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Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 751 - 755 of 2116

CO-Women’s Livelihood and Climate Smart


Project Description In Uganda, women’s land and property rights are not easily realizable despite having highly rated gender sensitive constitution. This is because of deeply rooted patriarchal attitudes in society that often relegate women’s land right to merely user rights and impracticalities in implementing well designed laws. Ironically it is women (75% - 80%) who produce foods for consumption in Uganda and beyond. The situation would be different if they enjoy all bundles of land rights, i.e. ownership, control and user rights. In other words, production would exponentially increased and then eliminate hunger and poverty. In fact according to UBOS, 2014, women’s ownership and control of land directly increases production by 40%. Human Development Survey United Nations Development Fund Report 2019, shows that only 20% of the women own land. This trend will likely and continuously jeopardize governmentefforts to agricultural development programs and other agrarian reforms. For example, the failure of Plan for Modernization of Agriculture (PMA) can partly be traced to lack of women ownerships and control which inextricably link to lack of and limited decisions of land use patterns. Some of the laws in Uganda are theoretically good but remains practically biased due to imbalanced practices that do not address the root causes of women’s lack of ownership and control of land such as deeply rooted negative cultural practices, norms and attitudes. Some of these practices are extremely negative and leads to violence, e.g. land related gender based violence. Because of this, the ultimate development goal of the National Land Policy 2013 is becoming difficult to attain. It is evident that the Government has done very little to tackle obviously discriminate legal and social regime regarding women’s land rights and in particularly any deliberate efforts to appreciate their and recognize their contribution to national development. Despite the fact that the Constitution and the Land Act offer adequate protection for women’s land and property the structures of land managementare weak and dysfunctional. Uganda is also a signatory to the CEDAW ( The Convention on Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women hence making Uganda internationally accountable. The great need to place issues affecting women on land and property ownership and control at the center of any land reform initiative and or domestic laws like the Domestic relations Bill have prevented by lack of political will. Sincepolicy makers have failed to do so, they ultimately are being professionally negligent, misusing poverty reduction resources, and achieving their national development objectives. The objective is to enhance capacity of women landright movements that will collectively advocate and negotiate for practical women’s ownership and control of land. Specifically to; i) Mobilize, organise and support grassroots women land rights movement for enhanced advocacy capacity ii) Strengthen CSOs capacityto support grassroot movements and advocate for women land rights regulatory frameworks and guidelines at all levels iii) Build/strengthen stakeholders’ leadership capacity on women land rights programming, Problem Analysis 11. Using Oxfam’s narrative power to shape and/or promote certain storylines and what those stories tell us about power and rights, and to push for actions to be taken. 2. Using Oxfam’s mobilizing power to strengthen and amplify women’s voices and to support their access to policy spaces to share their experiences and promote their demands. 3. Using Oxfam’s power and experience working with private sector actors to hold businesses accountable for how they strengthen, or undermine, women’s access to and control of land, and advocating forreform of their business models that further inequality and injustice through ensuring gender justice in their land-based investments. 4. Using Oxfam’s power to engage with the public sector to inject gender justice and a land rights agenda in governinginstitutions. We will demand and influence the implementation of laws, policies and participatory decision-making processes, advocate for effective global, regional,national, and local policies to secure women’s land rights, and promote women’s participation in law and policy-making processes. Expected Results • A Paper or Policy Briefs or other communication materials for engaging in the Beijing +25. • A meeting respondingto the process of women's land rights in Beijing +25 process at country level(Uganda), regional(East Africa) and global level. • Contribute to documenting a magazine which will be online published capturing stories of women land rights defenders from across Uganda. • Documentation of cases of WLR in context of climate change or LSLBI • Webinar sharing the learning and evidence gathered from implementation of the LSLBI tool in Uganda. • Preparation of Shadow reports(SDGs on Land Shadow report) from Uganda. • Virtual meeting with other countries working in the same subject.

