chain calls for a collective effort to prevent or mitigate adverse impacts. Accordingly, many different parties in the sector, the Government of the Netherlands, the trade union and the NGO have joined forces to leverage their efforts. Companies that adhere to the Agreement will make every effort to discharge their responsibility for preventing and mitigating risks or adverse impacts of their own operations and/or the operations of their business relationships in the production or supply chain. To this end, they will perform due diligence, as described in the OECD Guidelines and the UNGPs. In doing so, they will have access to the collective and shared knowledge of the other stakeholders in this Agreement and benefit from the opportunities. The Parties have identified the following specific issues associated with international responsible business conduct that parties operating in the floriculture sector should prioritize (listed in random order): living wage, women’s (including combatting sexual harassment), health and safety related to exposure to plant protection products, land rights, climate change, water usage, environmental impact of plant protection products.

World Voices Uganda - WVU


World Voices Uganda is human rights, Access to Justice for the poor and most vulnerable and Peace building not-for-profit organization which started its operations in 2005. World Voices Uganda is part of the World Voices Global with affiliation to WorldVoices Norway and is the only independent chapter in Southern, Eastern and Central Africa. For the last 15 years WVU has developed capacity and niche with the main thrust is in providing legal aid services to the indigent people mainly women, children, PWDs and other vulnerable persons in conflict with the law, promotion of natural resource governance specifically Minerals, oil and gas, land and forestry resources as well as lake resources, promotion and protection of the rights of the marginalized mainly children and women rights, budget analysis and dissemination, Revenue enhancement and management, Tax justice, influencing and advocacy, transparency and accountability, research, youth empowerment through skills development and advocacy as well as peace building, conflict resolution and management. Our aim is to empower marginalized Ugandans and to give them a voice in society to advance their possibilities to exert agency. As echoed in our slogan, WVU is the voice of the voiceless. WVU advocates for concrete and innovative solutions to injustice,social exclusion, poverty and its intergenerational continuity. World voices Uganda was founded by two then young people of of whom was an investigative Journalist from Uganda while another was a Norwegian Social Anthropology Researcher named Dr Rune Hjlmar Espeland (PhD). Following their comprehensive research on and coverage of violent ethnic and land conflicts and Human Rights Violations and Injustice especially Gender Based Violence and Child Abuse in the Albertine region, they came to an Idea of starting an Organisation would make a contribution by providing selfless and innovative approaches to finding a solution. Hence indeed the inception process and ideation kicked started in 2003, while the organisation formation process started in 2004 which eventually saw the actual operation commence officially in 2005. WVU then started with Sports For Peace Project in which sports was used as a tool for addressing ethnic differences in the Albertine and Rwenzori regions, this was followed by the Community Peace Dialogues and Roundtable for the stakeholders addressing issues of peace and then followed by creation of community legal aid clinic which was addressing Gender Based related violations and Child abuse case. WVU has since grown in both programing and operations but also geographically to cover many other parts of Uganda. WVU has of late expanded her scope to cover different Refugee settlements in partnership with OPM. World Voices which started with the development of a one year Strategic Plan in 2006-2007 is currently implementing her fourth strategic plan (2017-2022) World Voices Uganda has undergone strategic growth in terms of governance and organisation policy in which we have seen peaceful transitioning of the Board and formulation and implementation of progressive policies including Gender and safeguarding policies. World Voices is national organisation providing comprehensive programs interventions at community level, sub national and national level of which most of the physical concentration of community interventions are in Western Uganda, part of Central and Northern Uganda. Currently the organsation is running a five year strategic plan with four major core program areas namely; 1) Human Rights and Access to Justice (HRAJ) 2) Peace Building and Conflict mitigation and management (PCM), 3) Governance and Accountability, Research and Knowledge management (GARM), 4) Institutional Support Servicing and Strengthening (ISSS)