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The scientific basis of climate-smart agriculture: A systematic review protocol

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Février, 2016

Background: ‘Climate-smart agriculture’ (CSA)—agriculture and food systems that

sustainably increase food production, improve resilience (or adaptive capacity) of farming

systems, and mitigate climate change when possible—has quickly been integrated into the

global development agenda. However, the empirical evidence base for CSA has not been

Policy and Legislative criteria for acquisition and granting of land for investment purposes in Kenya

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Janvier, 2016

Kenya is currently implementing a number of large scale infrastructure and development projects aimed at trans forming the country into a newly industrializing, middle-income country. For this, the government has had to compulsorily acquire large tracts of land upon which the infrastructure is set.

Effective Mechanized Rainwater Harvesting: Coping with climate change implications in the Jordanian Badia

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Janvier, 2016
Western Asia

Research on micro-catchment rainwater harvesting techniques by ICARDA and Jordanian
scientists has led to the establishment of semicircular bunds on contour ridges and furrows
(using GPS laser-guided Vallerani machine) and runoff strips in two communities of Jordan
Badia. As an outcome of this research, an effective micro-catchment laser-guided system was

Determination of cultivar-dependent variation in food-feed traits in lentil (Lens culinaris)

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Janvier, 2016
Afrique orientale

The study was conducted with the objectives of analyzing and evaluating of lentil varieties for haulm nutritional values, determining the relationship between fodder traits and agronomic traits, and developing Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) equation for predicting nutritional value of lentil haulm.

Indigenous livestock husbandry and ethno veterinary practices in Endamohoni District of Tigray Region, Ethiopia

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Janvier, 2016
Afrique orientale

Indigenous knowledge is local knowledge that exists and buildup through experiences of the local community in the day-to-day practice and it is economically inexpensive. Farmers use their indigenous knowledge from time immemorial till today, thus it gives a good solution for their problems.

Lay perceptions of risk factors for Rift Valley fever in a pastoral community in northeastern Kenya

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Janvier, 2016
Afrique orientale

Background: Human behavioral factors have been found to be central in the transmission of Rift Valley fever.

Consumption of contaminated meat and milk in particular have been identified as one of the key risk factors for

the transmission of Rift Valley fever in humans. In pastoral communities, livestock is the main source of livelihood