Regional Law No. 14-Z “On objects of cultural heritage”.
This Regional Law regulates relations originating in the sphere of conservation, management, promotion and state protection of the objects of cultural heritage.
This Regional Law regulates relations originating in the sphere of conservation, management, promotion and state protection of the objects of cultural heritage.
La presente Ley de Armonización y Simplificación en materia de Protección del Territorio y de los Recursos Naturales, tiene como finalidad incidir sobre la arquitectura del sistema territorial y medioambiental con el fin de eliminar rigideces innecesarias y clarificar las competencias que corresponden a los tres niveles administrativos (el del Gobierno de Canarias, el de los cabildos y el de los ayuntamientos), además de agilizar al máximo los procedimientos de formulación y aprobación de los instrumentos de planeamiento territorial, ambiental y urbanístico.Además, se propone revisar la nor
Le présent décret fixe l’organisation du Ministère de l’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat qui s’articule autour des structures suivantes : le Cabinet du Ministre; et le Secrétariat Général.
This Act transfers certain State forest and Crown lands to the national park estate, makes provision with respect to special areas under the Hunter Water Act 1991 and sets apart areas in State forests as flora reserves.
This Order, made under section 5 of the Town and Country Planning Act, provides for a wide variety of matters regarding the administration and development of the Manchester Parish Development Area.
These Regulations designate a coastal area as a Special Protection Area in accordance with Article 4 of Habitats Directive for protection purposes set out in Schedule 3 (coastal lagoons). The Minister shall, in accordance with the Regulations of 2011, establish and publish such particular conservation objectives as he or she, from time to time, considers necessary for the Special Area of Conservation with regard to the natural habitat type and animal and plant species specified in Schedule 3.
These Regulations make provision for the selection, designation, registration and notification of sites to be protected under the Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. These Regulations also implement aspects of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. They make provision in respect of European sites for: (a) control of damaging operations caused by human activity; (b) special nature conservation orders and restoration orders; (c) byelaws of the appropriate nature conservation body; and (d) compulsory acquisition.
Cooperation shall be carried out in the following areas: (a) use of economic methods in nature management with the application of environmental audit; (b) rate setting, standardization, metrology and certification in the field of environmental protection; (c) environmental monitoring; (d) protection of atmospheric air; (e) protection of surface and groundwater; (f) protection of land; (g) protection of wild flora and wild fauna; (h) protection and development of protected natural areas; (i) exploration of mineral deposits with the application of environmental-friendly methods; (j) scientifi
Article 16 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Government shall be competent authority to declare natural complexes and nature monuments regional protected areas and, in case of necessity, land plots and waterbodies can be expropriated for public needs in accordance with civil, land and water legislation”.
Amends: Regional Law No. 645 “On protected areas”. (2009-07-13)
This Act provides with respect to the management and conservation of forest resources in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. It also provides for the protection of water resources present in forest areas and lease of forest land.
This Law is aimed at: protecting the coastal environment, restoring and preserving coasts as a resource of unique value, and preventing and reducing as much as possible any damage to them; preserving the coastal environment and the coastal sand for the benefit and enjoyment of the public, for present and future generations; and establishing principles and limitations for the sustainable management, development and use of the coastal environment. Under the law, sea and shore are considered one integral unit that extends from Israel's territorial waters to 300 meters inland.
Article 28 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Economic assessment shall be made, land-use planning (boundaries and management plans) for new state reserves, biosphere reserves and national parks, establishment of boundary plans for state and municipal reserves and biosphere reserves, providing for compensation for the necessary discontinuance (if necessary), land redemption (purchase in accordance with the Law on Public Procurement of the Republic of Lithuania or the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Procurement of Water, Energy, Transport, or Postal Services by Contracting E