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Drivers of maize yield variability at household level in northern Ghana and Malawi

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2022

Maize is a staple food, but productivity has stagnated due to limited access to advanced farming methods and knowledge. To promote sustainable agriculture, understanding the factors affecting maize yield at the farm level is crucial. This study used panel data on maize yield and agronomic practices in Northern Ghana and Malawi from 2014 to 2020.

Transforming food systems through risk-contingent credit in rural Africa: Development, experimentation, and evaluation

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2022

Throughout Africa, climate change is posing severe challenges to agricultural production and food security. Agricultural risks—particularly those associated with drought—are a major cause of low agricultural productivity in most African countries, including Kenya.

Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in Kenya's food system: Economic interdependencies and policy opportunities

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2022

Low- and middle-income countries worldwide share the common challenge of achieving sustainable economic development while reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This challenge is complex due to the interconnectedness of economic activities, where policies targeting one industry can have ripple effects on others.

Ecosystem services may provide large economic values in Kenya and Vietnam: A value transfer application based on results from a systematic literature review

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2022

This study focuses on the valuation of ecosystem services in Kenya and Vietnam, two countries that have received much attention from the international development community for their biodiversity significance, opportunities for scaling, climate and poverty challenges, and political will.

Cultural and economic barriers and opportunities for the participation of women in agricultural production systems: A case study in Guatemala

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2022

Agricultural activities in Guatemala constitute 32% of the total employment, but only one in every 10 individuals employed in these activities are women. This study examines cultural and economic barriers and opportunities for women’s participation in crop and livestock production systems.

Conservation agriculture has no significant impact on sheep digestive parasitism

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2022

Conservation agriculture (CONS A) is a sustainable agriculture system based on crop rotation with no tillage. It has various environmental advantages compared to conventional agriculture (CONV A): decreased water evaporation, erosion, and CO2 emissions. In this first study of its kind, we aim to evaluate the impact of this type of agriculture on sheep gastrointestinal parasites.

Exploring and analysing practices and pathways to improve resource use efficiency of crop-livestock farming systems in North-western Bangladesh

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2022

As the global population continues to grow, the urgency of addressing food sovereignty challenges becomes increasingly apparent. Bangladesh, being a densely populated country, encounters significant hurdles in livestock production sectors the high population density leads to a substantial demand for food, resulting in increased resource requirements.

Gender norms and differences in access and use of climate-smart agricultural technology in Burundi

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2022

The adoption and use of climate-smart agricultural practices are critical for improving the productivity and sustainability of smallholder farming systems. However, the gendered dimensions of access to and use of climate-smart agriculture in common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) production remain unexplored among smallholder farmers in Burundi.

Thematic evidencing of youth-empowering interventions in livestock production systems in Sub-Sahara Africa: A systematic review

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2022

Five to seven in every 10 people in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are youths. They have significantly low employment rates but are unattracted to agriculture. Recently, the sector has witnessed considerable efforts by African governments to promote youth participation. While these efforts have started to bear fruits, salient gender issues remain hard to address and solve promptly.

Herd health management training manual for animal health care workers

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2022

Objectives of the manual:
i. To provide farmer trainers/facilitators with relevant knowledge and skills to identify and manage pig diseases, pests/parasites for improved productivity and marketing of pigs and pig products.
ii. To refresh trainers’ and farmers’ knowledge and skills to diagnose and manage important animal diseases, pests/parasites affecting pig productivity.

Review of Nationally Determined Contributions (NCD) of Colombia from the perspective of food systems

LandLibrary Resource
Décembre, 2022

Food is a vital component of Colombia's economy. The impact of climate change on agriculture and food security in the country is severe. The effects have resulted in decreased production and in the productivity of agricultural soil. Desertification processes are accelerating and intensifying.