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IssuesdéboisementLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 469 - 480 of 1181

Anticipated climate and land‐cover changes reveal refuge areas for Borneo's orang‐utans

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

Habitat loss and climate change pose a double jeopardy for many threatened taxa, making the identification of optimal habitat for the future a conservation priority. Using a case study of the endangered Bornean orang‐utan, we identify environmental refuges by integrating bioclimatic models with projected deforestation and oil‐palm agriculture suitability from the 1950s to 2080s. We coupled a maximum entropy algorithm with information on habitat needs to predict suitable habitat for the present day and 1950s.

Dynamics of land-use and land-cover change in Freetown, Sierra Leone and its effects on urban and peri-urban agriculture – a remote sensing approach

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011
Sierra Leone

This paper presents findings of a land-use and land-cover (LULC) change mapping exercise conducted in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Nine LULC classes were mapped from multi-temporal Landsat data of 1974, 1986 and 2000. Special attention was given to the growth or otherwise of agricultural land in relation to other LULC classes. Conversion of one land-use/-cover type to the other was identified, and its effects discussed. Major conversions occurred between agricultural lands, grasslands, evergreen forest, built-up areas and barren land.

Pre-classification and post-classification change-detection techniques to monitor land-cover and land-use change using multi-temporal Landsat imagery: a case study on Pisa Province in Italy

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011

This article explores the simultaneous use of pre-classification and post-classification change-detection techniques to map and monitor land-cover and land-use change using multi-temporal Landsat Multi-spectral Scanner and Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus data over one of the most important tourism centres of Italy (e.g.

Surprisingly small increase of the sedimentation rate in the floodplain of Morava River in the Strážnice area, Czech Republic, in the last 1300years

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011
République tchèque

Sediment profiles from the floodplain of Morava River in the Czech Republic have been collected from exposed river banks (4–6m long sections) and cores (2–4m deep) and investigated using a set of geochemical proxies validated by granulometry and conventional geochemical analysis, outlined in our previous paper. The work was conducted to evaluate the increase in sedimentation rate during Medieval and modern time periods.

Termite diversity and complexity in Vietnamese agroecosystems along a gradient of increasing disturbance

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015
Viet Nam

The rapid development of the Vietnamese coffee industry caused widespread deforestation, land degradation, desertification, and soil and water degradation in the late 1990s. However, little is known about the impact of intensification of coffee farming on arthropod diversity in Vietnamese coffee agroecosystems.

Futures of Tropical Forests (sensu lato)

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

When net deforestation declines in the tropics, attention will be drawn to the composition and structure of the retained, restored, invaded, and created forests. At that point, the seemingly inexorable trends toward increased intensities of exploitation and management will be recognized as having taken their tolls of biodiversity and other forest values.

Mapping tropical forests and rubber plantations in complex landscapes by integrating PALSAR and MODIS imagery

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

Knowledge of the spatial distribution of forest types in tropical regions is important for implementation of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), better understanding of the global carbon cycle, and optimal forest management. Frequent cloud cover in moist tropical regions poses challenges for using optical images to map and monitor forests. Recently, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) released a 50m orthorectified mosaic product from the Phased Array Type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) onboard the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS).

Coupling of South American Soybean and Cattle Production Frontiers: New Challenges for Conservation Policy and Land Change Science

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015
Amérique du Sud

Different drivers and places of land use change in South America have often been studied in isolation. Evidence suggests, however, that in many instances, both places and drivers are becoming increasingly interconnected. The growing diversification and internationalization of agricultural commodity chains is creating new linkages across production frontiers and sectors that have important implications for conservation.

Carbon management of commercial rangelands in Australia: Major pools and fluxes

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2012

Land-use emissions accompanying biomass loss, change in soil organic carbon (ΔSOC) and decomposing wood-products, were comparable with fossil fuel emissions in the late 20th century. We examine the rates, magnitudes and uncertainties for major carbon (C) fluxes for rangelands due to commercial grazing and climate change in Australia. Total net C emission from biomass over 369Mha of rangeland to-date was 0.73 (±0.40)Pg, with 83% of that from the potentially forested 53% of the rangelands. A higher emission estimate is likely from a higher resolution analysis.

Economic Integration, Rural Hardship, and Conservation on Guatemala's Agricultural Frontier

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2011
Amérique centrale
Amérique du Sud

Despite decades of attention by conservationists, deforestation remains a critical problem in Latin America, particularly in agricultural frontiers like the Amazon and the lowlands of Central America. The limited impact of conservation initiatives in such regions stems partly from a poor understanding of the socioeconomic and land use dynamics that typify frontiers. Moreover, conservation organizations tend to disregard the economic and policy factors at various scales that contribute to deforestation pressures in developing countries.

Gender influences decisions to change land use practices in the tropical forest margins of Jambi, Indonesia

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014

This study explores the role of gender as a factor in decision making about alternative land use options and in responses to new investment opportunities, which has received little attention to date. An observational study to determine the different factors affecting male and female decisions to change land use at the individual level in a forest margin landscape in Jambi (Sumatra, Indonesia) was combined with a set of role playing games (RPGs) designed to assess participant responses in a simulated social setting of women-only and men-only groups.


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Après la COP28, favoriser l’innovation pour mieux mesurer l’adaptation

11 Mars 2024
Mardi 12 mars 2024 16:30 - 18:00 OÙ ? Uniquement en ligne

À mesure que les impacts du changement climatique s’intensifient, il est essentiel de comprendre si l’humanité est sur la bonne voie pour s’adapter ou sur la voie d’une augmentation des niveaux de risque. Cela soulève de nombreux défis, notamment méthodologiques. Dans le sillage de la COP28, cette conférence vise à explorer les outils qualitatifs innovants pour mesurer les progrès d’adaptation, offrant des perspectives complémentaires aux méthodes quantitatives traditionnelles.

logo adapt'action

Alors que le changement climatique continue de s'accentuer, et que les risques associés deviennent plus intenses et complexes que prévu, le dernier rapport du GIEC a montré que les politiques et les projets d’adaptation au climat sont souvent mal suivis.

Les méthodes d’évaluation basées sur des indicateurs quantitatifs ont été jusqu’à présent prédominantes, mais elles montrent des limites, notamment en ce qui concerne la difficulté d’identifier les données statistiques qui saisissent la nature complexe de l’adaptation (par exemple, au-delà des mesures quantitatives du PIB ou du revenu).

Cet événement vise à présenter des outils qualitatifs innovants pour mesurer l’adaptation basés sur des jugements d’experts structurés : Gap Track (IDDRI), le Système d’évaluation de la résilience (Banque mondiale) et le Diagnostic de la capacité d’adaptation et de résilience des pays (Banque mondiale), sont des contributions majeures pour mieux évaluer les progrès de l’adaptation à différentes échelles.

De tels outils d’évaluation peuvent donc s'avérer essentiels, à la fois pour alimenter l’Objectif mondial d’adaptation (GGA) de la CCNUCC, en particulier le programme de travail biennal sur les indicateurs décidés à la COP28, ainsi que pour les ministères de l’Environnement et tous les partenaires de développement international, dans la perspective du deuxième bilan mondial en 2028.

Le webinaire se tiendra en ligne uniquement, en anglais avec traduction française simultanée.

En savoir plus sur le programme AdaptAction :

Agence Française de Développement
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
World Bank Group


Conservation LettersConservation Letters