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Issuespopulation urbaineLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 145 - 156 of 279


Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2016

One of the most challenging projects that the new Metropolitan city of Naples is going to face, concerns the regeneration of the ex-industrial areas located in the eastern zone of the city, characterized by the presence of the port. Among the several reasons of the slowness in which the current program of urban regeneration proceed (NaplEst) is the generic identification of the demand for new functions in an area which plays a strategic role in the metropolitan context.


Peer-reviewed publication
Juillet, 2016

One of the educational areas which have the function as the center of the new growth is the Campus of the State University of Semarang. The existence of Unnes trigger the development of the Sekaran sub-district. One area that has developed commercial activity quite rapidly in the Sekaran sub-district is the Taman Siswa Road Corridor. The purpose of this study was to assess the utilization of space commercial activity in the Taman Siswa road corridors and look for the cause of development of land in the region.

Segregación residencial en las principales ciudades chilenas: Tendencias de las tres últimas décadas y posibles cursos de acción

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2001

El patrón de segregación residencial de las ciudades chilenas se está transformando en dos sentidos principales: está cambiando su escala geográfica y está aumentando su malignidad. Estos cambios parecen estar afectando a la mayoría de las ciudades latinoamericanas. Están vinculados con las políticas de liberalización de los mercados de suelo y con los procesos de globalización económica y cultural de las últimas décadas.

Las leyes del suelo. A propósito de la propuesta de modificación y actualización del PRM-1994 de Santiago

Peer-reviewed publication
Mars, 2015

The proposal for modification of the 1994 Metropolitan Plan for Santiago (PRMS) put forward by the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism (MINVU) at the beginning of 2008, allows us to reflect on the role of the land as a fundamental factor of urban activity and also as an element that remains as such through the whole process of property development, imposing its own “rules”.


Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2016

According to the discipline of the Appraisal, the market values of urban property depend on characteristics of location, due to the area in question, and the peculiarities of the individual property. The characteristics of location include the location of the building relative to the center of town, the level of infrastructure, the presence of community facilities and shops, etc.

Application of protective distances in vicinity of dangerous facilities in urban and spatial plans

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2006

Environmental risk management in production, use and transportation of dangerous materials having been actual theme in the world and in Serbia. Although environmental risk is mostly connected with technical issues, since chemical catastrophe in Bophal-lndia (1986) in the world was recognized that this is complex issue that besides of technical-technological, includes also social-economic, organizational and spatial factors. Spatial component of risk management which is regulated by Seveso II Directive in EU is important for planners.

Market-led Development versus Basic Needs: Common Property and the Common Good in St. Lucia

Peer-reviewed publication
Avril, 2011

This paper argues that contemporary development policies have failed to solve the problem of the maldistribution of economic resources, poverty, underemployment, and skewed income distribution. With the collapse of the Lomé Convention in 1996, St. Lucia saw its banana export market suffer a steep decline. Since then, Lomé St. Lucia has focused on market-led international tourism as the new engine of growth. Market-led development is fraught with economic cycles of up and down that lead to economic uncertainty and catastrophe for many people of limited resources.

Río Mapocho Tramo Inferior siglo XXI: avances para la definición y manejo de un polígono multifacético. /Mapocho River Lower Section XXI century: advances in defining and managing a multifaceted polygon.

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2013

La comprensión del río Mapocho como un simple cauce por el que circula agua, y eje de parques yuxtapuestos ya no sería suficiente para su integración a la región urbana en la perspectiva de la habitabilidad sustentable. Se reconoce a priori la existencia de un potencial posible de desarrollar bajo directrices de sustentabilidad para el Mapocho Inferior. Es posible su constitución en un corredor turístico-recreacional-ambiental y de movilidad tranquila depersonas y especies.

The social construction of real estate market risk. The case of a financial investments cluster in Mexico City

Peer-reviewed publication
Novembre, 2012

This article contributes to the study of the geographical concentration of financial investments in real estate markets. It demonstrates the social construction process at work in the evolution of real estate market risks. The objective is to highlight the conditions that allow or impede the implementation of ‘opportunistic’ and ‘conservative’ risk strategies.

La ciudad com-fusa: mercado y producción de la estructura urbana en las grandes metrópolis latinoamericanas

Peer-reviewed publication
Mai, 2012
Amérique centrale
Amérique du Sud

Con la crisis del fordismo urbano, el mercado inmobiliario ha resurgido como una fuerza determinante del proceso de coordinación social del uso del suelo y la producción de estructura intraurbana. Es el retorno de la "mano invisible" del mercado. En este artículo se analiza la relación entre la producción de estructura urbana y el funcionamiento del mercado inmobiliario en América Latina, tanto en su versión formal como en la informal.

Fermeture résidentielle et politiques urbaines, le cas marseillais Diffusion of closed residentials and urban policy, the case of Marseille (France)

Peer-reviewed publication
Juin, 2012

La fermeture résidentielle à Marseille se caractérise par son intensité (presque 20 % du total des logements de la commune) et son emprise spatiale très forte dans certains quartiers (plus de 40 % de leur surface urbanisée). Issu d’une recherche de 3 ans et d’un rapport de recherche remis au PUCA en 2010 (« La diffusion des ensembles résidentiels fermés à Marseille.

Allotment plan as a condition for sustainable development on the example of detailed regulation 'Stanko Vlasotinčanin' in Nis

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre, 2012

In order to protect the environment and creation the conditions for a good and healthy life, the construction of buildings should be sustainable. It is essential that the entire process that includes planning, design and realization, be consistent with bioclimatic principles. Allotment plan should be an integral part of the planning process because it is an instrument to control the use of construction land and prevention the negative consequences that are created by uncontrolled action of the market.