Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs, research organizations etc.
Displaying 886 - 890 of 2113Global Environment Facility 8th Replenishment ICF RDEL - Closed.
To support developing countries to implement international agreements on climate change, biodiversity, land degradation and harmful chemicals as integral elements of sustainable development. GEF’s other activities include sustainable forest management, international waters and protecting the ozone layer.
F.a: Strengthening sustainable management of forest and water resources for livelihood and mitigation of clima
The project prootes indigenous and forest dependent communities’ resource rights, customary rights and control over the governance of their customary land including management of land received under Forest Rights Act 2006. It undertakes community based a nd managed nursery raising and plantation of native plant species including medicinal plants and bamboo in fallow forest land and mobilizes tribal women participation for conservation of natural habitat of forest based herbal/medicinal items. Additionally, it facilitates poor tribal families to revitalize Non-timber forest produce / forest based indigenous livelihood support enterprises focusing improved access and food security. It undertakes documentation work on best and promising practices on tribal way of life including conservation, regeneration and management measures. Furthermore, it organizes training and advance training for strengthening capacity and foster participation for management of natural resources including forest, tree + land.
Kiwengwa-Pongwe Protection + Open Civil Society Project - KIPPO
Forest degradation is a major challenge in Kiwengwa-Pongwe Forest Reserve (K-PFR) in Unguja island Zanzibar. This is due to increased pressure by densely populated surrounding villages; 96% of the people use firewood as their primal source of energy. The c ommunities' livelihoods depend on the sustainability of the forest and its capacity to prevent erosion. However the villagers' awareness and means of sustainable forest use and awareness of land rights are inadequate.A forest protection NGO MUMKI has been registered in the area with the support of previous GST's project. MUMKI and Forest Conservation Committees (FCC) that carry out forest conservation activities consist of residents of villages around Kiwengwa-Pongwe (K-P). MUMKI works with DFNR that does n ot have enough resources for wholesome forest protection and there are no other forest protection organizations in the area. Therefore KIPPO aims to build MUMKI's capacity to manage as an independent NGO that can effectively protect the forest during and a fter the project. The aim is to develop civil society where people can democratically decide on the matters concerning their immediate surroundings. Objectives will be achieved by organizing trainings for MUMKI on association management and fundraising sup porting in establishing an office and assisting in networking and village visits. A coordinator who acts as a link between Finland and Zanzibar will be hired.MUMKI's activities include organising FCC patrolling in the forest and raising awareness in the vi llages about the importance of forest protection. During the project MUMKI will become a better known actor in the area; it will work as a source of information in livelihoods land rights and sustainable forest use. MUMKI organizes forest protection activi ties; 7000 tree seedlings will be planted to create an agroforestry buffer zone to reduce pressure on K-P forest. The villages that are the source of most pressure to K-P will be beneficiaries for MUMKI's pilot project in which sun ray cookers are distribu ted in order to decrease the need of firewood. MUMKI's funding opportunities broaden as local honey production is supported.
Global Land Governance programme
The goal of the Land Facility is to improve stability, inclusive growth and responsible investment by promoting more effective, efficient and equitable rural and urban land governance. The programme will help build basic capacity and systems and mobilise the necessary political support, so governments can implement and resource sustained land governance reform, leading to improved tenure security for all. Improved tenure security will contribute to a number of climate benefits; transformational change, reduced deforestation, increased resilience and sustainable land management practices. It will run for 7 years and will initially work in up to 10 countries in Africa and South East Asia depending on size and needs.
F.a: Indonesia Country Programme
The aim of the programme is to conserve the mountain rainforests in Muller-Schwaner area in Borneo. The area is rich in biodiversity and home to many endemic species. Also thousands of people, including indigenous groups, live in the area. However, biodive rsity and local livelihoods are threatened by unsustainable development and infrastructure. Poor governance of natural resources is a direct and indirect cause of habitat, biodiversity, productivity loss by preventing or undermining enabling conditions and incentives for sustainable use. Deforestation, driven by timber logging and forest conversion to palm oil plantations, is one of the key challenges. Also mining is becoming an increasing problem in the area.The expected result of the programme is that an effective conservation management and equitable customary land-use are in place in Muller-Schwaner area. Improvement of land ownership of local communities and strengthening of the environmental legislation and governance principles are in the focus of our approach. At the same time we are influencing the companies working in the area to adopt sustainable approaches and strengthening of local livelihoods through green economy. These all factors reduce pressure on forests and support the long-term wellbeing of people and nature in the area.Beneficiaries: People living in the area, local district governments and local NGOs/CSOs.Implementor: WWF Indonesia (http://www.wwf.or.id/). Cooperation partners: Gunung Lumut Muller Foundation, Indigenous People Aliance (h ttp://www.aman.or.id/), SUAR Institute (http://www.suarmelawi.com), PRCF (People Resource Conservation Foundation) (http://www.prcfoundation.org), FASDA Sawit Lestari Sustainable Palm oil-Facilitator.