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Issuesgestion foncièreLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 4501 - 4512 of 5264

Sistema georreferenciado de indicadores de calidad de suelos para los Llanos Orientales de Colombia : Estudio de caso: Municipio de Puerto López, Meta

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2005
Amérique du Sud

Geosoil permite almacenar, consultar e interpretar información tanto del suelo como de su entorno biofísico a diferentes escalas: parcela, finca, comunidad, municipio, departamento, región, país. Opera a partir de una base de datos relacional elaborada en ACCES 2000, compuesta por una serie de tablas principales estructuradas con información a diferentes niveles jerárquicos que permiten la caracterización de las propiedades del suelo.

Smallholder farmers’ attitudes and determinants of adaptation to climate risks in East Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Mars, 2017
Afrique orientale

Adapting to climate risks is central to the goal of increasing food security and enhancing resilience of farming systems in East Africa. We examined farmers’ attitudes and assessed determinants of adaptation using data from a random sample of 500 households in Borana, Ethiopia, Nyando, Kenya, Hoima Uganda, and Lushoto, Tanzania. Adaptation was measured using a livelihood-based index that assigned weights to different individual strategies based on their marginal contributions to a household’s livelihood.

Social and economical aspects of Miombo woodland management in Southern Africa: options and opportunities for research

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 1994
Afrique australe

Five themes are identified for social, economic and policy research relating to miombo woodland management in southern Africa. They are: (1) patterns of local institutional change; (2) household use of woodland products; (3) markets for woodland products; (4) longer term dimensions to woodland use and exploitation and (5) policy and legislation. These themes are by no means definitive or exhaustive, but are described here as a means of focusing on the scope of future research, and as a basis for identifying priorities.

Socioeconomic and technical considerations to mitigate land and water degradation in the Peruvian Andes

Reports & Research
Mai, 2010
Amérique du Sud

This project aims to increase agricultural productivity, incomes, and sustainable management of

land and water by small farmers in the rural Sierra region of Peru. Although results demonstrate

the effectiveness of increased productivity and commercialization of high value agricultural

commodities, this type of activity may be limited to certain parts of the watershed with access to

irrigation and startup capital. Interventions promoting commercialization, such as those of