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Sustaining inclusive collective action that links across economic and ecological scales in upper watersheds

Reports & Research
Août, 2009
Amérique du Sud

The Sustaining inclusive Collective Action that Links across Economic and Ecological Scales in upper watersheds (Scales) project fits mainly in People and Water in Catchments Theme (Theme

2) of the CPWF. Its goal is to contribute to poverty alleviation in the upper watersheds of the

tropics through improved collective action for watershed resource management within and across

social-spatial scales. Scales worked though an integrated program of collaborative action

research, development, and capacity building in key catchments of the Nile and Andes basins, as

The Chinyanja triangle in the Zambezi River Basin, southern Africa: status of, and prospects for, agriculture, natural resources management and rural development

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2014
Afrique australe

The Chinyanja Triangle (CT) is an area inside the Zambezi

River Basin, inhabited by Chinyanja-speaking people

sharing a similar history, language and culture across

the dryland systems of the eastern province of Zambia,

southern and central regions of Malawi and Tete Province

of Mozambique. Chiefs and Chiefdoms play a critical role

in decision making and influencing social relationships. The

Zambezi River, which originates in the Kalene Hills in Zambia

is joined by ten big tributaries from six countries, and is

Textes et textes de loi sur la gestion des ressources naturelles au Burkina Faso

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2008
Burkina Faso

La gestion durable des ressources naturelles, notamment dans les pays du Sahel, a toujours soulevé des problèmes dont celui de l’inadaptation des législations nationales y relatives. Le processus d’élaboration et de mise en œuvre de ces législations est à l’image des conditions politiques, socio-économiques et culturelles des pays en question. Le Burkina Faso, pour sa part, a connu plusieurs formes de régimes politiques et, de ce fait, capitalise un certain nombre d’expériences de réformes législatives et réglementaires dans le secteur des forêts et des ressources naturelles.

Technologies for sustainable forest management: challenges for the 21st century. Commonwealth Forestry Congress, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, May 1997

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 1997

Technology will help to address the challenges for sustainable forestry in the 21st century. Some of the challenges will include the shift of production from native forest to plantations in areas of comparative advantage, more efficient processing delinking end-use products from raw wood characteristics, increased demand, better information technologies to support decision makers, and more options for conserving biodiversity.

The CGIAR research program on water, land and ecosystems (WLE)

Décembre, 2013

The CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) combines the resources of 11 CGIAR centers and numerous international, regional and national partners to provide an integrated approach to natural resource management research. This program is led by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI). This presentation provides an overview of the thematic areas that the research is categorized into as well as the focal regions where we work.