Loi nº 1-008 portant Code foncier du Burundi.
Cette loi porte Code foncier.
Cette loi porte Code foncier.
This Act provides rules for the registration of title or other interests in land and related matters and provides for the form of transfer of title in land or other interest in land such as mortgages, caveats, leases and easements.There shall continue to be a Registrar of Land who shall be the Chief Executive Officer responsible for the administration of this Act. The Registrar may delegate the Registrar’s powers and functions to the Assistant Registrar of Land.
The effect of prime-age adult death and its consequences on access to land for the survivors has not been fully explored nor incorporated into policy regardless the fact that high adult mortality is now the lived reality in countries affected by HIV/AIDS, particularly in Africa. This paper explores the gendered relationships between adult death due to HIV/AIDS and changes in land rights for the survivors particularly widows. In many African societies, women have traditionally accessed land through marriage.
On the occasion of the International Year of Mountains-2002, FAO and its partners undertook a large-scale assessment and global review of the current status and future trends of integrated and participatory watershed management. The overall objectives were to promote the exchange and dissemination of experiences in implementing watershed management projects in the decade from 1990 to 2000 and to identify the vision for a new generation of watershed management programmes and projects.
La sécurité de la tenure est une condition essentielle à la gestion durable des forêts. La diversification des systèmes de tenure pourrait servir de base à l’amélioration de l’aménagement forestier et des moyens d’existence locaux, en particulier là où l’Etat ne dispose pas des moyens suffisants pour gérer les forêts. Au cours de la dernière décennie, de nombreux pays ont entamé des efforts de réforme de leurs systèmes de tenure forestière, en déléguant certains droits d’accès et de gestion aux ménages, aux sociétés privées et aux communautés.
Given the recent trend of granting vast areas of African land to foreign investors, the urgency of placing real ownership in the hands of the people living and making their livelihood upon lands held according to custom cannot be overstated. This study provides guidance on how best to recognize and protect the land rights of the rural poor. Protecting and enforcing the land rights of rural Africans may be best done by passing laws that elevate existing customary land rights up into nations' formal legal frameworks thereby making customary land rights equal to documented land claims.
Con ocasión del Año Internacional de las Montañas (2002), la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) y sus asociados emprendieron una sistematización mundial en gran escala de la situación actual y futuras tendencias de la gestión integrada y participativa de las cuencas hidrográficas. Los objetivos generales eran promover el intercambio y la difusión de experiencias de gestión de cuencas de 1990 a 2000, y determinar un paradigma para una nueva generación de programas y proyectos de gestión de cuencas.
The study conducted by FAO and partners in South and Southeast Asia was based on an analysis of forest tenure according to two variables: the type of ownership, and the level of control of and access to resources. It aimed to take into account the complex combination of forest ownership − whether legally or customarily defined − and arrangements for the management and use of forest resources. Forest tenure determines who can use what resources, for how long and under what conditions.
Land lies at the heart of social, political and economic life in much of rural Africa. It provides a major source of livelihoods, income and employment; a basis for social and political relations; and has major historical, cultural and spiritual significance. In many places, rapid socio-economic changes are undermining the security of land access for poorer and more vulnerable groups – particularly in high-value lands such as peri-urban areas, irrigated schemes and fertile lands.
This case study looks at the land tenure in Namibia, where for a century of colonial rule indigenous Namibians were dispossessed from rights to both land and resources – by German and then white South African settlers establishing commercial farms and related businesses. Access to freehold tenure was reserved for white settlers and tenure security for indigenous Namibians largely disappeared. In non-white areas, rights were provided under indigenous tenure systems whose legal status was somewhat murky. Urban tenure was denied as blacks were not allowed ownership of residential land.
The study aims to clarify the various issues regarding land security of poor and other marginalized groups in Malian rural areas. It looks into questions relating to how poor and vulnerable groups obtain access to land and natural resources, and what factors cause their exclusion. It analyzes existing methods for formalizing land rights and land transactions and their impacts on the poor. Specific attention is given to the practical organization of the procedures for formalization and recording land rights.