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IssuescadastreLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 709 - 720 of 2623

Resolución Nº 1.738/07 - Reglamento General de Mensuras Catastrales.

République dominicaine

La presente Resolución dispone el cambio de denominación y modificación del Reglamento General de Mensuras y Catastro, para que se denomine Reglamento General de Mensuras Catastrales.

Enmendado por: Resolución Nº 628/09 - Modifica el Reglamento General de Mensuras Catastrales. (2009-04-23)
Enmienda: Resolución Nº 59/07 - Reglamento General de Mensuras y Catastro. (2007-02-01)

Legislative Decree No. 2/2007 regulating land use.

Afrique occidentale

This Legislative decree is composed of seven Titles divided in 92 articles. It defines principles and rules related to land use of both public and private bodies. Land is considered to have a socio-economic and ecological function and therefore it must be used in a sustainable manner. The Decree rules on public and private domain and provides land classification. Particular attention is paid to regulate land sale, rent and concession. Finally, the Decree provides for a land register.

Law of Property Act, 1925.


This Act provides rules relative to real property and in particular to the lease and disposal of land.The Act prescribes rules relative to the manner of giving effect to equitable interests and powers, creation and disposition of equitable interests, vesting orders and dispositions of legal estates operating as conveyances by an estate owner, leasehold, rights on real property in case of infancy, lunacy or death, common ownership, registration of rights, etc.

Order No. 80 of the State Registration Authority validating the Regulation on legalization and registration of purchase and sale of agricultural land.

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

This Order establishes the modalities of legalization and registration of purchase and sale of the plots of agricultural land between the citizens of Kyrgyzstan and in case of expropriation of thereof from the persons who cannot own them in accordance with the legislation. Transactions with agricultural land shall be subject to compulsory state registration without notarial certification. In case of purchase and sale of a plot of agricultural land vendor and buyer change the purposeful use thereof on their own initiative.

Ministerial Decree No. 183 validating the Regulation on the State Agency for the Registration of Immovable Property.

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

The State Agency for the Registration of Immovable Property shall be the authorized state institution carrying out coordination and control of the common state registration system of immovable property in the sphere of regulation of land relations.

Ministerial Decree No. 659 validating the Regulation on the modalities of keeping land cadastre.

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

This Ministerial Decree establishes that the purpose of keeping the state land cadastre shall be to provide the state executive bodies of all levels, natural and legal persons with information regarding legal status and quality of land at the national, regional and local level and with the information regarding each separate plot of land.

Registered Land (Amendment) Act (No. 6 of 2007).


This Act amends the Registered Land Act with respect to a wide variety of matters including: general powers of the Registrar, registration of land and land registers, execution of instruments and other legal acts that may bring about a change in legal status of a real property. Some provisions concern lost or missing information in registers, evidence of legal status of a property for purposes of registration by the Registrar and registration of properties in the name of private owners of lands that were vested in the Crown by default during the cadastral survey.

Law No. 4 on management of agricultural land.

Fédération de Russie
Asie central

This Law establishes that agricultural land shall be exclusive property of the state and of citizens permanently living in rural areas for at least two years. Allotment in ownership and transfer of agricultural land shall be prohibited to: (a) foreign natural and legal persons, and foreign states; (b) stateless persons living on the territory of Kyrgyzstan; (c) legal persons of Kyrgyzstan and joint-ventures; and (d) married couples if one conjoint is foreigner or stateless person.

Nordrhein Westfalen Survey and Cadastre Law.

Europe occidentale

The present Law lays down provisions relating to land survey and land cadastre in the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen. The tasks of the public survey and mapping authorities include the collection, keeping and dissemination of data concerning land survey and land registration. The said Office has to avail itself of the latest technical and scientific progress.

Law No. 1543- XIII on register of immovable property.

Europe orientale

This Law establishes the modalities of setting and keeping register of immovable property that ensures public acknowledgement of the right of ownership and other interests to immovable property, protection by the state of the aforesaid rights and support of taxation system and real estate market. Objects of registration shall be plots of land and servitude. Registration of the aforesaid objects shall be compulsory and it shall be carried out by the territorial cadastre offices.

Land Tenure Reform Ordinance.

Îles Pitcairn

This Ordinance makes provision for the establishment of the Land Commission, defines its functions and powers and provides for the allocation of land by the Land Commission to residents and former residents of Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands and the imposition of an annual land tax.The Lands Commission shall identify, mark and register all usable land on Pitcairn Island.