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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1041 - 1045 of 2116

ReGenerate Rwanda


Western and Southern Rwanda are the poorest parts of the country – 58% of all households in the Southern Province and 49% in the Western Province fall into the poorest and poor categories (compared to 40% overall for Rwanda) 1 . While poverty rates across the country have declined in recent years, in these provinces they have increased, with extreme poverty rising in the Southern province, while the number of poor households in the West has grown. Food insecurity similarly affects these two provinces to a greater degree than the rest of Rwanda – 29.9% of households in the Western Province, and 20.5% in the Southern Province are food-insecure, compared to a national average of 18.7%2 . The districts of Karongi, Nyamasheke, and Nyamagabe are among the ten poorest in Rwanda. A combination of factors keeps people living in poverty, including the acute land shortage and an underdeveloped non-farm economy3 , all leading to a reliance on casual agricultural labor and widespread unand underemployment, with farming being the main livelihood in Western and Southern Provinces


The goal of ReGenerate Rwanda is to sustainably increase incomes for 30,000 women, youth, and men living in poverty in Western and Southern Rwanda. Using a market systems development approach, this five-year program aims to identify, catalyze, and scale up systemic solutions to reduce poverty, advance gender equality, regenerate the environment, and increase resilience. ReGenerate Rwanda will take a gender-transformative and regenerative business approach, prioritizing young and adult women as the primary target group (representing 20,000 of the 30,000 poor people this program will benefit) and promoting nature-positive economic opportunities that will benefit our target population and the environment and natural landscapes that sustain them. By the end of the program, ReGenerate Rwanda aims to have catalyzed systemic changes in the target market systems that lead to increased and diversified nature-positive incomes, increased household assets, increased off-farm employment, and improved gender norms and attitudes

Target Groups

The target group of 30,000 will be comprised of poor women (at least 20,000), youth, and men in the poorer Ubudehe C and D48 household categories (i.e., with an aggregated monthly household income of up to RWF 65,000 (approx. USD 63) and land ownership of up to 1ha).

Transition Plan to 2041 for Rural Sanitation and sludge to energy in Egypt with the support of the Aquavest mo


Over the past 2 decades, the Egyptian government has faced tremendous challenges to provide safe sanitation practices in rural areas. The majority of investments primarily focused on providing large centralized sanitation-related services and infrastructure in the major urban cities. The capital costs, as well as operation and maintenance (O&M) costs of wastewater treatment facilities, are high. It became clear that it’s not possible to recover the full costs of treatment from the end-users, making wastewater treatment facilities financially unsustainable. In addition, about 65% of the population in rural areas has only access to (improved) septic tanks, consisting of lined single or dual compartments, or simple soak away vaults or latrines. The biggest challenge is usually in remote villages, away from the main wastewater network, with contamination via the onsite discharge of domestic wastewater to groundwater, water bodies, or irrigated fields, resulting in increased public health risks.The Holding Company for Water and Wastewater seeks support to develop an investment/business plan for sewage & sludge handling in Egyptian rural areas. Such would have enormous benefits for the Egyptian economy and health noting that with implementing proper sanitation practices in rural areas, the pollution load of waterways will be significantly reduced as well as the land productivity will be increased.The mission will be a Proof of Concept of the unique AquaVest tool. The goal is to get a better understanding of the functionality and added benefits of the tool for developing the desired investment/business plan for sewage & sludge handling in Egyptian rural areas.

LAND-at-scale Colombia: Land formalisation integrating economic empowerment and natural resource protection –


This project aims to include an economic development and a natural resource management approach in better land governance in Colombia. The project will carry out three pilots with a Fit for Purpose approach.Beneficiaries are disadvantaged people ina) a predominantly indigenous community,b) predominantly Afro-Colombian community,c) mixed communities (Afro-Colombian, indigenous people but also peasant farmers).ICCO and Tropenbos work together with Kadaster International who has experience in the Fit for Purpose approach. ICCO and Tropenbos aim to cooperate with other actors active in the chosen regions to be able to provide multiple economic pathways for development, in which protection of natural resources is a priority.

Royal University of Agriculture


Center for Agricultural and Environmental Studies (CAES) was established in 2011. It is one of the center under the management of RUA. The CAES plays a vital role in capacity building, research related to environment, climate change, agriculture, forestry, and particularly the sustainable land management in Cambodia. With expertise in the fields of research and training in agriculture, natural resource management, land use change, and innovative technologies aimed at improving agricultural production, technology transfer, sustainable land management and raising awareness. Through this project the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA)- Center for Agricultural and Environmental Studies - Will support training to partners and community leaders on climate smart agriculture technology; coordinate to implement climate smart agriculture models with selected households; monitor and follow-up to document learning. - Currently implementing a project with IFAD - “Scaling Up Climate Resilient Agriculture” inKampong Chhnang and Pursat provinces. - Can provide technical expertise in sustainable land management and rural development, vulnerability assessment, climate smart agriculture, ingerated farming systems, modelling, GIS, Data Web platform and E hub; training; and sharing of resources and materials.