GFI Increasing DRM by Promoting Corporate, Natural Resource and Professional Integrity Colombia


Corporation Transparencia Por Colombia (TpC) will build on work that it began under the previous phase of the project when a beneficial ownership (BO) registry legislation finally pass. During 2022-2025 TpC and GFI will advocate for robust, meaningful implementation of the registry. In preliminary planning conversations, TpC and GFI have identified inter-agency cooperation and international information exchange as two main points for beneficial ownership implementation that will need to be addressed through research and advocacy efforts in 2023-2025. In addition TpC will lead on mapping of corruption risks in the hydrocarbon sector (gas and petroleum, for example) and in developing at least 8 policy recommendations to mitigate risks. El Centro de Alternativas de Desarollo (CEALDES) will leverage previous advocacy experience on environmental protection and natural resource governance. CEALDES will also participate in capacity-building activities organized by GFI related to IFFs, which will allow them to incorporate financial transparency concepts into their advocagrater integrity in natural resources and rade cy work going forward. CEALDES will produce a report on supply chain issues and deforestation drivers (such as cattle ranching, carbon, and/or land leasing) and develop at least 8 policy recommendations to better conserve forest resources. CEALDES will lead on stakeholder engagement efforts, including advocacy engagement with policymakers, private sector, and local communities. CEALDES will support research and advocacy for corporate and land ownership integrity and as well as professional integrity in Colombia.



Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI) Uganda works towards a sustainable, fair and inclusive world. SEATINI undertake research and share information about policy and practices that have a direct impact on people and their livelihoods. Through raising awareness, building stakeholders’ capacity and joint advocacy, we stimulate dialogue between stakeholders and government and promote indigenous alternatives for improved livelihoods and sustainable development. The Uganda FAIR for ALL programme will be implemented by Oxfam in Uganda and partners, aiming to: 1) Enhancing women’s access to local, regional and global value chains (agriculture, specific focus on coffee and horticulture) by strengthening their organizations and capacity to influence stakeholders in value chains, including public actors, for more inclusive policies and constituencies on production practices; 2) Strengthen women’s participation and leadership through capacity strengthening of women smallholder farmer groups in negotiation skills, policy analysis and advocacy, and market and price analysis; 3) Enhancing space for CSOs, in particular regarding land rights issues. Reviving cooperatives and collective enterprises of smallholder farmer producer groups as an alternative business model to mobilize and organize small-scale food producers in agribusiness value chains; 4) Addressing human rights violations in agribusiness, with a focus on compliance with FPIC; and 5) Advocating for a fair tax system and budget transparency, paving the way for pro-poor spending, including investment in agriculture, social protection, basic services and human capital development with linkages to fair trade policies and practices. These objectives will be achieved by supporting civil society to navigate shrinking space; addressing deeply rooted cultural norms against women; strengthening CSOs’ and alliances’ influencing capacities, in particular related to land, fiscal and trade policies, inequality and exclusion; and by strengthening CSOs’ capacities to engage with the private sector. On the PvP project, SEATINI Uganda shall lead on Fair tax policy influencing at national and global levels and shall also link with work on fair trade under Third World Network Africa. Their focus shall be on Pillar 3 and Pillar 4; and the work shall complementpillar 1 and pillar 2.



