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Issuesenregistrement foncierLandLibrary Resource
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Order No. 1339 on survey declaration in adherence to the Farms Act.

Europe septentrionale

This Order applies to the survey declarations in accordance to the Farm Act, by establishing rules on whether proof presented to the Cadastre Authority with regard to land registration may be processed without authorization; on certification of land deduction by acquisition of agricultural property; and on the establishment of an overview map. Cadastral changes may be implemented without a license by statements from a licensed surveyors.

Regulation No. 1269 date 17.9.2008 on the composition, functioning and responsibilities of the state structures responsible for examining the legal validity of the ownership titles on agricultural land

Europe méridionale

The Regulation No. 1269 of 2008 establishes central and local state structures responsible for examining the legal validity of the agricultural land ownership titles and lays down their rules of procedure. It’s composed of the following sections: I- Composition, functioning, tasks and responsibilities of the Land Governmental Commission (LGC), II- Composition, functioning, tasks and responsibilities of the LGC Technical Secretariat, III - Composition, functioning, tasks and responsibilities of the local LGCs, and IV- Final Provisions.

Registration of Title Act, No. 21 of 1998.

Sri Lanka
Asie méridionale

This Registration of Title Act, consisting of 45 sections, specifies the registration of title to every land parcel in accordance with the cadastral map prepared for that purpose. On the publication of an Order under section I of this Act, the Commissioner of Title Settlement shall request the Surveyor-General to prepare cadastral maps for the areas specified in such Order and upon such request the Surveyor-General shall cause such cadastral maps to be prepared and certified copies of the same to be issued to the Commissioner of Title Settlement.

Resolución Nº 689/99/AG - Guía de servicios del Proyecto Especial de Titulación de Tierras y Catastro Rural (PETT).

Amérique du Sud

La Resolución, que consta de un artículo, aprueba la Guía de servicios del Proyecto Especial de Titulación de Tierras y Catastro Rural (PETT) del Ministerio de agricultura.

Revocado por: Resolución Nº 940/01/AG - Deroga la Resolución que aprobó la Guía de servicios del Proyecto Especial de Titulación de Tierras y Catastro Rural (PETT). (2001-08-06)

Arrêté du Gouvernement flamand fixant le règlement flamand relatif à l'assainissement du sol.

Europe occidentale

Cet arrêté du Gouvernement flamand fixant le règlement flamand relatif à l'assainissement du sol est formé par 45 articles répartis en 8 chapitres: Définitions (I); Etablissements et activités pouvant engendrer une pollution du sol (II); Agrément d'experts en assainissement du sol (III); Registre des terrains pollués et attestations du sol (IV); Normes d'assainissement du sol et valeurs de fond (V); Procédures d'appel visées dans le décret (VI); Sûretés financières (VII); Dispositions finales (VIII). Sont jointes 6 annexes à cet arrêté.

Agricultural Debt Management Amendment Act, 2002 (No. 49 of 2002).

Afrique du Sud
Afrique australe

The Heading of section 9 now reads: "Registration and filing of documents and exemptions". Subsection (1) now reads: "Despite the provisions of any other Act, a mortgage bond, agreement, consent, authorisation or other document tendered for the purposes of this Act at any deeds register for registration or filing, may be prepared, executed and attested by an officer of the department.".

Amends: Agricultural Debt Management Act, 2001 (No. 21 of 2001). (2001-12-04)
Repealed by: Agricultural Debt Management Repeal Act, 2008 (No. 15 of 2008). (2008-09-17)

Regulations of Hainan Special Economic Zone on forest land administration.

Asie orientale

The purpose of these Regulations is to strengthen the protection and management of forest land, rationally develop and utilize forest resources, promote sustainable economic and social development. The Text consists of 44 articles divided into 6 Chapters: General Provisions (I); Forest Land Tenure Management (II); Forest Land Protection and Utilization (III); Forest Land Expropriation and Occupation (IV); Legal Liability (V); Supplementary Provisions (VI).Forest land belongs to the State and collectives.

Implementing Rules of Rural Community Land Readjustment Act.

Asie orientale

The purpose of these Rules is to implement the Rural Community Land Readjustment Act. The Text consists of 39 Articles divided into 6 Chapters: General provisions (I); Selection and Determination of Readjustment Areas (II); Readjustment Encumbrance and Construction Work (III); Land Redistribution and Dispute Settlement(IV); Right Liquidation and Arrangement of Cadastration(V); Supplementary Provisions (VI).Article 3 sets up principles for the evaluation, selection, and determination of readjustment areas.