The Sixth Mediterranean Forest Week
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Date of publication
Août 2018
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Following the success of the Fifth Mediterranean Forest Week (MFW) in Morocco in March 2017, the Sixth MFW will take place in Lebanon on 1-5 April 2019. The Sixth MFW will bring together a diverse range of participants to consider how Mediterranean forests can assist countries in the region to achieve their goals under the Paris Agreement. The Sixth MFW will consider the important role Mediterranean forests can assist countries in the region to achieve their goals under the Paris Agreement.
1.How Mediterranean forests can contribute to the fulfillment of global climate change commitments2.The role of Mediterranean forests in adapting people to climate change3.The role of Mediterranean forests in facilitating sectoral climate change adaptation in areas such as water, agriculture and cities4.The role of Mediterranean forests in helping to mitigate the effects of climate change