Uganda Agribusiness Alliance (UAA) was established in 2014, as a not-for-profit multi-stakeholder partnership and members-based organisation, to catalyse sustainable investment and growth in the Ugandan agricultural and agri-allied industry. We work withagriculture stakeholders to identify and coordinate solutions to address systemic bottlenecks which affect agribusiness development across the country. Where action on such solutions cannot be coordinated UAA will step in to fill the gap. Our passion is to help Ugandan agribusinesses of all sizes to thrive. We achieve this by, among others, influencing policy-making, inform business decisions, support entrepreneurial activity, share best practices, facilitate collaboration and engage stakeholders beyond commercial objectives. The Uganda FAIR for ALL programme will be implemented by Oxfam in Uganda and partners, aiming to: 1) Enhancing women’s access to local,regional and global value chains (agriculture, specific focus on coffee and horticulture) by strengthening their organizations and capacity to influence stakeholders in value chains, including public actors, for more inclusive policies and constituencies on production practices; 2) Strengthen women’s participation and leadership through capacity strengthening of women smallholder farmer groups in negotiation skills, policy analysis and advocacy, and market and price analysis; 3) Enhancing space for CSOs, in particular regarding land rights issues. Reviving cooperatives and collective enterprises ofsmallholder farmer producer groups as an alternative business model to mobilize and organize small-scale food producers in agribusiness value chains; 4) Addressing human rights violations in agribusiness, with a focus on compliance with FPIC; and 5) Advocating for a fair tax system and budget transparency, paving theway for pro-poor spending, including investment in agriculture, social protection, basic services and human capital development with linkages to fair trade policies and practices. These objectives will be achieved by supporting civil society to navigate shrinking space; addressing deeply rooted cultural norms against women; strengthening CSOs’ and alliances’ influencing capacities, in particular related to land, fiscal and trade policies, inequality and exclusion; and by strengthening CSOs’ capacities to engage with the private sector. On the PvP project UAA will lead on national level advocacy for small holder food producers participation in horticulture value chains. UAA's contribution will be mainly on Pathway 1 and 2 of the project.



The Power of Voices Partnership (PvP) is an influencing programme with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The programme FAIR for ALL led by Oxfam Novib is a five year long initiative implemented jointly with consortium members Huairou Commission, SOMO and Third World Network-Africa (TWN-Africa) aimed at supporting and collaborating with people’s rightful demands towards companies, governments and multilateral organizations for economic, social and environmental justice, promoting global trade and value-chains that are fair for all. The main focus of the FAIR for ALL programme is to support and strengthen CSOs to play their diverse roles; aseducators, mobilizers, creators and watchdogs to make trade and value chains FAIR for ALL. In Uganda,FAIR for ALL programme aims at strengthening CSOs to create space and mobilize demands of small-scale producers to contribute to more inclusive and sustainable agribusiness value chains (focus on agriculture, specifically coffee and horticulture) that respect land rights and promote grassroots women’s rights and economic empowerment in Uganda, and a conducive environment that promotes equal opportunities for individuals and businesses,resulting in poverty reduction, better service delivery and sustainablebusiness practices. The Uganda FAIR for ALL programme will be implemented by Oxfam in Uganda and partners, aiming to: 1) Enhancing women’s access to local, regional and global value chains (agriculture, specific focus on coffee and horticulture) by strengthening their organizations and capacity to influence stakeholders in value chains, including public actors, for more inclusive policies and constituencies on production practices; 2) Strengthen women’s participation and leadership through capacity strengthening of women smallholder farmer groups in negotiation skills, policy analysis and advocacy, and market and price analysis; 3) Enhancing space for CSOs, in particular regarding land rights issues. Reviving cooperatives and collective enterprises of smallholder farmer producer groups as an alternative business model to mobilize and organize small-scale food producers in agribusiness value chains; 4) Addressing human rights violations in agribusiness, with a focus on compliance with FPIC; and 5) Advocating for a fair tax system and budget transparency, paving the way for pro-poor spending, including investment in agriculture, social protection, basic services and human capital development with linkages to fair trade policies and practices. These objectives will be achieved by supporting civil society to navigate shrinking space; addressing deeply rooted cultural norms against women; strengthening CSOs’ and alliances’ influencing capacities, in particular related to land, fiscal and trade policies, inequality and exclusion; and by strengthening CSOs’ capacities to engage with the private sector. To achieve the main objectives of the programme in Uganda, Oxfam will collaborate with: SEATINI (they also works with Oxfam and other CSOsthrough the Tax Justice Alliance Uganda); Agency for Community Empowerment (AFCE); Uganda Agribusiness Alliance (UAA); Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) and the Eastern and Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers' Forum (ESSAF).